fairy flame

Chapter 1215 Whale Demon Arm

Before he finished speaking, Luo Yu raised his hand, bent his five fingers and sucked it away from a nearby wine table. With a burst of force, a jade cup just filled with fine wine was caught in his hand.

Everyone saw that the wine glass disappeared for a moment, and fell into Luo Yu's hands the next moment, but the wine in it was shaken.

This method of keeping a drop of the spiritual wine in the cup, the alchemy old monsters present can do it at their own expense, but it is not as casual as Luo Yu's.

Du Kui, as a Tier [-] Yuan Master, has a disdainful look on his face. This kind of control is nothing to Yuan Masters at all.

Luo Yu just glanced at Du Kui indifferently, his body didn't move, but there was a puff on his back, a golden light swelled up and burst suddenly, a crystal slender claw protruded out of it, After taking the wine glass in Luo Yu's hand, the thin golden claws suddenly stretched out Zhang Xuyuan.

Du Kui was only two feet away from Luo Yu, and the golden claw stopped halfway. For the body refiner, the intention of this move to test the skills was obvious. I have witnessed the methods of these body refiners with my own eyes. At the same time, because of Luo Yu's initiative to attack, his extraordinary confidence and courage can't help but make people look high.

Du Kui, on the other hand, has always been eccentric, moody, usually aloof and doesn't pay attention to ordinary alchemy cultivators, and these old guys have long since attracted the truth, and now most of them are happy to see him deflated.

At this time, Du Kui saw Luo Yu's provocation in the name of borrowing wine, and his eyes shot out like a sword, but after a while, the anger on his face disappeared without a trace, as if Luo Yu's move was right in his hands.

Originally, for Zuo Zheng's sake, at least during the party, Du Kui didn't plan to trouble Luo Yu, but now Luo Yu has asked for it.

"Since Du practiced "Whale Swallowing Technique", brother Luo is the first one who dares to compete with his subordinates at the same level." Du Kui raised his eyebrows, and smiled with a cold light in his eyes. Originally, there were a few more sentences below Contemptuous and stinging words, but Du Kui wanted Luo Yu to stumble, and humiliate him severely.

Seeing this situation, Zuo Zheng frowned, and on the surface, with a wry smile, he led Wen Zhenren and the green-robed old man back to the side. In fact, after seeing the fierce look in Du Kui's eyes, he deliberately asked Du Kui to teach this young man who didn't listen to him people.

Before he heard the words, Du Kui pushed aside the two concubines who had already turned pale with fright, and then stood up from the stone platform with a movement, slowly releasing the aura that only body refiners can have. With a ferocious animal breath that has been tempered and tempered, a thick arm was raised, and the wide palm, which was obviously different from ordinary people, was pushed forward, and a crystal blue shiny arm flew out of the palm.

This crystal blue light hand is also about the same size as Du Kui's palm, but its speed is not fast, and it even pauses every time it flies a few feet away, but Du Kui naturally didn't deliberately hide his clumsiness in front of others, and its weirdness soon appeared .

The heavy aura carried by the crystal blue palm at the beginning unexpectedly increased by several times after each pause, and the more concentrated and violent it was as it got to the back, an inaudible burst of wind pressure swept away invisible.

At the moment when Jinglan's palm touched the wine glass and intersected with Jinclaw's five fingers, there was an extremely dull crunching sound, and the two colors of strange light flashed and then disappeared at the same time, as if calmed down.

However, those alchemy cultivators saw clearly with shining eyes. No matter the golden claws, the wine glass or the crystal blue palms, they just shook slightly, but there were slight ripples in the space around the three.

This scene shocked the hearts of the old guys present, they thought to themselves that apart from relying on the magic weapon of life, they would never be able to achieve this step by other means.

And only those maids with ordinary cultivation bases would think that the hand gestures just now were evenly matched. In the eyes of the vicious-eyed monk Jiedan, this fight is a judgment call!

Luo Yu is the person who toasts, holding the wine glass in his hand is the side that only defends and does not attack. He is still standing still under Du Kui's attack, but Du Kui made bold words first but did not have a 'feat'. Luo Yu obviously took advantage of it. upper hand.

At this time, although the crystal blue light hand and the golden claw are holding the jade cup together, the astonishing power of the two spiritual hands is all on each other's body, and they have no intention of destroying the wine cup. OK!

After two or three breaths, Du Kui couldn't help but darken when he saw that the golden claw and the wine glass were still motionless!

"Okay!" Du Kui let out an exasperated shout, and then the man mentioned Yuanli again, and a wave of blue brilliance circled around his body, and finally all gathered at the outstretched arm, making his arm An incredible change happened quickly.

Pieces of thumb-thick strange scales crazily grew out of the flesh and blood, and there were strange and strange spirit patterns flowing in the blue, and at the same time, Du Kui's entire arm became extremely thick, like a raised gourd.

After this transformation into a demon, wave after wave of blue primordial light suddenly surged from the light hand holding the cup, which was originally crystal blue, hitting the golden claw continuously and violently.

"Whale demon arm!" The green-robed Ying Lao seemed to have seen this scene before, and couldn't help shouting!

As soon as these words came out, the monks on the scene reacted in horror. They didn't expect that Luo Yu could force Du Kui to the point of displaying his unique supernatural power in a calm manner, and he seemed to have more energy left!

Du Kui felt bitter at the moment, he knew that Luo Yu was not inferior to him in terms of strength, and threatened to take the cup, at this moment, under the premise of not crushing the wine cup, he had no choice but to fight against Luo Yu with the strong vitality in his body up.

After performing this kind of transformation, the power of his "Whale Swallowing Technique" can be increased by three points. Although the transformation time is not long, during this period, the ferocity of Yuanli is comparable to that of a middle-level third-order Yuanshi.

Under the successive impacts of the soaring power of the crystal blue palm, the golden claw changed slightly, but each time it only flashed slightly, it returned to its original state, and the wine glass still remained the same.

Du Kui was really taken aback this time, he couldn't help but growl, his eyes flashed sharply, and he was about to show some changes.

But to everyone's surprise, the Golden Claw dissipated completely without the slightest weakness, and the wine glass was instantly pulled back by the crystal blue light hand, and Du Kui seemed completely unprepared. In the embarrassing situation where Yuanli was being released or not, he couldn't control his body at once, and 'Deng Deng' stepped back a few steps before he stabilized.

The spirit wine in the cup was shaken violently, and most of it spilled out, but Du Kui was a monk in Yuanling Realm after all. After seeing this scene after being surprised, he quickly waved his sleeve robe, and there was no trace of the spirit wine that had not yet landed on the way. Return to cup.

Covered by the sleeve gown, although it seemed a bit of a cover-up, but the spiritual wine in the cup was still there, those old guys knew it well, and they would not be so stupid as to say it, Du Kui at least saved some face.

"Fellow Daoist Du's supernatural power is extraordinary. I've learned from you, and the contest between us is over." Luo Yu looked at the other party's primordial power and said calmly.

With his hidden body training skills, Du Kui could not get any benefits, and Luo Yu had no real intention of fighting against him other than wanting to show him off, otherwise Zuo Zheng would really hold his nose and walk away.

However, Luo Yu did not expect this person to cultivate transformation-like skills. After feeling the impact of the opponent's Yuanli, Luo Yu realized that the records in the previous classics were not exaggerated at all. Among them, most of the cultivation methods and similar exercises are Buddhist monks, and the most widely spread among the vast majority of body training monks is this kind of demonizing body training technique, which is generally more powerful than Buddhist methods in terms of power.

Of course, Luo Yu thinks that both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although the practice of Buddhism is a lot of hard work, it is very important in terms of supernatural powers. Which one to practice actually depends on the individual.

"Brother Luo is superior in skills, and Du is not someone who can't afford to lose. Everything before has never happened." Du Kui's face was cloudy for a while, and then he cupped his fists at Luo Yu and said, quite affordably The look of letting go.

The implication of this person is to wipe out the grievance of his apprentice's death. This is also in line with the straight-forward nature of body refiners. Their skills are not as good as others, so they are often willing to admit defeat. After all, body refiners seldom rely on external things. If one's own strength is inferior to the opponent's, the chances of winning in a real fight are not great, unlike those who practice Qi and cultivate immortals, treasures emerge in endlessly, and examples of the weak defeating the strong abound.

"Hehe! The two of you really opened Zuo's horizons, but there's no point in a duel, so don't take it to heart. Fellow Daoist Luo, come and take a seat here." Zuo Zheng's eyes flashed strangely, and he laughed as usual. road.

However, his attitude towards Luo Yu in his heart changed from being surprised at the beginning to becoming vigilant. Du Kui's strength after transformation has been taught to him. Luo Yu's strength is far superior to Du Kui's, and he let go suddenly.

Zuo Zheng just quietly analyzed in his heart, but on the surface he brought Luo Yu to a stone platform with great enthusiasm, then casually asked about the high-level elixir and the monks of the Heavenly Spider Sect, and then returned to the main seat .

After Wen Zhenren and Ying Lao greeted Luo Yu, they sat down on the vacant stone platforms on both sides of Luo Yu, but they still praised Luo Yu's wonderful performance just now.

Since there are still a few alchemy cultivators who have not arrived at the party, the exchange meeting and other "good shows" will have to wait for a while. For the time being, it is for individuals to exchange their cultivation experience with familiar monks.

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