fairy flame

Chapter 1207 Yin Pond Training

It's funny to say that after he caught the ghost possessed by the sea clam, the other ghost hidden on the stone wall still deceived itself and didn't escape, thinking that Luo Yu really couldn't find it.

According to the records of "Bone and Blood Darkness Art", subduing these three evil spirits can be integrated into the ghost king's spiritual consciousness when the blood fiend advances to the ghost king, which is of great benefit to the birth of advanced spiritual wisdom. Even if the blood fiend only has these three Only the memory of Meiling's half life can instantly become like a human being who has lived for hundreds of years, with independent and rich consciousness. This kind of spiritual wisdom can continue to grow with continuous practice.

Luo Yu has a deep understanding of this, and the two ghost kings who impressed him deeply, one is the silver-clothed ghost king who cried with Xiao back then, and the corpse lotus ghost king he met later, although both are at the ghost king level , but the gap in intelligence is infinitely magnified when it comes to strength.

Luo Yu, the silver-clothed ghost king, killed it single-handedly, but the corpse lotus ghost king made him suffocate even with all his might.

Thinking of this, Luo Yu faintly looked forward to the horror of the blood fiend breaking through the ghost queen.

After returning to the cave, Luo Yu took another look at the black pool water before the effect of the Heavenly Ghost Talisman was lost, and also used the method of simultaneously using the divine sense and the Heavenly Ghost's Eye that he had just learned to scan again. After a while, I didn't find a ghost again, but there were more than a dozen ghost-level low-level wandering spirits gathered in the black pool.

These ordinary ghosts are useless to the blood fiend. It seems that the solitary ghosts here are just spontaneously drawn into the pool by the yin qi emanating from the Xuanyin Lingquan to keep their souls immortal.

However, although the strong mysterious yin energy preserved the souls, it also ruthlessly deprived them of the chance of reincarnation.

Although Luo Yu doubted the theory of ghosts being reincarnated after people died, but facing such unrelated wandering souls who had no power to fight back, he couldn't be cruel enough to clean them up with real fire.

After pondering for a while, Luo Yu waved his hand and placed a soul-attracting restriction in a corner. At the same time, he took out the Hundred Soul Banner, and began to use the Hundred Soul Banner to perform the Soul Seduction Technique.

As one of the most basic magic arts in the Taoist sect, the soul ecstasy technique can be performed even by monks on the first and second floors of the Qi training period, so Luo Yu can easily grasp it.

A moment later, a cloudy black wind appeared above the pool, and under the rapid rotation, the black pool water was stirred up from slow to fast, and exuded a sense of aura. Luo Yu saw that his finger was a little far away from the wind column, and the wind column immediately moved inward. Shrinking, it turned into a jet-black beam of light, piercing through the black water of the pool, and quickly probing towards the wandering souls at the bottom of the pool.

Luo Yu stood still at the same place, and his spiritual sense went down the sink along the ecstasy column.

Not long after, as if he had encountered something, a low growl resounded in Luo Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, and a cloud of black air burst out, but he was sucked by the beam of light without any resistance.

Immediately, following the guidance of the black beam of light, the first ghost slowly rose from the bottom of the pool. Its face was distorted and ugly, but it could still be vaguely seen as the face of a middle-aged man.

When the first one wandered away from the black beam of light and flew into the soul-inducing restriction, it immediately stopped roaring in pain, as if falling asleep. Dilute until completely dissipated.

Then the second and third wandering souls also appeared in the soul-attracting restriction in turn, dissipating their soul power one by one in the same way.

After all the found wandering souls returned to heaven and earth, Luo Yu removed the restraint, breathed a sigh of relief, and then took out three other dark blue formation flags, which were the 'Xuanyin Fengling Banner' that had just been refined, Luo Yu Under the urging of the method in his hand, three blue rainbows flew out at the same time, and sank into the ground around the pool in a flash. As soon as the formation flags were in their positions, Luo Yu said the word "qi".

A light blue light array, just about the size of the pool, propped up a cover like a blue bottle cap and slowly landed on the pool. Seeing the light array in motion, after Luo Yu identified it correctly, his ten fingers began to quickly move like a wheel. .

I saw a series of dazzling golden spells, sometimes falling on the light array, sometimes rushing into the black pool, in the blink of an eye, the black water in the black pool violently rolled as if being stirred by an invisible force. stand up.

For a moment, the gloomy air in the cave surged, and the Xuanyin Lingquan also faintly emitted a strange black light. At this time, if someone observes carefully, they will find that there are continuous black filament-like things in the pool. Rising slowly, communicating and merging with the staring blue light array.

In the end, a speck of black awn will appear in the light array, floating quietly above the array.

It's just that this process is extremely slow, often dozens of black filaments can extract less than one-tenth of the black glow, but Luo Yu is extremely patient, and he works tirelessly to maintain this process.

Several hours passed like this bit by bit. At this time, above the light array, a ball of black and blue light with a diameter of about ten feet appeared, floating in the air and shaking up and down.

And because of the leakage of the mysterious Yin power, the cave was once again shrouded in a diffuse black mist, but in comparison, the Yin energy contained in the black blue light ball is many times thicker than the black mist outside. , only Luo Yu observed with his divine sense, could find that the yin energy in the light sphere was faintly crystal-clear, almost becoming substantive.

The Xuanyin Sealing Spirit Formation really did not disappoint him, and Xue Fiend only survived the tribulation in such a place, so that Luo Yu could feel at ease.

When the formation was operated to the extreme by Luo Yu, and the black and blue light balls had reached saturation, with a move by Luo Yu's hand, the Hundred Soul Banner rose wildly in the wind, and above and below the blood-colored thunder light on the body surface, there was an icy cry The bone-piercing ghost howls and whimpers sounded suddenly, followed by waves of bloody light surging away.

In a blink of an eye, a small part of the cave was submerged in a sea of ​​blood, and the room was filled with sinister aura. Yin Qi, the blood light in Xue Fiend's black eyes flickered and intertwined endlessly, and glowed with a frightening gloomy light.

Compared with the previous one, the current Blood Fiend has undergone some changes. Not only are the two blood-colored corners on the top of his head more obvious, but also there are two rows of strange bone bumps on his face, and his aura is stronger.

It was Xuesha who sensed the existence of the ghost in the storage bag before, and excitedly sent a reminder to Luo Yu.

"Go in, I will protect the law for you for three days, if nothing abnormal happens, this is your place to cross the catastrophe." Luo Yu glanced at Xue Sha, and pointed out with a slight smile.

No matter for Xue Fiend or Destiny, after years of getting along with each other through hardships, he seems to have regarded them as confidantes and friends, and only by talking to them can he truly confide in him.

In fact, Luo Yu didn't need to order, Xue Sha took a deep breath of the pure mysterious Yin Qi in the cave, the blood glowed in his bewitching eyes, and a ghostly cry was involuntarily released from his fangs, which were covered in black air. This kind of stern roar that expresses the excitement of the blood fiend makes people shudder when they hear it.

At the same time, after a hideous look flashed on Xuesha's face, the sea of ​​blood rolled down his body, turning into a blood-colored rainbow and flying into the black and blue light ball.

As the brilliance of the Xuanyin Fengling Formation below trembled, wisps of black air emerged faster than before, continuously pouring into the two-color light spheres, and Xuesha was in the process of cultivating with the help of this Yinquan, and the cave was very tense. It's getting chilly soon.

A day or two later, the blood-black light inside kept flashing from morning to night, filled with eerie aura, and every time the ghost howls and howls from the blood fiend would cause the Yin Qi in the Xuanyin Lingquan to boil and erupt. Once, the black mist in the cave gradually thickened, and it became more and more gloomy, like a ghost land.

Luo Yu in the cave also sat cross-legged on the side of the Xuanyin Lingquan, and never moved. In front of his eyebrows, a black and simple jade slip quietly floated there.

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