fairy flame

Chapter 1200 Blood Qionghua

() The things in the list are not what ordinary shops can provide, and they are still a strange face like Luo Yu.

Luo Yu is all ready, this time in Yuling Town, he can get [-]% of the materials together, which is good, after all, it is full of materials needed for some unorthodox magic skills prepared for the blood fiend to cross the ghost robbery. Many of the experiences I have gained about breaking through the ghost king state are no longer suitable for overseas countries where the culture of cultivating immortals is completely different from that of ancient inheritance.

For this reason, Luo Yu spent a lot of thought, borrowing the experience of "Bone and Blood Hell" and the method of refining the 'secret corpse' in the overseas immortal world to synthesize this list.

In fact, this list is not just for the blood fiend to cross the catastrophe. There is an extremely rare elixir in it. A must-have item for a horror monster.

But this kind of elixir is also something that can't be found, and this is the only thing on the list that Luo Yu thinks is the least likely to collect, even though he is now in the largest shop in Yuling Town that deals in secret corpses.

As time passed, the shopkeeper's performance was quite calm, at least except for the first few things that raised her eyebrows a few times, this woman has not shown any surprises since then.

This made Luo Yu's heart skip a beat, thinking that it might be quite possible to gain something from this trip, but Luo Yu's expression was also extremely calm, and he waited patiently by the side.

After half a stick of incense time, the daoist lady put down the list in her hand, but did not speak immediately, but thought about it quietly for a while, and then slowly said: "Fellow Taoists really need a lot of things, and all of them are compatible Regarding that aspect, it seems that I have learned about our store beforehand, so I won’t beat around the bush. Although some of them are forbidden to be sold in Yuling Town, since the door is open to do business, the concubine always has to bear some risks. Be sure to tell fellow Taoists that there is one item in the list that is not available in this store, and one item that cannot be bought with spirit stones in this store, and the others are all fine.”

After finishing speaking, the Taoist nun deliberately pointed out the two things Luo Yu said with her slender fingers.

"Fengxia Soul Armor Formation, Blood Qionghua! Because of what the fellow Taoist said, if there is no one, there is no one. Luo has never heard of a shop that is not interested in spirit stones and made a separate rule." Luo Yu swept his eyes. , frowning, with a look of displeasure on his face, but actually there was a burst of excitement in his heart, but he didn't show it at all.

Taoist nun pointed out that Feng Xia Soul Armor didn't exist, which is still reasonable, but Xue Qionghua Luo Yu just came here with the mentality of trying his luck, and he really didn't expect that the other party actually had this thing.

In an instant Luo Yu made up his mind, no matter what tricks Aunt Guan was playing, Xue Qionghua must get it this time.

"Your Excellency, why are you pretending to be angry? If you are not a believer, you will not know the preciousness of these two things. The 'Fengxia Soul Armor Formation' is known as a high-level auxiliary formation that can shorten the breakthrough time when cultivators cross the Golden Core Tribulation. It is equivalent to reducing the troubles of inner demons. Even if it is only a relatively low-level formation in the high-level formation, it is also very famous because of the possibility that a foundation-building monk can ascend to the sky in one step. Firmly control it in your hands. If you are a fellow Taoist, if you are capable enough, you can directly assimilate the Yimen to trade. As for the value of the Blood Qionghua, it is no worse than Fengxia Soul Armor Formation. This flower has a medicine age of 500 years. It may not be much compared to other thousand-year-old elixir, but its preciousness does not lie in the age at all, but that this flower will wither immediately if it is not watered with the blood of the blood dragon royal family once every hundred years, and everyone knows that the blood dragon The royal family is not only the most powerful branch of the monsters, but also the most taboo of the leakage of spiritual blood, once found out, it will definitely take revenge, so even if you want to get a drop of blood, it is more difficult than going to heaven." The Taoist girl finished speaking slowly, her tone It seemed very plain, and in her opinion, even if she didn't say these clichés, Luo Yu knew it very clearly.

"Okay! Put aside the Fengxia Soul Armor Formation for now, but since the Blood Qionghua has been touched by Luo, it is certain to win this time. Fellow Daoists make it seem like it is rare in the world, and they are just trying to raise the price. It may be rare to see Xue Qionghua in other places in the other four sea areas, but in the sea of ​​thunder that is full of Jing clansmen, there will always be some Jing clansmen who have inherited the lineage of the blood dragon. If you are lucky enough to catch one, This so-called Blood Dragon Spirit Blood is not difficult to obtain, and it can even be cultivated by Jing people as blood medicine for a long time. I don't intend to sell it, and I believe fellow Taoists won't bother with me." After thinking for a while, Luo Yu frowned, raised his head and stared at the other party and said.

Although my words seem a little passive and eager when used in business, they actually contain deep meaning. On the one hand, I seem to be unwilling to bargain any more, and on the other hand, I want to weigh the bottom line by myself before telling the other party's exaggerated words to prevent the other party from being really a lion. Wide open.

"Fellow Daoist, are you trying to test the origin of the blood viburnum in our store? Then I will be embarrassed. I have nothing to say about the blood viburnum. What's more, where does the blood viburnum come from? Even the concubine himself doesn't know. As for the exorbitant asking price, I'm afraid fellow Taoists have misunderstood. If you want to get the blood viburnum, it has nothing to do with the price. You only need the buyer to do one thing for the shop, and if you are lucky, It's nothing more than a little effort for a fellow Taoist." The Taoist nun in white robe suddenly said such words, with a strange look in her eyes, as if she really wasn't trying to slaughter a fortune of spirit stones.

"It's a little effort! Then I'm interested in listening." Luo Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and after thinking about it, the Taoist nun didn't expect it. Instead of haggling, he said with a smile.

Having said that, Luo Yu's thoughts turned rapidly. From the first time he walked up to the third floor and saw the Taoist nun, he felt that the other party was faintly curious about him. Naturally, it is not enough to make the opponent who is also in the late stage of Foundation Establishment value it so much. Could it be that the identity of the body refiner has been seen through?

But this seems far-fetched, not to mention Luo Yu Yuanling's late stage cultivation, looking at the entire Yuling Town, it is impossible to have a higher existence than him. Only then did I realize that the shopkeeper Yin in front of me could...

wrong!It was the weight restriction when going upstairs just now!

A flash of surprise flashed across Luo Yu's face. He didn't expect that when he was still laughing at the struggling appearance of the female shop assistant in the Qi training period, he didn't know that he had exposed his identity. As far as the person is concerned, they can pass through the body by relying on mana. It is only used to test the cultivation of the person who went upstairs. They should not be able to distinguish the difference between Qi training and body training. But now that I think about it, I have taken things too lightly. .


Those experiences in the world of cultivating immortals on land in the past are habitually used in the world of cultivating immortals overseas, not because Luo Yu was careless.

"It seems that fellow daoists probably guessed something! This Yuling Town is not the azure sea bordering the sea of ​​the Jing clan. There are still a lot of body refiners here. Why should fellow daoists hide their body training skills? For this matter, I should at least apologize to fellow Taoists. After all, it is really unavoidable to take the liberty of using means to test the details of the guests. Our store can guarantee that the sluggish restraint encountered when going upstairs is only more sensitive than the general restraint, and can distinguish The difference between mana and origin power is nothing more than that, and you will never do anything to fellow daoists afterwards, you body refiners are good at controlling your body, and you know this best." Because the shopkeeper changed from Luo Yu's expression Shang faintly sensed that the trick of the stagnation restriction had been seen through, but admitted it frankly without hesitation, and at the same time seemed to know what Luo Yu was worried about, so he immediately opened his mouth to explain.

"As expected, the heavy weight restriction here is aimed at every customer who goes upstairs! Tsk tsk, your store does this, either because you are not afraid of offending people, or because there is something extremely important, so why bother to keep it a secret?" Luo Yu was surprised Afterwards, after all, he was not an ordinary person, and his expression returned to the original in an instant. It seemed that he had a good temper, which made the shopkeeper a little unpredictable.

"Talking to a smart person like Luo Daoyou can really save a lot of effort. That concubine can get straight to the point. Our shop got three special crystals from a secret place, which recorded some things that are useful to us in business. The thing, however, was sealed by the Jing people with a secret method that Yuanshi only understood. What our shop needs now is that fellow Taoists can see through the secrets in the stone, and engrave the contents on a jade slip without missing a word. "

I don't know why, this shopkeeper is suddenly quite optimistic about Luo Yu in his heart. None of the Yuan masters before have succeeded. He took out a blue and yellow stone box with a silver talisman on it, and the faint silver light wrapped the whole box airtight.

"These three Yuanjing are all in the box. Fellow Daoists can take a look at them first. We have also looked for a few body refiners in this store before, but they found nothing. If you are sure after reading them, the concubine will also give them away." Bring the Blood Qionghua to fellow daoists to appraise one or two to ensure fair trade." As the shopkeeper said, he raised his hand and tore off the talisman on the stone box, and then moved his palm to the stone box. , the lid of the box was shrouded in a cloud of white aura.


On the lid of the box are two exquisitely crafted stones divided left and right, revealing three two-inch-long crystals that are as thick as a baby's arm. , Luo Yu only needs a little induction to know that the three things are indeed Yuanjing.

There is not much space inside the box, and it seems that the three crystals can barely fit into it.

On the contrary, the opening method of the stone box is a bit like a lock box, which is a bit surprising.

Luo Yu quietly put away the strange color in his eyes, but the slight change in his expression was not caused when he saw the three crystals, on the contrary, when the shopkeeper just took out the stone box, Luo Yu was right The stone box containing Yuanjing is more interesting.

This kind of stone box itself is quite unusual, but the shopkeeper Yin in front of him didn't mention a word in that confession, which made Luo Yu somewhat suspicious of the woman's true intentions.

"Fellow Daoist is so thoughtful, it seems that Luo will not be able to show his shame." After Luo Yu stared at the stone box for a while, it seemed that he didn't want to ask about the stone box at all, and took out a piece from the box without any nonsense. Yuan Jing came out.

Luo Yu didn't take any rash action, first of all, he slowly probed Yuan Jing with a sense of mystery.

This process was unexpectedly fast, and the Yuan Jing in Luo Yu's hand was put back into the box within less than a cup of tea time.

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