fairy flame

Chapter 1206 Charming Spirit

() "Hey! It's actually a charm. I didn't expect to come to the Xuanyin Lingquan, and there will be unexpected gains." Suddenly, Luo Yu, who seemed to be very confused about his consciousness, has not turned around, but his mouth is full of surprises. Said with a little surprise, the voice sounded orderly, and there was no panic at all.

At this time, although there was no expression on his face, a trace of sarcasm secretly rose from the corner of his mouth.

However, these words and expressions could not stop the black ghost claw attack at all, but when the black light exploded behind Luo Yu, the expected scene of Luo Yu's blood gushing out and his body torn apart did not appear, and the black light gushed out from Luo Yu's back instead. A group of flames directly blocked it.

These flames were only the size of a needle's eye, but they were densely packed on the black ghost claw and ignited at the same time, converging into a group of demon red flames that immediately rose fiercely on the ghost claw.

A terrifying high temperature surged instantly, and the mysterious yin energy on the ghost claw dispersed in horror, revealing a dark mass inside.

There was a shrill scream, and the ghost claw wrapped in the flames turned into black smoke and dissipated in an instant, but a black figure half a person's height flew out of it, its body was extremely blurred, thicker than the surrounding black mist Be transparent.

At this time, one can vaguely see the ugly and distorted face of the black figure, full of shock and anger towards Luo Yu. Just as he was about to hide in the black mist and escape, he suddenly found that the surrounding space tightened, and countless golden light spots turned into a circle. Zhang Jin's light net covered one of them.

"Fo Li! No!" Seeing that his movements had slowed down, the black shadow sounded extremely terrified, as if realizing that it was some kind of extremely fearful existence, and struggled to let out a heart-piercing roar.

But this wail was quickly interrupted by bursts of Sanskrit sounds uploaded from the golden light net. The invisible black ghost showed no resistance at all, and turned into a ball of black light gas as the golden net shrank.

In the end, the golden net gathered and condensed into a ball of golden light that slowly flew back to Luo Yu. The shrunken black light inside was still beating, but it couldn't escape the sealed golden ball at all.

Luo Yu let out a sigh of relief, and put away the golden light ball with joy on his face, while scanning other places in the black mist, it seemed that there were other ghosts that had not been caught.

As for the blow of Ghost Claw just now, it just ripped Luo Yu's back skirt and exposed a corner of a fiery red leather armor that he was wearing next to him.

It must have been the first time that this body of refined needle armor had shown its prestige, and it had surprised the ghost who had sneaked up just now.

Turning his eyes around the cave again, the other two ghosts didn't move at all. It seems that this kind of ghost possesses the intelligence of a human being, and it's true.

But this is not surprising. Although Luo Yu saw it for the first time, he had also heard of the difficulty of Meiling. This kind of alien who cultivated purely with the body of ghosts did not have a real body.

Coldly withdrawing his gaze, Luo Yu completely mobilized the energy in his body, the golden light on his body became dazzling, a trembling aura of cultivation swept out, and the huge cave room was enveloped by the golden light of Yuanhai the next moment .

This time, Luo Yu was not polite, and directly controlled the surging golden Buddha power in Yuanhai to spin up. Suddenly, a wave of golden light surged, colliding with the black mist inside and making a dull sound, where the black mist gathered It also stirred, and gradually changed from thick to light, began to move in one direction, and finally was forced out of the cave bit by bit.

But the cave, which was bright for a moment, was empty, and no ghosts were seen.

Luo Yu scanned the surroundings, a look of surprise flashed on his face, and after a flash of his figure, he emerged from the entrance of the cave with golden light on his feet.

His divine sense swept across the cavern and the passage more than ten feet away, but there was still no movement.

That's weird!

According to the theory, even if a ghost possesses the body of a yin spirit and is good at transfiguration, it is impossible to hide in the body refiner's Yuanhai. Yuanhai is a veritable law, and it should be able to see through it at a glance. That's right, what's more, what is spinning and agitating in Luo Yu's Yuanhai is the Buddha power that most restrains the evil spirits. Could it be that two mere evil spirits can play tricks under his nose?

Luo Yu didn't think that the evil spirits had escaped, he could still get the senses from the blood fiend, and he was sure that the two evil spirits were still hiding nearby.

"Hey! How could I have forgotten this thing? Now let's see how you hide!" After wandering for a while, suddenly Luo Yu's eyes flashed, as if thinking of something, he patted the storage bag, and took out a black The faint talisman came.

This black talisman paper looks ordinary, but it exudes a faint yin aura, which is somewhat similar to the aura of the mysterious yin spring here.

"Heavenly ghost talisman!" Luo Yu muttered to himself while staring at the talisman, remembering the battle with the ghost king of knotting, this talisman was of great help, but after his thoughts came to an end, he pointed to the magic power without saying a word With a surge and a shake of the arm, the excited black talisman paper turned into two black air like lightning, which Luo Yu took the initiative to inhale into his abdomen.

The next moment, a layer of faint black light appeared on Luo Yu's body and flashed for a few times, and finally the black light converged towards the face and eyes like all rivers returning to the sea.

Suddenly, Luo Yu's normal eye sockets turned dark and strange.

Back then, the Heavenly Ghost Talisman Link Pill Ghost King's concealment technique could see through it, so it was no problem to deal with the evil spirits. After adapting to it with a slight blink of his dark vision, Luo Yu once again swept away the cave with this chilling gaze. However, it was easy to find the hiding place of one of the ghosts!

A cloud of black air is very conspicuously attached to a stone wall in the secret room. Although its figure is somewhat blurred, it is undoubtedly a ghost. It can only be seen that it is huddled inside the stone and does not dare to move. It is smart and cautious. , and felt that Luo Yu couldn't find its appearance no matter what.

How arrogant!

No wonder neither his divine sense nor Yuan Hai, who enveloped the entire cave, could detect any clues. It turned out that the ghost hid in the rocks outside the cave. It is unavoidable to be infiltrated and assimilated by yin energy, but the evil spirit is an invisible body, and wherever the yin energy goes, it is pervasive.

However, Luo Yu didn't disturb the other party, and calmly swept past this ghost, and continued to search for other places as if he hadn't found anything, letting him be clever.

But this time, after sweeping, the other ghost couldn't be found. I thought the other ghost should be not far away, but I didn't find it after checking it several times. I even looked at the passage of the cave several times. eye, still not found.

This made Luo Yu a little surprised, and then he thought that since Meiling ran out of the black pool, would she hide in the Xuanyin Lingquan again.

However, when Luo Yu was going to take a look in the pool, when the withdrawn divine sense merged with the ghost's peripheral vision halfway, something unusual came into view.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Yu suddenly realized that he had never thought of the magic spirit's technique of possession!

Although the Heavenly Ghost Talisman has the effect of illuminating ghosts and ghosts in the world, it is no different from ordinary eyes when it is used on ordinary creatures. Charming spirits are formed by the transformation of Yin souls that have been cultivated for hundreds of years. In evolution, in terms of cunning, it is no less than that of the old and cunning.

Aren't there low-level sea beasts such as mountain spiders and sea clams in the passage!

They are naturally not abnormal under the eyes of the sky ghosts alone, but once they use their spiritual thoughts to see through the breath of these sea beasts, the eyes of the sky ghosts can immediately find one of them that is different, but Luo Yu has not dealt with existences like ghosts. This is the first time, and it is a bit miscalculated because I have never had such experience.

At this moment, Luo Yu was staring at a sea clam not far away, lying on the wall with a light green body, and a sneer could not help but appear from the corner of his mouth.

However, under such unscrupulous scrutiny, the evil spirit hiding in the sea clam's body could no longer calm down. I saw the sea clam beast's belly suddenly swell, and then it exploded with a "puff" sound, and a ball of green color The thick slurry was sprayed in all directions, and at the same time a stream of black air was hidden in it, fleeing to the distance rapidly.

It's a pity that the other end of the passage is the secret room, which is also the end. Under the lock of the ghost's spiritual eyes, the ghost has nowhere to hide. Even if there are other steps, they can only be used under Luo Yu's stare. .

Before it was time for a cup of tea, when Luo Yu returned to the cave again, two golden balls of light appeared on his body. After playing with it for a while, he put all the golden balls into the storage bag with a satisfied face.

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