fairy flame

Chapter 1214 Du Kui

A lush path hanging in the sky is surrounded by fresh air. At the end of the path is a corner of a majestic and strange peak shrouded in clouds and mist. There are rockery and clear springs, stone terraces and eaves, as if it is a place where immortals sit and discuss Taoism.

Sometimes curling clouds of smoke rise from the hazy mountain shadows and surround the mountains and rivers, forming an ancient and beautiful picture scroll.

But you can't see the sky outside the fog at all. The whole mountain garden seems to be connected with the green sky, flying like catkins, flying to the line of sky where the mountains and the sky meet!

Fortunately, Luo Yu knew that the entire palace was a giant phantom array, which could create such a wonderful scene, so after he was shocked, his expression returned to normal.

Looking at the flower garden in the distance, there are more than a dozen stone platforms with a height of Zhang Xu, but now there are only seven or eight people scattered on the stone platforms, and most of the rest are empty. More than a dozen slim and enchanting women are singing and dancing in various styles, and the sound of drums and music is harmonious, covering these dancing girls like blooming delicate flowers.

Luo Yu calmly glanced at every monk who was qualified to sit on the stone platform, all of them were mana fluctuations in the alchemy stage!

These Dandan monks may embrace charming concubines, caress wantonly, do some bold and intimate actions, and seem to fall into the gentle village without any scruples, while some hold bamboo slips in their hands, looking like an old Taoist scholar, shaking their heads and seriously studying something. There are some ancient books, and some look lazy, while enjoying the fine wine in the glass, they are watching with great interest the moving and wonderful dance being performed in the center of the flower garden.

As expected of a monk of alchemy, he has reached this level in the world of cultivating immortals, and he is already a master. Regardless of his aura, appearance, or behavior, he has a bit of detachment, and he is indeed living a higher level than the foundation.

Seeing the four of Luo Yu coming in, four or five eyes looked over at almost the same time, most of them showed indifferent or interested expressions, only one of them had a sharp look in his eyes, as if he had malicious intentions.

That gaze made Luo Yu wake up coldly, his face remained unchanged, but he turned his head slightly, looking in the direction of this stinging feeling.

As soon as he tilted his head, the man quickly restrained himself and returned to his ordinary eyes, but the chill that was evident just now made it easy for Luo Yu to find this man.

In the end, after looking at his face, Luo Yu didn't remember any relationship with this person, but this person was more than eight feet tall, with a lion's nose and wide mouth, and a fierce face. He was not someone who was easy to forget when he met Burly big man.

Luo Yu then looked at the beast robe that this person was wearing, which was incompatible with other elders with immortal demeanor, and Luo Yu suddenly remembered the profile of a person he had read last night!

"Du Kui! The only third-order Yuanling in the sea area of ​​Yuling Town." Luo Yu didn't expect this person to appear. This Du Kui is a rare high-level body refiner, and he is even a casual cultivator. Saying that he hates evil like hatred makes this person always walk alone and rarely deal with the Zongmen family.

A third-level Yuanling came to a high-level Qi training party, and even if he couldn't share his experience, he could rarely get a treasure that was very useful for body refiners from these people. Could it be that this person was the same as himself, or Those who practice both law and body will fail.

But Du Kui didn't have any qi training fluctuations at all, I don't know if it was hidden too deeply.

Luo Yu was thinking about this person, when a voice related to Du Kui suddenly came from his ear.

"Brother Luo now appears, and his surname is Du is not the only Yuanling refiner in the sea area of ​​Yuling Town, but fellow Taoists, it is better to keep some distance from this person..." Daoist Wen on the side saw Luo Yu looked at the direction, seeing that it was the big man in the beast robe, he couldn't help introducing it meaningfully, but before he could finish his words, Master Wen stopped talking, and changed to sound transmission as if he didn't want people to hear him.

"Brother Luo may not know that in the battle where you became famous in Xihu Lake, a monk who was killed was Du Kui's direct disciple. I heard that this person was very talented in body training. It is only with great effort that we can find such a successor." Wen Zhenren said seriously, but his expression remained calm, but from his tone, it seemed that he didn't like Du Kui either.

Luo Yu secretly thought that this was the case, and within a few words, the four of them had already walked into the courtyard one after another.

"Is this fellow Daoist Luo? Zuo has been hearing the name of fellow daoist these past few days, hey! Fellow daoist...is a body refiner!" The middle-aged man with a short beard pulled away from the other two alchemy cultivators who were chatting happily beside him, his eyes fell on Luo Yu, and he stepped forward to say hello.

I saw that this person was dressed in blue brocade clothes, his hands were thick, his eyes were shining, and he seemed to be somewhat superior to other monks.

This person is one of the two mid-stage alchemy cultivators of the Huayi Sect, with strong spiritual sense and spiritual awareness, he discovered at a glance that Luo Yu was not a Qi training cultivator.

Hearing the surprised voice in the mouth of this Zuo Zhen, it was clear that he didn't know before, and the other monks observed Luo Yu seriously. They thought that Luo Yu deliberately restrained himself to show his foundation building cultivation, but after a closer look, The complexion of each of them changed significantly, and they obviously realized what it meant behind Luo Yu's third-rank Yuanshi being able to kill the alchemy monk.

When it comes to their existence, it is easy to defeat, but difficult to kill, unless the strength is completely higher than the opponent.

"This is Fellow Daoist Zuo. Luo has also heard about Fellow Daoist for a long time, but has never had the chance to see him. Fellow Daoist is worthy of being one of the Great Elders of the Huayi Sect, and he really has an extraordinary bearing." The name of this 'Qinghu Zuozheng', No one in Yuling Town would know that his lust for beauty is one aspect, but his strength in the mid-stage of alchemy can be called a hero.

Luo Yu had already practiced the kung fu of smiling on the surface and not smiling, so when he said these words, it seemed that there was no gap between the two of them.

However, Luo Yu sneered at him in his heart, because the moment this person glanced at him just now, he passed by Qiu Yan, and he seemed not to mind Qiu Yan's obedient company beside Luo Yu, which is enough to prove this The depth of the man's scheming city can not be revealed on the outside at all.

Zuo Zheng didn't expect Luo Yu to be so young and more calm in front of him. After being startled, Wen Zhenren and Ying Lao also walked forward side by side.

"Brother Zuo and all fellow daoists here must know the rumors about fellow daoist Luo, but this faction only knows about fellow daoist Luo being a body refiner, but this further shows that fellow daoist Luo is young and promising, and will surely achieve extraordinary achievements in the future." Wen Zhenren Hastily glanced around, and said with a smile and a haha ​​to brush off the matter.

"Hehe! Junior brother is right. Fellow Daoist Luo is a real person who does not show his face, but this is also a coincidence. Fellow Daoist Luo and Fellow Daoist Du are both masters in body training. If Zuo invites one of them alone, it is inevitable that he will be slighted in the party. Now that the two meet unexpectedly, it is really a rare fate, but we can communicate with each other, after all, it is a practice of body refinement, and it is a master of Yuanling Realm, which is rare in any Haicheng." Zuo Zheng will look at that After the unexpected strangeness disappeared, he immediately calmed down and changed the topic leisurely.

Wen Zhenren, who had just talked about Du Kui's origin with Luo Yu, suddenly changed his expression slightly, but looking at Luo Yu's unchanging face with a chuckle, he didn't seem to take it too seriously.

Luo Yu did not reveal anything with a slight smile, and he didn't even hear it, but a cold look flashed in his eyes, Zuo Zheng pulled him together with Du Kui, if he said that this person didn't know what was involved, he really wouldn't believe it .

In addition, the subtle change in this person's mentality can also faintly see Zuo Zheng's unconscious fear of Luo Yu, most of the other monks also know how powerful it is, and Zuo Zheng may intend to test Luo Yu's strength.

But just by allowing myself to effortlessly, I can not only help Qiuyan, but also deter those who should be deterred.

As for the future, when Luo Yu returns to the unnamed island to practice in seclusion, no matter what the monks here think of him, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, Luo Yu felt that there was no need to be angry, and he just took it as a taste of the tricks of the gatherings of these alchemy monks.

Seeing that Luo Yu was surprisingly calm, Elder Ying and Master Wen dissipated all the worries in their hearts. They both looked at Du Kui, and found that this ruthless man with a violent temper had a calm expression on his face. Very, he didn't show the slightest interest in fighting Luo Yu.

Next, Zuo Zheng introduced Luo Yu to the other alchemy monks one by one, pretending to be an old friend.

When it was the turn of the burly man Du Kui, a glass of wine had not yet been offered, but he opened his mouth wide and suddenly asked with a ferocious smile: "Fellow Daoist Luo is so young, could it be that he has taken some beauty-rejuvenating elixir?" , just now Du mistakenly thought it was a monk from the elite clan."

Du Kui sneered, as soon as this remark came out, Wen Zhenren and Lupao Yinglao couldn't help raising their eyebrows, secretly thinking that it's terrible!

But Luo Yu's complexion was surprisingly calm, and he still had the same expression of emotion and anger. In fact, he just felt that this person was simple-minded, and he was much easier to deal with than the kind of person who was scheming behind his back. Just after thinking about it in Yu's mind, Luo Yu smiled lightly, and then said casually: "It seems that Fellow Daoist Du is very familiar with the Jing people, your Excellency must have dealt with the Jing people a lot."

Although Luo Yu's words were casual and unintentional, Du Kui's face suddenly changed. How could some old fellows present fail to understand Luo Yu's words? Wen Zhenren and Lupao Yinglao glanced at each other, and stood aside awkwardly. Only helpless smile.

Since Du Kui deliberately provoked trouble with words, it's not easy for them to intervene.

At this time, Luo Yu didn't look at Du Kui's gloomy face, turned his head and said to Zuo Zheng with deep meaning: "I heard that the blue scorpion fellow Taoist of your sect is the head of the Wanshou branch here, and the Wanshou branch and The people of the Jing clan have a long history, Brother Zuo thinks if Fellow Daoist Blue Scorpion will be interested in this, maybe he would be happy to visit Fellow Daoist Du himself." Luo Yu obviously saw blood for a while, so why don't you give Du Kui any leeway!


The two sentences like thunder on the flat ground hit Du Kui's heart heavily, making him lose his composure at last, and stared at Luo Yu with a cold expression, everyone knew that the Wanshou League was the deadly enemy of the Jing clan. The relationship between the Jing people visited Du Kui, what good would that do.

"What is fellow Daoist Du doing? Brother Luo is just joking. Both of you are honored guests invited by Zuo, so please don't hurt your friendship." When Zuo Zheng saw the tension between the two of them, he just let it go. Smiling on the side came forward to persuade.

But this smile irritated Du Kui even more. With this person's temper, how could he act as if nothing had happened when he suffered in public?

Thinking about it, Luo Yu glanced at Qinghu Zuozheng. This person really thought he could control everything. When everyone's eyes were on him and Du Kui, Luo Yu suddenly laughed.

"Of course not. Luo and Fellow Daoist Du hit it off right away, so there's nothing unpleasant about it. However, if brother Du thinks that the joke just now was a little too big, then Luo will toast Fellow Daoist with a glass of wine."

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