fairy flame

Chapter 1211

It seems that it is impossible not to go to the alchemy ceremony three days later. Luo Yu returned to the inn in the canyon with a depressed expression. As soon as he passed through the Zihan bamboo forest, the waiter in the courtyard who regarded Luo Yu as his parents came in a hurry. He ran over to Luo Yu, looking in a hurry.

I don't know if the waiter in the inn has made a lot of money from Luo Yu, or because the business of the inn has been doing well recently, his face is always full of oil, and he nods and bows all day long, but he still smiles from ear to ear.

Luo Yu stopped walking, and took a look at this person, and the shop waiter came to Luo Yu, and said excitedly without waiting for a breath.

"The guest officer is finally back. Fairy Qiu has been waiting for you inside for almost a whole day. The guest officer is really lucky. The villain has been in Yuling Town all these years. I have always heard that there are countless people who admire Fairy Qiu. I have never seen Fairy Qiu wait for anyone in person, because the guest officer is not here, the villain did not dare to let Fairy Qiu go to the room of the guest officer, so he arranged for the fairy to live in the next room." He stammered, with a look of excitement and admiration hanging on his face without any concealment, no wonder the inn was so busy that he didn't care, and ran out like the wind to deliver the news to Luo Yu.

For low-level people like them, seeing Qiuyan's beauty even once is considered a blessing in a lifetime, not to mention being able to speak a few words with Qiuyan today, it is natural to feel that the soul is gone.

"Qiuyan!" Luo Yu was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and at the same time, his divine sense was released silently, easily piercing through the room next to him, and a familiar back of Qianli appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, this woman may have waited too long , I simply meditated in the room.

But why did she suddenly come to find herself?

Luo Yu probed into her room again, and instantly broke through a few restrictions that she personally arranged. After a quick sweep, no one had touched anything inside. It seemed that this woman had no other purpose.

"How did you know Fairy Qiu! Also, does anyone else know about her coming to me?"

The waiter in the shop failed to find the joyful look on Luo Yu's face, and was taken aback by the question, thinking that he had offended Luo Yu, the enthusiasm on his face was instantly washed away by the chill, and he apologized in a panic : "It's the first time this villain has seen Fairy Qiu herself, but there are many jade slips in the market that introduce the beauty of female cultivators from various schools, villain... the villain has some feelings for the top few among them. Impression, but guest officer, please don’t get me wrong, I don’t dare to think too much about it, this Fairy Qiu came early, and I was the only one who received it at that time, even our shopkeeper didn’t know, Fairy Qiu is a master of the fairy family, Even if the villain is very courageous, he would not dare to gossip about Fairy Qiu's whereabouts. Seeing that the fairy couldn't wait for the guest officer to come back, he was in a hurry just now. In fact, the villain thinks that the guest officer and the fairy just saw it... "

"Okay! Don't need to talk about these nonsense, I will trust you for the time being, but if there are any rumors outside in the future, hehe! Even if I don't deal with you, Huayimen will not spare you lightly." Luo Yu's face was slightly cold, Interrupted in a threatening tone.

He didn't want to reveal that he was the mysterious monk rumored in the market too early, otherwise he would be in a lot of trouble.

"The villain dare not! The villain dare not..." The waiter in the shop turned pale with fright when he heard the word 'Huayimen', wiped the sweat from his brow, nodded and shook his head vigorously.

Luo Yu, however, had no intention of entangled with this person any longer, and strode towards the wing room where Qiuyan was. With a signature smile on his face again, he warmly greeted other guests.

"Fairy, don't come here without any harm." Luo Yu stood outside the door, but his spiritual thoughts had already enveloped the room. When he realized that the girl was a little dazed and didn't realize that he walked in, he immediately sent out a sound transmission of spiritual thoughts outside.

In the short time just now, Luo Yu thought about several possibilities for this woman to meet him. It might not be a bad thing for Luo Yu to meet him at this time.

"Brother Luo!" Qiu Yan's voice came from inside the room, and when the door opened, the beautiful and generous face stood there with joy on its face.

But the woman's face looked visibly thinner.

"Brother Luo's little sister is so bitter! So you are..." Qiuyan said this, but Luo Yu's faint voice cut it off before she could wait for the next words to appear.

"Luo also had something to hide at the time, but you wouldn't just come here for this matter. Otherwise, when the news spread, you should come to the door and go into the room to talk." After finishing speaking, Luo Yu touched his nose and looked intently. After scanning around, he took the lead and walked towards the pavilion where he was.

Qiuyan naturally understood that this was not the place where he was talking. After the two entered the room and sat down separately, Luo Yu's sleeve robe shook, and a spiritual light shot out, and the soundproof restriction in the room became a little thicker.

"Little sister has been busy with the Grand Master Ceremony on the mountain for the past few days. I have just heard about Senior Luo... and it seems to be true. I came to see Senior this time, first of all, I want to thank Senior The grace of saving lives, and the second is that the elders of the division wanted to see the seniors, so I was sent here." Under Luo Yu's lukewarm reception, Qiu Yan felt that facing Luo Yu at this moment, unexpectedly A little uncomfortable, a little less lively and casual, a little more stiff and nervous.

Hearing this, Luo Yu knew that it was impossible for this woman to have the friendship with him in the past. He stared at this woman's jade-like cheek for a while, and couldn't help letting out a soft sigh.

"It's not wrong for you to call me 'senior'. That day, the Spider Sect also came to Luo, so you don't have to thank me, but the elders of the noble family want to see me because they have other things to do. Not to mention it's just for gratitude." In the world of cultivating celestial beings, the change of status is sometimes unexpected, Luo Yu should have gotten used to it, and his affection for Qiuyan was originally only due to their kindness in guiding the way in the barren sea area Well, the last time I saved this woman, it was paid off.

"Senior, don't blame Qiuyan for being unruly and self-willed along the way. This time, the people who invited the senior are the family teacher 'Wen Zhenren' and the school's 'Zuo Master'. In addition to wanting to thank the senior for saving the concubine and the two senior brothers of Pingtan in person. In addition, I also want fellow daoists to attend a gathering of alchemy monks. I don’t know the exact identity of the concubine. It may be that the seniors have sold many old elixir in Fangshi, so there may be some alchemy seniors, I want to have some exchange with my senior." Seeing that Luo Yu's expression was extremely calm all the time, Qiu Yan felt relieved and replied a lot more relaxed.

This woman probably thought that the three of them had doubted Luo Yu's identity in the ant boat last time, and that they might hold grudges if they were other alchemy monks.

Of course, this woman still believed that everything that Luo Yu said and revealed during the time she spent with her in the blue sky and clear water could not have been a disguise, otherwise she would not have come in person this time.

"Gathering of monks who formed alchemy? The Uncle Zuo you are talking about is one of the two great elders of your sect?" Luo Yu asked after he finished speaking, his eyes narrowed, and he tapped his fingers on the table.

Luo Yu has some impressions, it seems that the highest cultivation person in charge of Fengshen Town affairs of Huayi Sect, one is a monk surnamed Zuo, and the other is nicknamed 'Blue Scorpion Old Man'. Although 'Blue Scorpion Old Man' is an old woman, she has a hot temper. She seems to be well-known among alchemy monks, but Zuo Zheng's fame lies in another aspect.

"Exactly, the people who attended the gathering this time are monks who are usually good friends with Uncle Zuo, so they will feel free to exchange some treasures that they usually don't want to show to others." When Qiu Yan talked about this person, his eyes seemed a little uncomfortable. nature.

Hearing this, Luo Yu's face became ponderous, and he didn't express anything immediately.

This woman's reason makes sense, but as soon as Luo Yu shows up, the news will probably go with the wind, and the eyeliner of the Sky Spider Sect hidden in the town must know about it.

It is said that there are also several old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years in Huayimen. It is impossible not to see that someone deliberately exaggerated Luo Yu's reputation, and mysteriously no one knew Luo Yu. Could it be that they are going to play hard to catch, and then use themselves as bait to lure out of heaven? A monk from the Spider Cult?

The thought in Luo Yu's mind made him feel that he really underestimated Huayi Sect, because according to this point of view, no matter whether the Huayi Sect's alchemy cultivator thought about it or not, Luo Yu would inevitably be taken advantage of.

"I'm not interested! Since your faction knows that Luo is a mysterious monk in Fangshi, it must be more clear that during this period of time, Luo has basically got everything he wanted, and it was also a matter of saving the three fellow Taoists back then." A favor is not intended to be repaid by the noble sect." Luo Yu has no interest in interfering with sectarian disputes, and now that he and Xue Sha have reached the critical stage of advancement, they have no intention of thinking about anything else, so they directly rejected the offer Invitation.

What's more, even if he is not in the current environment, Luo Yu is not a person who likes to join in the fun.

But when Qiuyan heard this, her bright eyes rolled twice, but she was not surprised that Luo Yu would say this.

"I heard that senior went to many shops but failed to buy the 'Fengxia Soul Armor Formation'. This formation is impossible to sell in Yuling Town except our faction. This time, the family teacher and Zuo Shibo sent concubines When I came here, I also told my seniors to be kind to our faction, and intended to donate the Fengxia Soul Armor to seniors." Qiu Yan hesitated for a moment, then said politely with a smile.

The woman looked at Luo Yu while talking, but Luo Yu's face was surprisingly calm.

"But senior, don't think too much. When we first investigated that young drug dealer, we didn't know that senior was that person. We only knew a little bit about Feng Xia's Soul Armor Formation, and we didn't investigate any further after that." Qiu Yan He deliberately explained it, for fear of angering Luo Yu.

But Luo Yu found that the woman's eyes were flickering, as if she wanted to say something, but she bit her red lips lightly, with a hesitant expression.

"It seems that your faction has put a lot of effort into Luo, even giving away Fengxia's Soul Armor Formation, it would be a little unnatural not to go, I can go! But Luo doesn't like to talk to people Hesitating, fellow daoist, what else do you have to say, don't beat around the bush!" Luo Yu glanced at the beautiful woman's face, and said with a slightly more confident face.

Qiuyan trembled when she heard the words, her face changed several times, and finally she seemed to know that she couldn't hide it from Luo Yu, and she stomped her jade feet fiercely and opened her mouth.

"Senior can see that this junior does have something else that I would like to ask senior to come forward to, but it's a private matter." A trace of sadness appeared on Qiu Yan's face inexplicably, and a haggard look appeared on her cheeks for a moment.

"Private matter! Let's talk about it." Luo Yu frowned, subconsciously he didn't want to pay attention to it, but he was still a little curious, and then said calmly.

"Senior, since you know Master Zuo, you must also know some rumors about him. In fact, Master Zuo himself is much more than the rumors. In fact, it is his cultivation furnace. Ever since Master Zuo advanced into the middle stage of alchemy, he has always felt that the speed of mana improvement in meditation practice is too slow, so he began to intensify the yin yuan red pills from some female cultivators. Almost all the women that Uncle has a crush on will end up miserable." Speaking of this elder of the master, Qiu Yan's words were filled with hatred.

"This person can't be trying to trick you. Fairy Qiu is also this person's nephew from the same sect. Could it be that he dares to act recklessly in the sect? How can the other alchemy cultivators of your sect sit idly by? Ignore it?" This Zuo Zhenren is indeed famous for his lust, and it is even said that he has no sex with women.

But ever since Luo Yu came to the overseas world of cultivating immortals and got used to seeing lustful people, he didn't feel anything. Now it seems that this 'Zuo Zhenren' is more vicious than expected.

"My teacher and other elders have said it a few times, but Master Zuo didn't listen at all, not to mention that Master Zuo is a monk in the middle stage of alchemy and a great elder. The elders of ordinary teachers always bow their heads in his eyes. If it wasn't for the fact that the family teacher has also become a monk in the alchemy stage, and can have some say in the sect, I am afraid that I have been poisoned by Master Zuo. Every time the concubine came back to the town, she would live in seclusion in the master's cave to avoid cultivation, but now she had to come out to take care of the family-teacher celebration. I thought I could escape this period of time by luck, but who knows that Master Zuo not only invited the seniors to the party this time, but also asked the family teacher to bring his concubine to go with him by name, so he must have no good intentions." Qiu Yan said With a desperate face, he said in a trembling and determined voice in front of Luo Yu, seeming to see the hypocrisy of the monk who formed the alchemy very clearly.

"Then how can I help you with this matter? Even the elders of your sect can't stop it. It's even more inconvenient for an outsider Luo to intervene. Besides, hiding around is not the solution. You can't rely on others every time. Doesn’t the noble family still have an elder in the mid-stage of alchemy, “Blue Scorpion Old Man”, this person has never heard of any bad manners, and his reputation is still higher than Zuo Zhenren’s, if he intercedes with this person, Zuo Zhenren should not dare to do anything It's gone." Luo Yu felt a little overwhelmed, and asking him to come forward was not to show that he would offend the other party, but it was really not worthwhile just because of the goodwill he had for Qiu Yan from his conscience.

In the future, if this person poses some difficulties for himself in the matter of using the mid-range teleportation array, Luo Yu will not be worth the loss.

But now Luo Yu finally understands why Qiuyan always felt sad when he heard about the topic of cultivating partners, even when he saw other male cultivators talking about the relationship between the two on the sea boat, it was so unnatural .It turns out that the problem lies here.

Frankly speaking, seeing such a beautiful monk encounter such troubles, any male monk would instinctively have the urge to reach out and give her a hand, and Luo Yu was no exception.

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