fairy flame

Chapter 1208 Purple Blood Witch Corpse

This jade slip is exactly the "Sura Bone Path" that Luo Yu has read several times, and he should have memorized everything contained in it, but because the demon corpse to be refined secondarily is extremely difficult to refine, Luo Yu dare not have it. Not a little sloppy.

"Purple Blood Witch Corpse!" At this moment, a scripture that repeatedly passed through Luo Yu's sea of ​​consciousness was about how to refine this corpse.

This name may not sound as powerful as Xuesha, but in fact, the amazing and powerful Moyun Patriarch devoted all his life to this corpse. According to him, the purple blood witch corpse absorbed the demon corpse. One's strengths, and the ancient sorcery technique of tribal witches, once refined successfully, its horror level is only higher than the famous Nine Nether Infant Corpse of the ancient Three Corpse Sacred Cult!

Even the ancestor of Moyun couldn't accurately estimate what will happen to the purple blood witch corpse after it is fully developed. When Moyun realized the method of refining the purple blood witch corpse, it was the time when the deadline was approaching. The ancestor worked hard to gather everything needed to refine the purple blood witch corpse, but not long after the refining was successful, there was no record of Moyun ancestor and the purple blood witch corpse on the jade slips. Luo Yu guessed that it should be this demon ancestor Shouyuan is exhausted.

Even so, Luo Yu could still think of the horror of the purple blood witch corpse from some simple descriptions in the jade slips!

Right now, by chance, Luo Yu just got together all the materials for refining the Purple Blood Witch Corpse, so naturally he will not let go of this great opportunity, and the first time he came into contact with the Nascent Soul cultivator's level of thought, for himself , He can't read that scripture too many times.

Among them, the most important prerequisite materials - Xuesha, Tianling ghost bones, Xueqionghua are all ready, and the monster materials for Xuesha to reshape the body of the witch corpse have also been collected in Zhanxuan Hall , there is only some refinement left, but there is no need to worry too much now, after all, no matter how fast Xue Fiend breaks through this time, it will take a year or two.

During the time after finishing the blood fiend incident, it was time for Luo Yu to think about his own cultivation.

This time, he found the Xuanyin Lingquan by accident, which seemed to be arranged by God in the dark, which made Luo Yu hesitant all the time, and slowly shifted to the idea of ​​​​cultivating the golden core first, and then looking for Ling'er .

After all, Luo Yu can't predict exactly when Xue Fiend will cross the catastrophe, but he knows better than anyone how much he has left on his Golden Core path. The pill secret technique, even if it hits the bottleneck in two to three years in a hurry, it should be mastered very well.

At least Luo Yu consciously prepared enough, if not successful, it can only be God's will.

In this way, the period of Xue Fiend's cultivation can completely overlap with Luo Yu's. Even in the future, when the two sides cross the catastrophe, no matter which one succeeds in breaking through first, it can not only help the other side while the iron is hot, but also help the other side break through. Dharma protector.

In fact, in addition to the above reasons, there is another important point. Since Luo Yu refined the soul of the alchemy cultivator of the Sky Spider Sect, he really knew that the way to find Ling'er in the future must be very difficult.

Just like the medium-distance teleportation array from Yuling Town to Moyahai City, it seems that an extremely precious material was used in the refining, and every transmission will definitely cause a certain loss to the teleportation array, so even if Moya Haicheng rules thousands of miles of sea territory, but is extremely stingy with any use of the mid-range teleportation array!

Not only Moya Haicheng, but the other nearby sea cities controlled by human monks are not much different.It can be seen from this that the materials that are constantly being consumed belong to the kind of rare spiritual things that are difficult to find even if you look at the entire mine-accumulated sea area.

As for the ancient teleportation array that Luo Yu teleported from Xiliang to overseas, Luo Yu always thought it was a mid-range teleportation array. different systems.

Ever since Luo Yu understood how to arrange the mid-range teleportation array in "Xuanmei Formation", although the remaining half of the part about refining the mid-range teleportation array has been lacking, but with his talent in formations, he can still guess Some eyebrows, the ancient mid-distance teleportation array in Xiliang's world of cultivating immortals did not add any consumable materials, otherwise even if no one used it, it would have passed with time if it was left empty for thousands of years.

Combining what he knows so far, Luo Yu has a vague feeling that this kind of teleportation array that does not need to consume some precious spiritual objects should come from the location where it is arranged. It looks ordinary, but it can accommodate a space hole the size of an attic. Perhaps the mid-distance teleportation array that Luo Yu comprehended is related to the hole world that appears in the weak space, but it is still just Luo Yu's guess based on imagination alone.

The obvious contrast is that the medium-distance teleportation array arranged in Yuling Town does not have the slightest connection with the space hole, but instead consumes some kind of precious spiritual object. The two are completely different in nature.

Because of this, Moya Sea City has to strictly stipulate that within the sea area it controls, any border sea town can only use the teleportation array once a year, and the teleportation between any two sea cities is only once a year, so strange Luo Yu didn't quite understand the regulations at the beginning, and it was an explanation he got from the gray-eyed old man.

The five seas of the human race in the sea of ​​thunder are no less than ten thousand miles away. In such a vast sea, any one of the seas has enough cultivation resources, and there is no need to visit other sea cities. On the other hand, each sea city The rulers of the country also wanted to firmly control the power, and did not allow monks in their own sea areas to have the opportunity to go to other sea areas, so that their status inheritance for thousands of years would not be shaken.

As far as Luo Yu knew, although the number of places in the teleportation formation from Yuling Town to Moyahai City is limited every year, with his strength, there are still such opportunities, but it will be quite different when he arrives in Moyahai City. For a strange monk like Yu, there are two ways to get the chance to teleport.

One is to stay honestly and practice in Moyahai City first. Within 20 years, if there is no abnormal behavior, you are eligible to apply once. However, there are too many monks who meet this condition in the huge sea city, so the quota will eventually be Only the one with the highest bidder can get it so easily if it is auctioned by the public. When Chi Fengzi fled to Yuling Town, he chose this method, and he lost all his money in one go.

Luo Yu would definitely not choose this method, even though he may meet the financial conditions, but the long wait of 20 years is absolutely unacceptable to him.

Then there is only the second way. The Moya Mansion will allocate some quotas over the years and hand them over to the Wanshou League there, and issue a series of missions with this reward. Of course, every mission is by no means easy, just accepting it The first condition that the tasker must be in the realm of alchemy has made countless people sigh, but every year there are still many alchemy monks who will risk their lives for the teleportation quota, but it is said that the probability of completion is not even one-tenth arrived.

Presumably, among them, there must be some monks in the late stage of alchemy. If Luo Yu has not entered the late stage of the third-order Yuanling, it is really hopeless for him to win the teleportation quota.

Luo Yu couldn't accept it later, and got the same answer from Qiu Yan's mouth, which proved that Chi Fengzi's memory was true.

But judging from the induction on the compass, Ling'er is at least tens of thousands of miles away from him. It may not only be as easy as crossing two sea cities, but it may also go to Erhai Lake, one of the four great seas.


Luo Yu is thankful that he spent so much time in researching "Crossing Blossoms in the Evening" in the past to have the sustenance he has today, but he is also deeply worried about when the two will meet each other. To cross the two major sea areas, he must pass through the "Star Sea Ravine" , is known as the most chaotic and dangerous place among the four seas, and it is also the place closest to Chaos Nether Abyss, but the current strength of Yuan Ling in the later stage is really insufficient.

Only when he advanced to the Jindan stage, cultivated the two main aids of the natal magic weapon and natal aura, and the blood fiend evolved into a purple blood witch corpse, then Luo Yu would have some confidence.

Therefore, the closer it is to this time, the more we must consider the tests and dangers we will face in the future with a calm mind that we cannot normally have.

After staying in the cave for three days, the rate at which Xue Fiend absorbed the mysterious Yin Qi gradually stabilized. When he first came into contact with such delicious Yin Qi, Xue Fiend wanted to swallow the entire Xuan Yin spirit vein in one gulp, and the breath fluctuated from time to time. with.

When Luo Yu felt that Xuesha was slowly absorbing Yin Qi at a speed similar to the Yin Qi purified by the formation, he left.

There are still about ten days left before the alchemy ceremony held by that 'Renren Wen'. If there is no accident, Luo Yu should be able to collect the elixir and some refining materials needed for cultivation. In the overseas world of cultivating immortals, Luo Yu used to prepare pills for meditation practice, but here they are not so applicable.

You must know that the elixir resources in the overseas immortal world are far inferior to those on land, but there is no shortage of elixir to assist cultivation here, even more than in the land immortal world.

Luo Yu figured this out in the Black Domain. It seems that many pills in the world of cultivating immortals overseas are often related to sea beasts or monsters. In comparison, the effect was a bit better than the pill in Luo Yu's hand.

Of course, alchemy materials are not completely obtained from sea beasts and monsters, and there are usually many elixir to supplement them. It is just that it is easier to find auxiliary elixir. It is estimated that the elixir that is beneficial to the mana growth of monks like Luo Yu in the late stage of foundation establishment. Medicine only needs those 200 year vintages.

The number of pills has increased, and there is no need to search as hard as in the past. This seems to be good news for Luo Yu, but in fact he is bitter, because this kind of pills can be said to weaken the mystery of his body in disguise. Advantages of the flame.

As far as Luo Yu knows, there are not many monsters in any sea area, and they are all extremely cunning. Often monks who hunt monsters are accidentally killed, and the number of sea monsters is endless. , it is relatively easy to find, but because most sea beasts like to live in groups, they are also extremely difficult to provoke.

If Luo Yu still wants to take the method of swallowing a large amount of pills, the road ahead will be difficult.

Fortunately, it's just a little embarrassing at the moment. After the alchemy period, those pills that condense mana are extremely scarce. Apart from the reason that high-level sea beasts are difficult to kill, the year requirements for many auxiliary elixir have also skyrocketed However, Luo Yu's mysterious flame can still solve the big troubles that have caused headaches for countless alchemy monks.

As for the elixir during the final retreat period, Luo Yu does not plan to refine it himself. With his rich net worth of killing several alchemy monks and specially refining some rare elixir of high age, he will not worry about not getting it in exchange for the later stage of foundation establishment. A top-level elixir useful for monks.

What's more, after taking 'Nanming Pill' for so many years, even the mid-grade panacea gradually lost its effectiveness on Luo Yu, and the best way to eliminate this drug resistance was just to change to an auxiliary panacea.

Not only are there more pills and elixir in the world of cultivating immortals overseas than in Mengzhou, but it is the first time for Luo Yu to encounter any of them, and it is the time when the medicine has the best effect.

But before returning to Yuling Island, there is one more thing that must be clarified first.

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