fairy flame

Chapter 1210

The rumors only mentioned the casualties of the Heavenly Spider Sect, and didn't mention how many monks in the Yuling Town sea area also lost their lives innocently. Obviously, those who spread the rumors did not witness it with their own eyes.

So apart from knowing that there is a master of alchemy, they don't know how many other monks there are.

Coupled with the fact that the rumors continued to magnify Luo Yu's strength, everyone ignored other details of the battle. The biggest flaw was that Luo Yu was regarded as a monk in the alchemy stage.

It can't be wrong, even if Luo Yu's hands and feet are clean, the operation of the Sky Spider Cult may not be a secret to other monks in the sect. As long as someone knows the whole story and uses this method of fishing in troubled waters to find his whereabouts, Have to say, this is a very clever idea.

It is certainly not the ultimate goal of these people to spread rumors, but it is not difficult to guess what they want to do.

If the members of the Heavenly Spider Sect had no good intentions, they could only want to take revenge on Luo Yu. Thinking that they would get into trouble again, Luo Yu frowned slightly.

On the Yuling Islands, no matter how daring the cultivators of the Heavenly Spider Cult were, they would never dare to act recklessly. The formation restriction that Huayi Sect has operated for thousands of years is not a joke.

Similarly, it seems unlikely that another monk of jiedan will be sent to sneak into Yuling Town to deal with Luo Yu. You must know that they just planted an elder of jiedan in Luo Yu's hands. Before finding out the details, they are not afraid of the same thing happening. The Heavenly Spider Sect, who can come up with rumors to lure Luo Yu to show up, will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

What's left is that their current goal is only Luo Yu's identity. In a short time, Luo Yu may live a peaceful life, but once he leaves Yuling Town, he may have to face the people of the Sky Spider Sect.

Maybe the monks of the Heavenly Spider Cult moved faster than he thought, and they had already come to Yuling Town secretly. Otherwise, as soon as Luo Yu noticed something unusual, he would have fled as soon as the Zeng rumors surfaced. .

I'm afraid I can't get rid of this trouble.

It is said that Luo Yu really does not want to provoke such a mysterious force as the Sky Spider Sect. Although the Sky Spider Sect has become a thing of the past and has not seen the demeanor of the former Megatron Moya, but a thin camel is bigger than a horse. Who can be sure that the Sky Spider Sect is now It is absolutely impossible to teach that some people who are not in the right place are holding on. When Luo Yu thinks that someone can seal the memory of the monk who formed the alchemy without damaging his soul at all, he feels a chill in his heart.

What's more, the other party just tampered with the secrets about the Sky Spider Sect, and it is very likely that there are still powerful monks in the Nascent Soul Stage in the Sky Spider Sect.

No matter how confident Luo Yu was in him, he thought that someday there might be a Nascent Soul Stage existence who would come to trouble him, so naturally he felt a little nervous!

After witnessing the supernatural powers of a Nascent Soul-level demon girl, Luo Yu thought that he had little hope of escaping in front of the Nascent Soul-level cultivators, but the situation was not so serious. The news has also been spread. If there are monks in the Nascent Soul stage, you have to be afraid of the existence of top sects such as the Moya Sect. Moya Haicheng will never allow the emergence of Nascent Soul monks in the Sky Spider Sect. For more than 200 years The aftertaste of the previous nightmare is still there.

It's just that although Luo Yu is used to being cautious when thinking about things, he doesn't like this feeling that the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear, but this time, Luo Yu is really unwilling to ask him to leave before Feng Xia's soul armor is obtained. There are only three days left for 'Wen Zhenren''s alchemy ceremony. With the invitation letter Qiuyan gave him, Luo Yu can enter the Huayi Gate swaggeringly and participate in various trade fairs held in the grand event. He doesn't want to miss this most likely event. A chance to get Feng Xia Soul Armor Formation.

Speaking of which, I really don't know how Qiuyan will feel after knowing these rumors. If Luo Yu is a monk of forming alchemy, this woman is probably the first to not doubt it, because she has already doubted it.

But Luo Yu could tell that Qiu Yan was not a bad hearted person. Even after hearing the news, he could feel Luo Yu's painstaking efforts. It was just that she had been with this woman in adversity. She seemed... hey!

Luo Yu didn't want to think too much, he drank the spiritual tea in his cup in one gulp, and looked up at the sky. The two tallest giant mountains on the island have always forbidden strangers to approach, and since the halfway up the mountain, they have been covered by clouds and mist all the year round, as if they were inserted into the clouds Like unfathomable.

The mountain is where the Huayi Sect and the Wanshou branch are located. In order to prevent the secrets of the sect from being exposed to the public, the Huayi Sect has spent so much effort, but these days it is obvious that the clouds covering the mountain are much thinner. A large number of immortal cultivators dressed in the costumes of Huayimen disciples frequently entered and exited the clouds and mists.

Recently, the number of monks who came to Yuling Town has also increased several times, and strange faces are appearing everywhere. It is said that some alchemy monks who have lived in seclusion in the remote sea area all year round have been invited to come, let alone Yuling There are prominent sect forces in the island sea area, and they have even sent many disciples to participate in this grand meeting, even if they have a lot of knowledge.

There are too many people, so as long as Luo Yu doesn't take the initiative to show up, mix in among these people, and continue to pretend to be an ordinary foundation-building monk, no one will find him.

Originally, there was a more trouble-free way, which was to ask Qiu Yan to help find out which trade fairs might appear in the various trade fairs on the day of the pawn, so that Luo Yu could prepare in advance. He is a direct disciple of Huayi Menwen Daoist, and it is easy to inquire about this information.

Now, I'm afraid that someone has secretly paid attention to this woman's whereabouts, and Luo Yu also doesn't know how to face this woman.

After leaving the tea money, Luo Yu looked at the sky after leaving the teahouse. The setting sun was setting, and it was not far from dusk, and he had to leave Yuling Town for a trip. It was best to come back before dark.

Recently, there have been a lot of news in Fangshi that due to the regulations that private trade fairs are not allowed during the approaching ceremony, many shops have sent people to seize positions in other places on the islands outside the town. The guise of an auction.

It mainly uses various means to attract immortal cultivators to consign or exchange treasures at their auctions. It is said that some shops have invited monks of knot knot as guarantees, and plan to auction some treasures of monk knot knot.

When Luo Yu wandered around Fang City for the past two days, he could hear such voices everywhere. It seemed that these scattered auctions really attracted a lot of people. Just here to join in the fun, if you can't climb the mountain, you will naturally switch to other opportunities.

There are too many immortal cultivators in such a situation. Even though Huayimen knows that the auction outside the town may have some impact on the transactions during the grand ceremony, they can only pretend not to know. brilliance.

When Luo Yu left Neihu by boat, he found that the security situation for monks of Huayimen outside the town was much stricter than that of the town. It seems that Huayimen is really difficult to do. It looks like they are afraid that something will happen to them, of course, maybe this move also has the deep meaning of deterring Xiaoxiao and showing the momentum of the number one sect in the waters of Yuling Island.

It must be that after the news of the appearance of monks from the Heavenly Spider Cult in the frontier sea area spread, many sect forces far away from here were greatly disturbed.

From this point of view, Huayi Sect seems to be able to use the opportunity of the Grand Ceremony to unite with other sects to crusade against the Heavenly Spider Sect. If there is a big force, then the goal will be achieved, and the position of the first sect will be more stable.

Luo Yu suddenly shook his head, thinking so much would be a headache for him, no matter what the Huayi Sect planned, it had nothing to do with him, anyway, he didn't dare to provoke the Heavenly Spider Cult who was very likely to have the Nascent Soul Patriarch.

Auctions outside the town are generally hidden in honeycomb-like caves on the archipelago. Through the experience of visiting various shops some time ago, Luo Yu easily found the first underground auction house.

Cultivators like him who don't have time to wait for the shopkeeper to auction off one by one often ask the shopkeeper directly for what they want to buy. Once they can buy it, they can get it by bidding with others in the auction, or they can buy it before the auction. Hua Xueben bought it from the store at a high price.

Generally, no one would choose the latter, but Luo Yu was bound to win the Xuanyin Sealing Formation. As long as this formation appeared, even if it cost double the price, Luo Yu would still grab it.

But when it was getting dark, Luo Yu, who had visited four or five auction houses in a row, left the last place secretly disappointed, and then returned to Fengshen Town with a little dejection.

Buying this 'Fengxia Soul Armor Formation' is really full of ups and downs. Although these shops do have some treasures of monks who formed alchemy for consignment, but there is no such formation, which makes Luo Yu feel too unlucky.

Ordinarily, the 'Fengxia Soul Armor Formation' has been used by any alchemy cultivator, and once they break through, this formation will be useless. The broken rules of the Huayi Gate may still work in the town, but in the dark Why isn't there a bold monk in the city.

It's fine for the Dandan monks to save face, but Luo Yu has heard that many sects are late-stage monks. Before breaking through, the sect will prepare Fengxia Soul Armor Array and other necessary things for them. None of the disciples in the later stage of the foundation thought much about it. It seems that overseas monks advocate the righteous way of cultivating immortals, and it is really not a good thing for gentlemen to be open-minded. With these great opportunities for making money.

After running for nothing, he didn't even get any news about Feng Xia's Soul Armor Formation, which really made Luo Yu's teeth itch.

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