fairy flame

Chapter 1212

() "If I were the senior uncle Lanxie in the past, my concubine would not have to worry as much as now. At that time, Senior Uncle Zuo was still very concerned about his fellow senior sister, but in the past ten years, Senior Uncle Lanxie has suddenly changed. Personally, not only did he seldom ask about the affairs of the sect, but even Master Zuo's scandalous deeds that damaged the reputation of the sect, Master Lan Xie just casually blamed him, obviously conniving Master Zuo, sending Seeing this, the other elders felt even more chilling towards Zuo Zheng, and the family teacher was always outraged and dared not speak out. I knew that other than asking Senior Luo for help, there was absolutely no hope for any other Senior Jiedan in this matter. , but this matter is bound to bring some troubles to the seniors, so I have prepared a high-level wind-attribute elixir here, which is an ancestral thing. Even if Fang is the junior's repayment, the concubine is not asking the senior to do things beyond his ability, as long as the senior takes me to the party tomorrow, and then brings me out completely, that's enough." Qiuyan said to Lan Seemingly completely lost in confidence, Xie Sou stretched out his hand to touch his bosom, and an old light blue animal skin was handed over.

"Bring it out completely? You're talking as if this Uncle Zuo is going to eat you." Luo Yu couldn't help chuckling when he heard this girl's serious words, and couldn't help but laugh a little, but when he heard the wind attribute xingdan Fang, when it was still useful to the alchemy cultivator, his heart skipped a beat, and he took the animal skin with both hands without hesitation.

After Luo Yu made fun of Qiuyan, her face was full of embarrassment and embarrassment, and a trace of blush spread from her face to her snow-white neck.

"Winging Phoenix Liquid." Scanning the text on the animal skin, Luo Yu heard the name of the medicine for the first time, but after browsing the effects of the medicine introduced on the pill recipe, his eyes lit up, only to see the medicine listed on the pill recipe again. When refining alchemy materials, his brows frowned slightly.

"Yunhuang grass, which grows in the 'Chenfeng City' of the Erhai Lake, this elixir has long been extinct in the sea area of ​​​​accumulation of thunder. I said how could such a precious pill fall into your hands. It is not sold at a high level. The original material is not I can't collect it, but I can learn some alchemy experience from the high-level alchemy method of 'Phoenix Wing Liquid'. Okay, I reluctantly accept this thing. Besides! Tomorrow you will take this On the dribbling, after all, I can't be close to you, if you find something wrong, immediately trigger this disk to notify me, the usual restrictions can basically be ignored for this disk." After Luo Yu put away the pill formula, his face There was no trace of joy or anger on the face, calmly took out a piece of 'Zhennan plate' refined in the early stage, and said lightly.

Although Luo Yu didn't believe that Zuo Zheng was so blatant, but with the 'Zhen Nanpan', the problem would not be a big one.

Qiu Yan took the array plate in surprise and joy, and after holding it in his hand for a while, he knew how to use it, and thanked Luo Yu in a hurry.

Then, after informing that the meeting place was chosen in Zuo Zhenren's cave "Bai Lei Cave", the woman and Luo Yu talked about the identities of several alchemy monks who might appear. I don't know if it was a coincidence. In addition, the other monks are all similar to 'Zuo Zhenren' in terms of temperament, so it's no wonder Qiuyan is so nervous.

Could it be that this is a gathering of lustful people, Luo Yu couldn't help thinking.

Seeing that Luo Yu's expression was still calm after hearing this, and he didn't ask or ask for anything, and he didn't say a word about other topics, Qiu Yan knew that he didn't stay in the house, and left with a bow.

After the girl left, Luo Yu took the Danfang in his hand and thought about it, and then groped in the storage bag a few times to find some jade slips.

'Wing Phoenix Liquid' is indeed a rare elixir for cultivation. It has a certain effect on the increase of wind attribute mana or the breakthrough of skills. The one who drifted here from the Erhai Lake just appeared in the hands of Qiuyan for some reason.

In Luo Yu's eyes, the value of this recipe is far from the "waste recipe" in his mouth. Sooner or later, Luo Yu will go to the south where Erhai Lake is located to find Ling'er, and "Shenfeng City" happens to be the three towns bordering Xinghaihe. One of the ancient 'Buddha City', if Luo Yu can pass through the Xinghai Valley alive, he will not be too far away from Canfeng City.

The other few jade slips must be carefully studied tonight. They all describe the background of some alchemy monks mentioned by Qiuyan just now. These are people who are a little bit threatening to Luo Yu in this sea area. Within a few days, Fangshi had grasped the relevant information of these people, and of course it was not very detailed.

Until late at night, Luo Yu started to meditate in the house to refresh himself after getting a general understanding of the details of some people.

The next day when the appointed time came, Luo Yu left the inn calmly and went to the mountain gate where Huayimen was located alone. Along the way, he also saw many Huayimen disciples waiting for the distinguished guests.

When he arrived at the mountain gate, Luo Yu took a look around, and found a few autumn geese standing out from the decoration of lanterns and festoons at the foot of the mountain and the dizzying fairy scenes.

It was the first time I came to Huayi Gate, and it seemed to be as rumored, busier than the busiest streets in Yuling Town.

Qiu Yan was still the same, always going wherever she went, she always went by her side with attentive male cultivators, and this time was no exception, most of the nearby cultivators were used to her usual cold expression.

Not long after Luo Yu appeared, Qiu Yan noticed his presence in the crowd, and his expression suddenly brightened, and a pair of bright and beautiful eyes stared in Luo Yu's direction.

It was the first time for the other monks to see the famous 'Autumn Fairy', showing the gorgeous and charming face of her daughter's family, but before these obsessed men could react, Qiuyan had already trotted to Luo Yu, Yixiyi Annoyed, he said a few words, and flew to the top of the mountain with Luo Yu.

During the flyby, Luo Yu found that the higher he went, the greater the pressure of the wind falling on his head. At first it was a gust of wind, and after reaching a certain height, it immediately turned into a whistling hurricane.

Qiuyan looked completely used to it.

When the two of them came to the front of the cloud and mist blocking the halfway up the mountain, Qiu Yan took out the special formation flag without saying a word, and with a pinch method, he set up a huge mask, and led Luo Yu to avoid the heavy barriers all the way. Bewildered, they continued to fly upwards until after dozens of breaths, the two of them appeared in front of the real mountain gate.

I saw two strange demon birds that had reached the fourth-level demon spirit realm standing head-on, with yellow snake heads, thin wings on their backs, and red bodies all over their bodies. In front of the Jade Giant Gate, black and blue lights flashed in his eyes, and he looked at every monk who entered the mountain.

The Huayi Sect was able to find such two powerful monsters as gatekeeper spirit beasts, probably because they deliberately showed off in front of other sects.

This time, the foundation-building cultivators and Qi-training period disciples guarding the gate did not offend Qiu Yan in any way. It seems that the high-level officials of this sect have greeted them beforehand.

After Luo Yu followed Qiuyan into the mountain smoothly, first a wave of aura far more pure than that of the town came rushing towards his face. It is indeed the leading sect. The density of aura is indeed astonishing, even better than that of the Cuixia sect back then. look.

Looking at things and thinking about things, thinking of Cuixia Sect, the internal scene of Huayi Sect in front of me is still a bit like when I entered Cuixia Sect, a long-lost feeling of belonging to the sect, and the vicissitudes of life have resurfaced in my heart after many years.

But the illusion of the good scene of the Cuixia School was immediately annihilated by an unforgettable hatred in his heart.

Came back to his senses, Luo Yu looked around the open area, the white mist spread before his eyes, countless attic palaces surrounded the peaks of different heights, green and green everywhere, each peak has a different weather, there is a Mercedes-Benz Cranes and apes, colorful clouds and jade springs, exotic flowers and fruits, etc. are magnificent sights. At the same time, there are countless caves on the mountain peaks, and monks come and go there densely, which is very lively.

But there is a mountain peak that is very eye-catching. There is a white thundercloud about the size of an acre that is churning endlessly on the peak.

I heard that this Zuo Zhenren is best at the Thunder Attribute Kung Fu, Qiu Yan told Luo Yu some, it seems that this peak should be the destination of the two.

Luo Yu found that after entering the mountain, Qiuyan became a lot nervous, and the Bailei Cave he saw was even more unsightly, but he never hesitated, and went straight to the Bailei Cave where Zuo Zhenren was located together with Luo Yu 'and go.

As soon as I flew to the top of the mountain, the rumbling thunder in my ears became louder, and there was a bit of so-called sound that hit my ears, and it had a heart-pounding taste, but after listening to it for a while, I felt refreshed and clear.

It seems that this is a large-scale prohibition on awakening the mind.

There is a large area on the top of the peak, which is arranged like an elegant and beautiful forest garden, with bamboo forests, jade stones, water trees and mincers.

At this time Luo Yu and Qiu Yan had just landed in the forest garden, and before they found the entrance of the Bailei Cave, two rays of light, one blue and one blue, sensed it, and accompanied by a laugh that sounded quite old, came from the forest garden. Speeding over from the fiery red platform.

The speed of escaping light was extremely fast, almost when Luo Yu's consciousness found the other party, he had already come in front of him, and the brilliance was directly retracted, revealing the figures of two old men.

A purple face with thin eyebrows, a green robe and white hair, both of them have a restrained divine light. Luo Yu's divine sense fell on these two, but was blocked by a crystal clear and round aura. They are clearly the existence of the two alchemy stages!

"Master, fourth uncle!" Qiu Yan who was beside him approached the two of them and saluted very friendly.

"Well, this is Fellow Daoist Luo. Although he hasn't masked his face, his reputation as a fellow Daoist is already overwhelming. Sure enough, such a young man has become the same level as the old man. The future is really bright. Next to the old man is Senior Brother Paiying. I heard that Fellow Daoist Luo is coming, and Senior Brother Ying also wants to see you." The old man with a purple face and thin eyebrows reported his family name and said with a pleasant face.

Seeing Qiuyan calling Master, Luo Yu did not expect the old man in front of him to be the protagonist of this alchemy ceremony. He was a little flattered, but he immediately responded politely.

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