fairy flame

Chapter 1217

"Senior, why don't you choose one? Any one here will definitely have more than one concubine by his side. Those things that concubines can't do can be replaced by other maids. No one will be surprised." The provocative spring scenery in the field made her restless, but with her temperament, she did not dare to throw herself into Luo Yu's arms openly. After seeing that there was an attentive and charming maidservant beside her master, she couldn't help feeling that she was being treated badly. Luo Yu.

Hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't help but feel agitated, but after all, he was not a native overseas monk, neither in the secular world nor in the world of cultivating immortals in Mengzhou. Luo Yu, who has never been short of high-level elixir, has no interest in the fast double cultivation technique of furnace and cauldron.

"Could it be that Fairy Qiu is still not confident about her appearance? Besides, does Fairy think I'm that kind of person? Maybe your Uncle Zuo is just waiting for me to mess around, and then your relationship with me will be ruined by him." You can tell at a glance, by the way, do you know what the name of this Yunlu Spirit Wine is?" After Luo Yu smiled casually, he was speechless for a while, and had to change the topic and ask.

"What else can there be? After drinking the first two cups of this wine, it can only serve as an eye-catching effect, but after the third cup, it becomes a strong aphrodisiac for some reason. The senior just said it was a drug, which is still polite. Yes, but in our Yuling Town, it is estimated that only this slut can refine such harmful things, and there are countless female cultivators in the waters of Yuling Island, whose fates are all ruined by this wine!" said one. Speaking of this matter, Qiu Yan seemed to be extremely hostile to Mrs. Zhang Ying.

"There should be many male cultivators who have also been murdered." Luo Yu said jokingly, taking Qiu Yan's unspeakable words.

At this time, there was an extremely pretty female cultivator left in the field, who took orders from Mrs. Zhang Ying to play a melodious melody, and started singing and dancing under the light veil, which was pleasing to the eye and full of sensuality and beauty!

Luo Yu carefully observed these women, they were all in their teens, with good looks, and all of them showed off their amorous feelings by the side of the monk who formed the core, looking forward to them, and they were both addicted to the soup and wine, and the monks who formed the core were rarely able to control them. live.

And the few sober ones were all staring at the graceful Mrs. Zhang Ying. Her temperament seemed to be the crown of all women.

I heard that this woman also practiced some magic powers and seizing the sun, and it was widely spread in the market, but Yunlu spirit wine turned into poison after drinking a few cups. It was the first time Luo Yu heard of it. Yan's expression is indeed not as simple as jealousy, so I'd better be careful.

"Of course Qiuyan believes in the character of the senior. If possible, the senior can teach this slut a lesson. It is said that when a body refiner reaches the Yuanling Realm, his body, which is comparable to a magic weapon, can be immune to the medicinal power of Yunlu Spirit Wine. No matter how much he drinks No problem, I think this slut deliberately explained the rule of 'drinking three cups in a row' in public, maybe she came here for the senior, but she has always been the confidant of Uncle Zuo, fellow Taoists, you should be more careful in the future. "Qiu Yan thought of restraining Luo Yu in such an embarrassing position, which really embarrassed the girl. Halfway through her words, her cheeks flushed and her articulateness became less articulate.

"Oh! That's right." Luo Yu replied simply, without expressing anything clearly, but the green wine glass in his hand was slowly put back on the table.

At this moment, Mrs. Zhang Ying brought three cups of spirit wine herself, and was standing in front of Du Kui with a charming face, talking in a low voice with a smile on her face.

Seeing this scene, many people were filled with jealousy, but after all, they didn't have that ability, so they could only stare blankly at Du Kui's immediate embrace of a beautiful woman.

But to my surprise, I don't know what the two of them talked about. In the end, Du Kui just waved his hand and saw off the guests without much expression. The three cups of spiritual wine were returned without a drop.

Mrs. Zhang Ying seemed a little disappointed, she glanced around inadvertently, and then returned to the original place, but I don't know if it was an illusion, this Mrs. Zhang Ying's eyes seemed to have swept Luo Yu away, there was a faint A different color interested in him.

Luo Yu frowned secretly, but immediately laughed it off.

Next, Mrs. Zhang Ying Yingying chatted and laughed with other alchemy monks, her voice was vaguely pure and sweet, and matched with the woman's facial expressions that evolved from her charming skills, she really performed her charming gestures vividly and vividly. In just a few words, Just let a few alchemy old monsters fall in love with it.

Luo Yu really met this kind of powerful woman for the first time, most likely this is the so-called troublesome beauty.

"Okay, madam has come from a long way, and I have to take the trouble to preside over the exchange meeting later, please take a seat first." Seeing the satisfied and happy expressions of everyone, Zuo Zheng stroked his short blue beard on his chin, narrowed his eyes, and urged.

This person has a polite attitude, but any monk who has heard of his despicable methods will know that this politeness is definitely superficial.

"How can I be a concubine, how dare I sit on an equal footing with the seniors, and just sit next to this senior." After Mrs. Zhang Ying thanked her, Luo Yu, like most people, didn't think much of it at all, but which female Tan accent Luo Yu fell, but his bright eyes looked at Luo Yudao impartially.

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence, but the faces of the alchemy cultivators, including Luo Yu, were a little shocked and confused, but they quickly turned into envious expressions.

Luo Yu was stuffing a spiritual fruit into his mouth, and before he could taste the sweetness and deliciousness of this fruit, he couldn't help but twitched his brows when he heard these kind of irritating words.

Although I don't know the intention of this woman, but she definitely didn't choose him randomly, and I immediately became vigilant in my heart.

"Madam seems to be meeting fellow Daoist Luo for the first time. Zuo can't believe that they hit it off right away. There are so many fellow daoists present, Madam must give me an explanation." Master, quickly calmly smiled.

"Because I have never seen this senior before, I can guess at a glance that it must be Senior Luo, who has become famous recently, but if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe that Senior Luo is so young and handsome. It's natural that I like it a little bit, but my real purpose this time is to thank Fellow Daoist Luo. Many seniors know that my father was the poisonous subordinate who killed the villain of the Sky Spider Sect back then. Dai Tian, ​​fellow Daoist Luo has done something very satisfying this time, and it's nothing to be with me, besides, I can tell that Senior Luo is a modest gentleman, if it were any other senior, I wouldn't dare to sit with him." Hong The beautiful woman in the skirt pursed her cherry lips lightly, and said as if complaining and weeping, and at the same time lowered her head, her expression was gentle and pleasant, which made me feel pitiful.

"Hey! The so-called gentleman is right about things and people. My wife said it nicely, but Zuo can't make decisions for you. Besides, brother Luo already has a fairy and beautiful woman by his side. Whether nephew Qiu will agree or not is fine." It's so easy to say." After Zuo Zheng laughed, he deliberately glanced at Qiu Yan, and said meaningfully.

"The legs are on my body, so my nephew doesn't dare to compete for favor." Qiu Yan knew that she was acting, and she was afraid that Zuo Zheng would see something, her face turned slightly cold, and she said with obvious inconsistency.

The person who is really jealous should be Zuo Zheng, but this person has always looked calm, and he can't peep into his inner thoughts at all.

"Madam's kindness, as long as Luo is not hard-hearted, he will not refuse." Luo Yu also calmed down quickly, smiled back, and said very crisply.

Just when Luo Yu had just opened his mouth, Du Kui, who was sitting not far from him, suddenly had a twitching vein on his forehead, and then looked directly in Luo Yu's direction. What a discovery looks like.

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhang Ying seemed a little surprised that Luo Yu didn't ask a word from the beginning to the end, and even this woman found that Luo Yu's expression of neither surprise nor joy had not changed much since she appeared until now.

"As long as seniors don't dislike me as a concubine, that's fine." Mrs. Zhang Ying didn't show any pretense this time. After staring at Luo Yu slightly, she lifted her steps lightly, her figure fluttering like a fiery red maple leaf, and she sat lightly on Luo Yu. around.

But Luo Yu didn't expect, his eyes flickered a few times, and before he understood what was going on, a flaming body had already slipped into Luo Yu's arms.

"You!" Luo Yu's expression tightened, but his gaze happened to meet a pair of charming eyes, and he immediately saw the faint blush under the tender cheeks of the beautiful woman in his arms, and a palm that wanted to stop him suddenly pressed down on her. On this woman's soft waist, it seemed as if it was deliberately delivered to her door. The tentacles were soft and soft, and there was no excess fat in the place where she pressed it, but it quickly became scorching hot.

No matter how prepared Luo Yu was, he couldn't help but feel flustered, and at the same time another seductive voice came from his ears.

"This first glass of wine is for the concubine to respect seniors." With a charming smile on her face, Mrs. Zhang Ying raised her pretty face, half-closed her star eyes, and brought the wine to Luo Yu with a pair of skillful hands, her fingers trembling slightly , flushed, with a frivolous look on his face.

"Hmph! Even the words I said haven't changed. How many men have you said this to? I'm afraid you can't even remember." When Luo Yu felt that this woman didn't know what to do, Qiu Yan was beside her. I'm sorry, he said sarcastically first.

It was only then that Luo Yu realized that the woman's face was flushed in just a short moment, she spat at himself and Mrs. Zhang Ying, and then turned her head away, but that contemptuous, warm and angry attitude made the woman look infinitely shy.

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