fairy flame

Chapter 1222

() Judging from the conversation just now, the corpse monster's cultivation is probably only at the early stage of alchemy, but the aura of the corpse is extremely strong. Judging from the supernatural powers it just displayed, it is not a common ghost way secret technique, presumably It is more difficult to deal with the real fight than the general early stage of alchemy. "

Of course, this kind of judgment is only because Luo Yu doesn't know much about it, so he has to be cautious.

But no matter how weird his supernatural powers are, as long as he is sure that the other party is indeed a ghoul, Luo Yu is sure to get rid of him without making too much noise!

After thinking about it for a moment, Luo Yu increased the vitality in his body by another three points. Suddenly, under the swift and violent golden waves, there was a loud "Puff" sound, and a series of ringing sounds. He came, but under the pure energy, it became difficult to move an inch, and he was staggered by a golden light, so he was no threat to Luo Yu at all.

It's just that after being impacted by the golden light several times in a row, the black light thread is still abnormally tough, floating in mid-air, flickering flickeringly.

Luo Yu narrowed his eyes!

I don't know what kind of magic these black threads are, and they can't be eliminated by the strength alone, but he kept moving, his eyebrows raised up, and he pinched out a strange spell, and there was a mantra like a Buddha's voice from his mouth. Voices!

Immediately afterwards, in the endlessly scrolling golden light waves, one after another gilded Sanskrit characters appeared, only less than an inch, but all of them were crystal clear. As soon as these strange runes appeared, they could sense the natural enemy without Luo Yu's command. They all rushed towards the black light filaments with clear targets.

The stream of Sanskrit flashed, ruthlessly threw itself on the black silk and exploded, and there was a loud explosion all around. The originally helpless black light silk disappeared into nothing like paper paste, and was wiped out in the blink of an eye. A large piece. "

At the same time, Luo Yu no longer looked at the astonished expression of the corpse monster, and just grabbed the void, and another golden light blade condensed out, but this time, when the light blade formed, there were a lot of golden Sanskrit characters nearby. Incorporating it into it makes the blade not only fierce, but also a bit more spiritual and mighty!

"Buddha Qi! What you are practicing is Buddhist Kung Fu!" That trace of an unusual natural enemy-like feeling made the corpse monster's voice sharpen suddenly, and the black flames transformed from the thick dead energy on its body surged out unconsciously. As the flames flew up and down, the corpse seemed to have turned into a human-shaped fire-shaped fire monster, which was guarded to death.

Even though the corpse looked like a snake and scorpion and did not dare to slack off, the sense of danger was still rising like the tarsal maggot, and it couldn't help shouting in a startled and angry voice: "Fellow daoist, slow down, I offended you just now!" I am here to apologize, please listen to me."

At this time, the corpse monster's tone was not as arrogant as it was before, and he secretly complained about his offense just now.

"Didn't fellow daoist want to try my supernatural powers? I haven't moved my feet yet!" Luo Yu sneered, and lightly transmitted the voice with his spiritual thoughts. More and more Sanskrit words were injected, and the edge of the blade trembled rapidly, becoming strange and foggy.

Hearing Luo Yu's words with a hint of murderous intent, the half-ghost shivered, a sense of life and death made the hairs all over his body stand on end.

"Your Excellency, do you still want to leave Yuling Island? The traitor Zuo Zheng regards you as a thorn in his side. Without the help of your old body, you can't use the teleportation array that leads to Moyahai City!"

"What are you! Teleportation array, what's your relationship with Zuo Zheng?" Luo Yu's brain shook, his face calmly disappeared without a trace, and he asked with a sudden change in expression. "

He thought that the corpse monster would foolishly lure him for profit in exchange for his life, so Luo Yu would never show mercy, but when he heard the teleportation array, he still couldn't keep calm anymore.

The golden blade condensed in front of him was still floating, but when Luo Yu spoke this time, the sound of the incantation had to stop, and the influx of Sanskrit words came to a halt.

"Now that things have happened, I have told the truth to Fellow Daoist. Zuo Zheng is my younger brother, and I, Old Man Lan Xie, should have been heard by fellow Daoist." The change in Luo Yu's expression made the zombie relax a bit. In a low tone, I was secretly fortunate that I had made the right bet, and at the same time squeezed out a trace of ugly bitterness on my face, and said slowly.

"Blue Scorpion! How is it possible, what you look like now..." Hearing such absurd words, Luo Yu was also taken aback. He thought he had heard wrongly, so he couldn't help staring at the other party again.

But apart from the old woman's smell in the corpse monster's voice, there is really nothing in the other party's body that can be connected with the rumored old man Blue Scorpion.

But even an idiot can see that, if the other party dares to do this, he either treats Luo Yu as blind, or there is something real about it.

"Senior Luo, don't be surprised. The reason why the teacher became like this is entirely thanks to Zuo Zheng. This person has already taken refuge in the Sky Spider Sect. He sent a concubine to approach him before, just to poison him." Mrs. Zhang Ying Originally watching from a distance, under the pressure of Luo Yuzhong's light blade, he didn't even dare to breathe, but now seeing Luo Yu's aura restrained, he suddenly regained his strength.

In fact, Luo Yu already believed to some extent that Zuo Zheng used the Blood Ripple Spider to deal with him. If it were him, he would also think that this is a direct and effective method.

This also solved another question in Luo Yu's mind. Zuo Zheng knew that Luo Yu was much more difficult to deal with than ordinary alchemy cultivators, but he still spent so much effort to deal with him, just for the sake of a girl. people will do things.

But if Zuo Zheng is a member of the Sky Spider Cult, then everything can be explained.

"Fellow Daoist, you should still remember that Zuo Zheng invited you many times at the party, hoping that you would participate in the alchemy ceremony the day after tomorrow. At that time, my old body was in my apprentice's storage bag, and I heard it clearly. The reason for this move is that after a fellow Taoist swallows the Blood Ripple Spider, he must appear within ten miles of the caster for the spell to take effect, and there are also requirements for the place where the spell is cast, and it must be within the spiritual vein formed by the top-grade spiritual veins. Near the spring, spells can only be successfully cast with the help of pure heaven and earth spiritual energy. These fellow Taoists should know that the old man is a little bit unknown to fellow Taoists. The most unexpected part of this poisonous plan is in the 'Gong Yue Palace'." The corpse monster had a strange look on its face, and hinted while being wary of Luo Yu.

"Gong Yuedian? Although Luo didn't see it with his own eyes, he heard that your sect controls two high-grade spiritual veins. Could it be that this palace is within ten miles of these two spiritual veins?" Next, his expression was still calm, but his voice turned cold unconsciously.

Anyone who knows that he is being plotted by others, or the kind that leads to death, even if he does not believe it completely, will not feel good in his heart.

"No! The real Gong Yuedian is more than ten miles away from the two spiritual springs of our gate, and neither Gong Yuedian nor the spiritual spring can be moved, but Zuo Zheng's plan is wonderful because he knows that Gong Yuedian can't go down, but he can still let it go. Fellow Daoist killed Gong Yuedian in full view, I wonder if you have ever heard of the treasure 'Yuanwu Palace'?" The corpse monster looked at his words, smiled, and his voice calmed down.

"Yuanwu Palace! Of course I have heard that this treasure is second to none in the Yuling sea area according to the illusion technique. Don't tell me that Zuo Zheng wants to use Yuanwu Palace to disguise as Gongyue Palace. During the transformation of such a huge treasure, it is necessary to hide it from the world, unless Zuo Zheng Zheng suddenly has the magic power of the Nascent Soul stage, otherwise he will be blind to all other alchemy cultivators." Luo Yu's eyes flashed sharply, but after a sneer, he replied bluntly.

"Fellow Daoist thinks so, it's true, even if all the alchemy elders of this faction work together to promote the Yuanwu Hall, it may not be able to maintain this illusion, but you probably haven't heard of the sect's big formation of guards, the 'seven acupoints'. Xuanzhu Formation', this formation is a genuine spiritual rank formation, which was arranged by the Supreme Elder of our school more than a hundred years ago. The spiritual power absorbed during operation is almost comparable to that of ordinary Nascent Soul stage existences. Zuo Zheng has now mastered the four eyes of the 'Seven Points Profound Bead Formation', and he can use the spiritual power of the formation to control any area on Yuling Island. The local authorities turned Yuanwu Hall into Gongyue Hall, not to mention the layout of Gongyue Hall, except for a few elders of our sect, outsiders know little about it, even if they suspect something after seeing it, there is no basis for it." The sect's most secret matter, such as the guardian formation, was also revealed without hesitation.

Seeing this, Luo Yu's face turned a little ugly. He is such an experienced person. Once he listened carefully to the plan, he knew that it was probably true.

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