fairy flame

Chapter 1213 Abyssal Mist Palace

"Ying has admired the name of a fellow Taoist for a long time, but being famous is not as good as meeting him. I have never met a young fellow like a fellow Taoist. My two incompetent apprentices are causing trouble for a fellow Taoist. Old man I still owe a favor to my fellow Taoist." The old man in green robe also stepped forward and clasped his fists and smiled, his expression was a little stiff, as if he hadn't smiled for a long time, but he could still hear some sincerity in his tone.

"The two fellow Taoists in Pingtan are your disciples? It seems that they have returned safely. I'm ashamed. I just made a little effort. Don't worry about it, Fellow Daoist Ying." Luo Yu said without changing his face, as if it was really just a matter of effort That's all.

Speaking of this, Luo Yu was really ashamed. At that time, he let Ping Zeming and Tan Shi go first, so there was no protection.

"Hey, the breath of fellow daoist..." The old man in green robe said a few words politely, and after turning his eyes around Luo Yu a few times, surprise suddenly appeared on his face, and he became a little shocked.

Luo Yu's body was clearly just the aura fluctuations in the late stage of foundation establishment, but as soon as his divine sense touched Luo Yu's body, there was a ferocious aura that can only be seen when facing a powerful sea beast!

At this time, Master Wen's eyes also flashed strangely, apparently also found something.

"Hehe, don't be surprised by the two fellow Taoists. The next one is indeed not in the realm of alchemy, but on the road of body training, which goes a little farther away." When we got here, we wanted to deal with a group of human spirits and old monsters, so there was no need to play any more Being clever, Luo Yu didn't hide his aura in the Yuanling Realm. After seeing the second elder find out, he looked indifferent.

"Yuan Lingjing!" The two whispered almost in unison, and they looked at each other. The real man Wen thought of something, his face flashed with horror, and he quickly calmed down. The corner of his mouth smiled bitterly: "No wonder the outside world How can I not find Fellow Daoist Luo, even if Fellow Daoist is standing on the street in broad daylight, as long as he does not want to show up, even monks of the same level as the old man will not be able to see it, because Fellow Daoist is not in the realm of alchemy."

In fact, the two elders were more than that shocked. Even though Luo Yu was not a monk at the alchemy stage, the rumors about the killing of alchemy monks, compared with Qiuyan's account, were generally believable.

As far as they know, body refiners of the same level are slightly inferior to immortal cultivators in supernatural powers. Even if immortal cultivators lose, they still have obvious advantages in escapism. It is to defeat the opponent, and even kill him alive.

Even if there are factors that go hand in hand with Qi training, it also shows that Luo Yu's strength is no exaggeration compared to the rumors.

Qiuyan also covered Xingkou lightly from the side, speechless in astonishment, only then did he realize that Luo Yu was not wrong to call him a senior, and that the scenes on the ant boat admitted that they were not in the realm of alchemy, It turned out that Luo Yu wasn't hiding his cultivation, on the contrary, Luo Yu told the truth, it was just that he and the others were sitting in a well and watching the sky, and they were always self-righteous.

However, thinking that Luo Yu knew what they were thinking, but pretended not to, and was talking and laughing with him at that time, it was really a good show, which really upset the girl's heart and made her cheeks burn.

"Now this old man finally understands why Fellow Daoists are looking for the Feng Xia Soul Armor Formation so hard." Wen Zhenren stared at Luo Yu for a while with a 'tsk tsk', and slowly put away the strange look in his eyes, his face still had the kindness Said like.

Before he could finish speaking, the old man raised his hand, and a wooden box about two feet long appeared in his hand, and he handed it over to Luo Yu with a slight smile: "We old guys have discussed it, whether it is for Fellow Daoist Luo has made great achievements in exterminating the demons, and for the sake of saving the lives of the three disciples of our sect, this formation can be regarded as an expression of gratitude, and please be sure to accept it, fellow Daoist."

"This formation is part of our sect's intentions. Even the great elder Lan Xie agreed. For this matter, Junior Brother Wen even went into the treasure house himself." Old Ying nodded with his beard, and followed with a smile.

The two of them are people with sharp eyesight, and they knew they were tempted just from Luo Yu's startled.

Feng Xia Soul Armor Formation!

Luo Yu traveled all over the city, big and small, but never got the tribulation-crossing formation. He never expected it to appear in front of him so easily.

Although Luo Yu had expected it in his heart, but when he met the other party, he took out this array, which was more polite than what he expected.

In the face of such a great gift, it is impossible for Luo Yu not to be tempted, not to mention that everyone knows that he is looking for Feng Xia's soul armor everywhere, so it seems hypocritical to be pretentious at this time.

Stretching out his hand to take the wooden box, Luo Yu took a deep breath, opened a gap in the wooden box, and swept the inside with incredible speed, then calmly put the wooden box into the storage bag, and at the same time took off the The other storage bag, which had been prepared long ago, was thrown to Master Wen after a little weighing.

"The formation Luo won't ask for it for nothing. These spirit stones should be enough to buy the formation. When I saved Qiuyan and Pingtan fellow Taoists, I was supposed to give them back a favor. It should have been settled long ago. The two Taoists Friends must be aware of this, so please accept these spirit stones." Luo Yu said frankly with a look of incredulity.

Naturally, the spirit stone had already been prepared, otherwise he would feel a little owed for taking such a valuable thing for nothing. He heard that the Huayi Sect was divided into two factions, and Luo Yu didn't want to be bought into one of them as soon as they met.

Seeing Luo Yu's expression showing that there was no discussion, the two elders understood after a glance.

"Hehe, good! Fellow Daoist Luo is a guest, and it would be impolite for a poor Daoist to force it. It's almost time, so don't stand here, let's go in together, let those old guys inside wait for a long time, I'm afraid I will be full of complaints again Yes." Wen Zhenren is also a happy person, he reacted in a daze, and at the same time happily took the storage bag, and said with a chuckle without looking at it.

As a purple-faced old man, of course he wouldn't care about this spirit stone. This old man only wanted to give Luo Yu a big gift so that Luo Yu could do more to help Qiuyan, otherwise the purple-faced old man would not As for welcoming Luo Yu in person.

Fortunately, even if there was no matter of the formation, Qiuyan got Luo Yu's verbal consent in advance, and now Luo Yu's actions have greatly increased the old man's favor, thinking that this is a decent person.

After entering the cave, in a luxurious corridor-like passageway, Wen Zhenren and Lupao Yinglao walked side by side in front, turning their heads frequently, talking and laughing happily, chatting with Luo Yu for a long time, Luo Yu thought at first that the two were deliberately tempting My own background, but after I gradually felt that the other party didn't have such scheming, I relaxed a lot.

Luo Yu asked himself how many catties and taels he was, no matter how well-prepared he was in front of two old men who had lived most of their lives.

On the contrary, Qiuyan beside him helped Luo Yu a lot. When talking about many rumors in the sea that Luo Yu didn't know about, Qiuyan would answer a sentence for Luo Yu from time to time, and divert the topic by the way. appearance.

Only then did Luo Yu inadvertently notice that since entering the cave, this little bird has gotten closer to him like a human being, almost touching Luo Yu's shoulder in an intimate manner, so that anyone with a discerning eye can tell that the relationship between the two is very close. article.

But if you look closely, you will find that Qiu Yan's temples are constantly dripping with sweat, and the lotus steps are in line with Luo Yu's footsteps. Every time he touches Luo Yu's body, he always trembles and then his whole body tenses up. It's impossible for the old couple in Lupao Ying not to see it, it's just that the two old guys tacitly pretended to turn a blind eye.

This kind of thing must have made the two elders feel helpless, but they were really sophisticated.

But since he had promised this woman, Luo Yu naturally didn't mind having more debut scenes around him, not to mention that Qiu Yan, who was usually a bit savage, deliberately refused to welcome her, it was really quite interesting.

After walking a distance of less than a hundred feet, a two-story white jade palace appeared in front of the three of them. Luo Yu was not very interested in the luxury of this palace, but faintly felt that this palace in the belly of the mountain exuded a strange and fierce aura. gas.

"I've always heard that 'Zuo Zhenren' has a treasure 'Yuanwu Hall' that can perform illusions. Could it be the place in front of me?" Luo Yu stopped walking, fixed his eyes on the glittering and dazzling hall in front of him, and asked curiously. road.

"Fellow Daoist Luo also knows about this. This is a palace refined from the bones of the 'Yuanjiao'. Brother Luo likes to do some showy things, and Brother Luo laughed at him." Hearing this, the old green-robed Ying felt a little regretful, and seemed to have a good chat with Luo Yu after a certain journey in the passage, so let's call him A lot closer.

Luo Yu listened thoughtfully, and when the appearance of the "Yuanjiao Beast" flashed in his mind, he shook his head, and the three of them had already climbed up the steps and entered the hall.

Entering inside, Luo Yu and Qiu Yan were surprised at the scene in front of them at the same time!

At this moment, the four of them are standing on the top of a cloud and mist, the white mist under their feet is bottomless, but in front of them is a scene of a fairyland!

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