fairy flame

Chapter 1223 Constellation Golden Crystal

"Yuanwu Hall and the guardian formation?" Luo Yu murmured to himself, as if analyzing how reliable the other party's words were.

"To cause such trouble, it will not only be aimed at a certain person in Luo, but what does this have to do with the identity of a fellow daoist? As far as I know, although the elder of your sect has been in charge of the affairs of the Wanshou Sect and rarely shows up, but this After a few days, I returned to the sect to preside over the grand ceremony, and I heard that I have received many alchemy monks who came to the island, under the eyes of everyone, even the elders of your sect didn’t notice, how do you two explain this?” The strange words sound reasonable, not like lying, but just too ridiculous.

It's really unimaginable that a great elder of the sect was transferred.

"Huh! It seems that the person pretending to be me is too much. This person is also in the middle stage of alchemy, and Zuo Zheng, a traitor who has known the old body for hundreds of years, points out that it is not easy to deceive outsiders. It's difficult, but there is no one who doubts, not really, even if the person's appearance and breath can be disguised, but the treasures of the skills cannot be hidden, so since this person replaced the old man, he has been living in seclusion in the Wanshou League for these years. He never left once, but claimed to the outside world that he was practicing and retreating. As for Zuo Zheng, who has spent so much time preparing, of course, it is not only for you, but he may also take the opportunity to deal with other alchemy cultivators who have always been against the Sky Spider Sect. It's just that the old man didn't find out who else is there." The corpse monster said almost gnashing its teeth when its sore spot was aroused.

"Isn't there an ancestor of Yuanying in your faction? Your Excellency only needs to inform you, how can this senior Yuanying ignore the changes in the faction? Also, the two of you brought me here late at night, and the purpose is also to lure me into the group Let me put the ugly words first, even if I believe what the two of you said, I have no intention of intervening in the disputes of your faction. Since I have not been cursed, I don’t want to be enemies with the two mid-stage alchemy monks of your faction at the same time. As for leaving this There is no teleportation array of your faction in this sea area, so we can always find other ways." After hearing this, Luo Yu knew that this matter involved too much, and he patted his chin and muttered.

At the same time, the hand holding the light blade shook lightly, and the latter turned into a golden rainbow and sank into the palm of his hand.

The surrounding light dimmed, and the breath of Buddha power disappeared without a trace.

It could be considered that Luo Yu didn't pursue the previous matter, but he also didn't want to join in this troubled water, so he thought it over and over before he was extremely firm.

"Even if there are other sea routes, they are far less convenient than the teleportation array. Senior Luo might as well..."

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhang Ying opened her mouth in a hurry, still wanting to persuade her again, but when she got to this point, the corpse monster sighed softly first: "It's the fault, our patriarch 'Wan Miao Zhenren' hasn't come out of seclusion yet, and I don't know what the situation is, even the sound transmission talismans sent by us disciples have disappeared again and again. I even suspect that the patriarch is not in the cave at all, and maybe he is traveling far away. In other mountain gate strongholds, even if the medium-distance teleportation array is available, there is no time to notify. There is really no way to find Fellow Daoist Luo. The old man also understands the concerns of Fellow Daoist, so there is no need for you and me to go around. As long as the fellow daoist agrees, the old man can decide afterwards and let the fellow daoist choose two treasures from the treasury of our sect at will!"

"Two treasures? What's in the treasure house of your faction, how can Luo know whether it's worth it, let alone..." Luo Yu raised the corners of his mouth, looked at the corpse strangely, and then said slowly: "Fellow Daoist now Can you still take Luo to the treasury with such a bad appearance? It’s not clear what the conditions are for talking empty teeth.”

Luo Yu didn't seem to refuse immediately, but there was room in his words, and he didn't seem to care much about choosing two treasures.

But Luo Yu's words, the zombie was not surprised when he heard what Luo Yu said. Instead, he called Mrs. Zhang Ying to take off a storage bag in the skirt, and took out two small charcoal and gold stones from it, which were only the size of a thumb. It was crystal clear, and there seemed to be two clusters of golden star mist floating in the stone, which attracted Luo Yu's gaze with just one glance, even though the charcoal-gold stone had not emitted any fluctuations that a spiritual thing should have.

"Fellow Daoists are right. Of course, my old body can't let you suffer. Although the selection of the treasure house is an afterthought, but before that, these two pieces of 'Golden Constellation' are my guarantee to you. I don’t think I need to say more about how important fellow daoists are.” The corpse monster said leisurely, his tone calmed down, but there was still some reluctance in his bewitching eyes.

"Xingxiu Jinjing! You said that it is an extraterrestrial metal stone as famous as the 'Star Meteorite'! This kind of rumored treasure was rare in ancient times, how could you have it!" Luo Yugang felt that the two 'crystal grains' looked familiar After hearing it again, his face was shocked, and he couldn't help but lose his voice.

It's not that Luo Yu has never seen the treasure before, that's why he can't hold back. It's really something like the Constellation Golden Crystal, which has too much background!

Almost every powerful person who walked the way of body training in ancient times was inseparably related to the golden crystal of the stars. For body refiners, there are only two ways to increase their strength, breaking through the realm or refining Yuanbing!

Xingxiu Jinjing is known as the extraterrestrial golden stone because it can contain mysterious extraterrestrial power inside, which is a strange law from outside the sky. This kind of power law is far more powerful than the ordinary law of vitality. The gap between the two is as big as that of an immortal. For mortals!

Although Luo Yu doesn't know anything about the laws of the world at present, but after experiencing the black domain, at least he knows that the laws are indeed an illusory but powerful existence.

Using Constellation Gold Crystal as the material, any elemental weapon refined is enough to be called a divine weapon, almost indestructible, and its strength is no less than that of the four-striped star meteorite in Luo Yu's hand. The difference is that the star meteorite refined Treasures can be used by Qi practitioners or body refiners, but the Constellation Golden Crystal is only useful to body refiners!

More importantly, Constellation Golden Crystal is not like ordinary treasures, its effectiveness will be weakened if the owner of the treasure is improved. As long as there are enough of this kind of material, it can almost be used by body refiners to continue training.

Luo Yu didn't know about other rumors, but in ancient times, the 'Second Golden Body', which was called the most famous supernatural power, needed Constellation Golden Crystals that contained the same vitality law, and the more the better.

Although this earth-shattering supernatural power has long been extinct, even if Xingxiu Jinjing is used in other aspects, it can be called a masterpiece, so how can Luo Yu remain calm.

"It seems that your Excellency also understands the value of this thing. The two gold crystals were discovered by the old man in an ancient spiritual trench in the past, and they have been kept by my side. Even the closest people do not know. If you have the opportunity to advance to the Nascent Soul stage, you can exchange for some heaven-defying elixir, but in this situation, the immortal road has been destroyed for the rest of your life, so I naturally have no hope." Speaking of this, the zombie obviously remembered some embarrassing things Memory, voice full of hatred.

Those who can cultivate to the realm of alchemy are those who are resolute in mind and have a chance. Generally, they will not easily make enemies with others, but it is true that the hatred is as deep as the sea like a corpse. The precious golden crystal of the constellation is also willing to take it out.

This time it was Luo Yu's turn to hesitate. Originally, it was only for the teleportation formation. He didn't need to get involved in the bloody storm among the alchemy monks, but now the appearance of the Constellation Golden Crystal made him a little shaken.

Even though he got the Constellation Golden Crystal, he didn't have a way to use it for the time being, but for some reason, he always felt that this moment seemed to be some kind of opportunity that would never come again if he missed it, and this feeling was always accurate!

"Your Excellency is really prepared. If there are other things, it's fine. Since this golden crystal of Constellation has been encountered by Luo, he will never let him miss it, but before agreeing, I have conditions." Luo Yu looked deeply at the thumb-like golden stone. With two eyes, after taking a deep breath, he said solemnly.

"Of course, if fellow daoist agrees too readily, I won't be at ease." The corpse turned his head and said without any hesitation, as if he was very satisfied with Luo Yu's answer.

"Well, first of all, I need to verify the authenticity of the golden crystal in your hand. To be honest, this kind of treasure Luo did not even dare to think about it before, and he only knows one-sided about it. Only by consulting some relevant classics can he prove it. After confirming, I will give you an answer. In addition, once I agree, I must know all your plans for this operation. I think fellow daoists must have already made arrangements, and you will not hide anything by then." Luo Yu looked at it. Sweeping at the two of them, he said with his expression back to the original.

Mrs. Zhang Ying has been by Zuo Zheng's side for several years, so one can imagine the depth of the corpse monster's layout.

"Yes, fellow daoist's request is not too much, I agree." The corpse monster's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, but he was very happy, as if he had no doubts at all.

"Fellow Daoist, aren't you afraid that Luo will run away with the treasure!" Now it's Luo Yu's turn to be suspicious. It's possible that the corpse didn't understand what he meant. In Luo Yu's hands, if this is really the case, Luo Yu himself is not sure whether he will keep his promise.

The corpse monster is so old and cunning, how can it be someone who can't even figure out such a simple fellow Taoist!

"How can you not be afraid, so the Xingxiu Jinjing can only give half of it for the time being, and after handing over the Xingxiu Jinjing to Daoist Fellow, the old man will have to stay in Luo Daoyou's spirit beast bag for a period of time. I hope Brother Luo understands that whether it is Xingxiu Jinjing It's a plan that will be told to fellow Taoists, and I'm not allowed to make any mistakes." The monster's demonic gaze took a full view of the surprise on Luo Yu's face, but replied very calmly.

"This is actually part of the plan. The concubine was inconvenient to show up for too long on the day of the celebration. For convenience, the master hid in Senior Luo's spirit beast bag, so that he could get close to the fake Great Elder and join hands with Senior to wipe out the enemy." Zhang Zhang Mrs. Ying obviously also knew about this matter, seeing that the negotiation was almost assured, she explained with a smile on her face.

"So... that's fine, as long as fellow daoists don't dislike it, Luo will naturally welcome him. Luo also has a lot of things to ask fellow daoists about that fake elder." Luo Yu was only stunned for a moment, and then He said without changing his expression.

"That's good! Fellow Daoist, wait for a while, and the old body will return to the bag." The corpse monster had a satisfied expression on its face. Wrapped up like a silkworm chrysalis, in the blink of an eye, a huge black cocoon suspended in mid-air trembled slightly, and then directly turned into a jet-black streamer, submerged into an ordinary spirit animal bag in Mrs. Zhang Ying's hand.

When Luo Yu saw this, there was nothing strange on his face.

A moment later, a wave of extremely obscure spiritual thoughts came from the spirit beast bag, and after explaining something to Mrs. Zhang Ying, the beautiful woman glanced at her, and threw the spirit beast bag in her hand to Luo Yu enchantingly.

Without thinking, Luo Yu raised his hand to grab it, and took the spirit beast bag in his hand.

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