fairy flame

Chapter 1209

After a while, Luo Yu put away the jade slips, looked around, and then returned to the cave where the teleportation array was set up. After searching there carefully, he found that some monks from the Yanyue Merchant League had chiseled through this cave. traces.

Along one side of the stone wall, which was obviously blocked and still had some incomplete cracks, a golden light surged from Luo Yu's body. As soon as the footsteps moved, the golden cone spun frantically, buzzed and burst into the wall directly.

With Luo Yu Yuanling's powerful mana in the late stage, coupled with the sharp weapon transformed by Jin Yuanli, it is no problem to pierce more than ten miles in one go. Seeing that no matter how hard the rocks in front of him are smashed into pieces, a straight passage instantly Hole through the giant mountain buried deep in the sea.

Under the dark and dark deep sea, a huge golden ball flew out dazzlingly, and at the same time, a golden hand with a size of several feet broke away from the golden ball, and slapped it on the passage on the mountain wall behind it in a blink of an eye.

The golden ball of light left the mountain wall one step ahead of schedule.

There was a loud bang on the ground, countless broken stones fell and scattered, and the energy of the collision caused a violent sea wave to spread violently, and the impact swept across the Luo Yu Yuan Sea from both sides, and Luo Yu glanced behind him.

I saw that the big golden hand was intact, but it had sunk deep into the mountain wall about a foot deep. The passage when it came was in the palm of the hand, and it was blocked by the golden light hand, and the surrounding sea water was isolated.

Only then did Luo Yu look at other places with peace of mind, and felt the seawater pressure on Xia Yuanhai, and estimated that the current depth was only about 100 feet.

Calculated in this way, the Xuanyin Lingquan is only about the same position below the island surface, and if there is no accident, it is hidden enough. Of course, we must first understand the situation of the monks on the island and see if there are any high-level monks.

Thinking of this in his heart, Luo Yu directly swelled up, turning into a golden rainbow and shooting upwards.

It was already late at this time, and the sky was dark, Luo Yu's light escaped from the sea for a while, and then retreated, and then took advantage of the night to successfully lurk in a dense forest on the island.

On a thick and green tree, Luo Yu sat cross-legged on a dense branch.

He took a rough look during the process of escaping just now. The island is not big, but there are two mountain peaks within a few miles, and there are three rather gorgeous sea ships docked on one side of the island. It seems that the monks on the island should More than he estimated.

But it would be better not to be occupied by some sect. Luo Yu frowned slightly, and immediately relieved, let go of his spiritual sense, and after a little sensing, the density of spiritual energy on the island was exactly as he thought. Among the unowned desert islands that I have lived, the one with the best aura.

There are two sides to everything, if the Xuanyin Lingquan is born under the island, then the Five Elements spirit energy on the island is not much different.

After Luo Yu had a basic understanding, he began to fully operate his divine sense to cover the entire island from a distance.

With Luo Yu's divine sense, which is almost comparable to that of the monks in the early stage of alchemy, it was only a thought to bring everything on the island into the sea of ​​consciousness. Luo Yu used his divine sense to sweep away at an extremely fast speed, before touching the immortal cultivator's cave. When the prohibition was arranged before, he rushed in with the force of thunder, and he had a clear understanding of the situation on the island in the blink of an eye.

But right away, Luo Yu's movement and resting technique concealed his own breath without leaking.

Just a moment before his move, the unscrupulous glance of the divine mind may be able to hide the truth from the monks in the Qi training period, but it will inevitably arouse the awareness of the monks who established the foundation on the island, but to be precise, no one noticed him, because Luo Yu When there were no fluctuations in his body, two spirits from the foundation-building stage appeared on the island immediately after, wandered around several times without finding them, and were taken back.

After waiting for a while, Luo Yu got up and left the island with a slight smile after the fluctuation of divine sense just now did not appear, and disappeared into the nearby sea in a flash.

"Two foundation-building monks, one in the middle stage and one in the early stage, and seventeen Qi training disciples. Judging by their attire, they seem to be the monks of the 'Green Soul Sect' mentioned in a jade slip introducing the sect's power." Luo Yu watched the golden light around him rapidly sinking into the bottom of the sea, but he was thinking about other things in his mind.

Because the speed of his spiritual sense piercing through the restriction is too fast, it is as fast as a warning sign caused by a little turmoil during daily practice, so even if the two foundation cultivators think something is wrong, after the spiritual sense checks the island, they will not take it too seriously superior.

Luo Yu didn't intend to do anything to these people at first, at least right now there is no need to occupy the island with great fanfare, but it will cause a series of troubles and affect Xue Fiend's cultivation.

But when it came time for Xue Fiend to cross the catastrophe, Luo Yu would never allow uncontrollable variables nearby. The monks on the island would naturally have to clean up. If the Qinghun Sect didn't know what was going on, Luo Yu wouldn't mind giving them some color.

After returning to the cavern and setting up the teleportation array, Luo Yu teleported back to the waters of Yuling Island again, and went directly back to the inn. After that, Luo Yu didn't go anywhere, and kept meditating in the inn until dawn, before regaining his spirits and sweeping away for days. Come tired.

Thinking of the 'Fengxia Soul Armor Formation' and the alchemy, to avoid long nights and dreams, it is better to collect them as soon as possible, except that the Fengxia Soul Armor Formation may not be available until the 'Wen Zhenren' alchemy ceremony , other materials that need to be purchased should be available in the next few days.

Ahead, Luo Yu already had a rough idea of ​​which shops to go to.


In the next few days, Luo Yu frequently went in and out of the major shops in Yuling Town with unfamiliar faces, and there were even some small shops that were neglected.

In the beginning, there was only one more monk in the town who wanted to buy low-year medicinal materials. Although the number was large, it has not attracted attention. Just the daily practice of thousands of monks on the Yuling Islands, and the previous purchases by more than a dozen sects, large and small, are scary enough. Moreover, no matter how many low-level elixir, in the eyes of these forces, they are useless to high-level monks.

And two or three days later, the cultivator who bought a large amount of common medicinal materials disappeared inexplicably, and naturally no one suspected anything.

But only two days later, a young man with an ordinary face when he casually looked at him quickly shocked the major business alliances in Yuling Town because of his lavish wrists.

There are different opinions on when this person appeared and his identity. The only thing in common is that no matter which store this young man walks into, he buys medicinal materials and elixirs that have been treasured for a long time. are difficult.

Originally, each shop would not easily sell to monks with unknown origins on the medicinal materials monopolized by each other, so as to avoid being caught in the trap of peer competition, but these cautions are all fragile in the face of the high-year refined medicinal materials that young people continue to produce. Vulnerable.

At first, this young man just went in and out of the most famous business alliances in a low-key manner, and exchanged the treasures of each business alliance with enviable high-year medicinal materials. It's as if the world has evaporated.

But of course these business alliances will not give up easily, and ordered a lot of people to keep an eye on those immortal cultivators who exchanged medicine for medicine, and even expanded to the point that all monks who bartered in the shop were discovered to varying degrees. Tracking signs.

In the eyes of these forces, the mysterious young man must be in short supply of spirit stones, so he had no choice but to exchange high-year medicinal materials for such a business that he knew was losing money.

In fact, this mysterious young man was just beyond everyone's expectations. When he reappeared in the next few days, every transaction he made was traded in spirit stones, which once again fooled everyone.

However, even though the mysterious young man calculated everything seamlessly, the identity of the mysterious young man was exposed by chance.

The reason is actually related to a monk who is equally mysterious and has become famous in just a few days!

The rumors about this alchemy cultivator almost appeared together with the mysterious young man, and his reputation is even higher than that of the mysterious youth. It is said that this person alone beheaded the alchemy cultivator hidden in the remote sea area The supernatural powers of the monks and dozens of cultivators in the foundation-building period have been widely spread.

In today's world of cultivating immortals, where righteousness is popular, this kind of deed of daring to slay demons alone is most suitable for people in the fairy forest to talk about after dinner.

Who is this person? There is still no answer yet, but there is reliable news that this alchemy master should have come to the waters of Yuling Town in the near future. He spread the word to ten, ten to a hundred, and all the major forces were alarmed. .

It only took a few days for everyone to believe it was true!

But then, some of the famous alchemy elders in Yuling Town who were guessed sent their disciples to let out the wind. It was not the people who exorcised demons and defended the way. Cultivator Jie saw the joke.

In the entire sea area of ​​Yuling Island controlled by Huayimen, many alchemy cultivators may be found, but except for the two of Huayimen who have reached the middle stage of alchemy, the rest of the well-known alchemy masters are all masters of alchemy. The initial stage of pill formation.

And only monks who have really reached the realm of alchemy know how difficult it is to kill a monk of the same rank, not to mention the rumors that they were in an ambush and finally broke out of the siege.

Although a little embarrassed, many old monsters of forming alchemy still sent jade slips to Huayimen, brazenly asked about this matter, but only got some vague responses, it seemed that Huayimen was deliberately covering up the matter.

This made many alchemy old monsters unable to sit still. Huayimen, as the leading sect in the nearby sea area, really did it by themselves. In the sea area of ​​Yuling Town, it is also confirmed that there is a rebellion of the Sky Spider Cult in the frontier sea area.

Although the matter could not be investigated clearly, many sect forces secretly restrained their subordinates, and recently acted a lot in a low-key manner, for fear of causing trouble.

In the end, it wasn't just someone who connected the mysterious young man with the unfathomable alchemy monk. It was gradually spread that the two were the same person. Many people thought of the coincidence of the two mysterious events in time, and couldn't help but feel Merge them together and start to be accepted by more people. After all, after the rumors spread, the mysterious youth really never showed up.

However, what no one could have imagined was that Luo Yu, the person involved in all the rumors, was sitting calmly by the window on the second floor of an inn, sipping the spiritual tea in his cup, and looking at him calmly. On the bustling street below, there was a bustling crowd of monks.

Now rumors about him are flying all over the sky, as if he became famous overnight, and he can hear voices of admiration for him everywhere. Other monks may think this is not a bad thing, but this feeling falls on Luo Yu, which makes him really uncomfortable .

He had the experience of becoming famous as early as in Mengzhou, so he could quickly suppress the initial excitement in his heart, but once he calmed down and thought about it, he thought it was very strange.

The Heavenly Spider Sect monks who besieged them at the beginning failed to escape the last one, and except for Qiu Yan, the rest of the immortal cultivators in Xihu Lake were all killed instantly under the soul-chanting curse, and none of them survived. The lies fabricated for Qiu Yan were flawless, even if the woman reported the matter to her teacher after returning home, she might not be seen through, and even if something suspicious was discovered, Huayi Sect didn't seem to need to publicize the matter with great fanfare.

When parting from Qiu Yan, Luo Yu

Besides the Huayi Gate, who else has such a great ability to not only know the specific situation of the battle that day, but also speculate that other people are in Yuling Town.

After repeated deliberation, one of the most likely results lingered in my mind, could it be that the 'Sky Spider Sect' wanted to take the opportunity to find out that I couldn't do it!

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