fairy flame

Chapter 1224 Verification

"Fellow Daoist Luo, this is not a place to talk, please find a quiet place." After looking at him twice, the divine sense in the spirit beast bag said again through sound transmission.

Hearing what the other party said, Luo Yu looked at the small bag in his hand, said nothing, and after saying goodbye to Mrs. Zhang Ying, he turned into a golden rainbow and left the place.

On the way back, Luo Yu didn't ask any more questions, but he was thinking about some details of the unimaginable experience before. The old-fashioned corpse seemed to see something, and he tactfully didn't bother him.

As soon as he entered the inn, Luo Yu immediately went back to his room. After arranging the restraints, it took half a stick of incense to dig out some old-looking jade slips from the storage bag.

Regarding the matter of Constellation Golden Crystal, it must be confirmed immediately, this is the premise of the subsequent series of plans.

Glancing at the several jade slips that he took out, Luo Yu moved his arm, randomly grabbed one of them and pasted it on his forehead, and began to search for the records about the Golden Crystal of Stars inside.

Although these jade slips were brought out in the Black Territory, they are not precious items at all. They are the "Wonderful Stories" and "Gouxuanlu" that overseas monks are only interested in when they first come into contact with the way of cultivating immortals. etc.

Luo Yu couldn't remember which piece of jade slip it was in, but with his sharp eyesight, he didn't have much trouble finding it.

After less than a stick of incense, a light green jade slip in Luo Yu's hand suddenly trembled, and his spiritual thoughts were withdrawn like a tide, and Luo Yu's eyes opened!

"Ice and fire smelting method! Yuanhai method!" Seeing this description, Luo Yu's eyes could not help but brighten up.

There are more than these two kinds of testing techniques that I saw just now, but except for the method Luo Yu said, most of them are unrealistic. Only after thinking about these two in the end, Luo Yu is somewhat convinced.

As the name suggests, the ice and fire smelting method is to temper the golden crystals of the constellations in extreme cold and heat. Although this method is stupid, it is very effective. Calcined for a long time, there will be no change at all, and asterites and star gold crystals are exceptions.

The changes of the two are different. The star meteorite cannot be refined with real fire at all, it will only have no reaction, but the golden crystal of the constellation will cause the resistance of the internal vitality law. Since the golden crystal is originally transformed by the illusory law, once the law in it operates, Even if there is only a trace, there will be a trace of flawed transparency on the gold stone, and it will disappear soon, and so on.

The method and reaction of ice smelting are roughly the same as those of fire smelting.

Of course, just one kind is still uncertain, and with the addition of the 'Yuanhai law', it is inseparable. Yuanhai can be said to be the law with the lowest spirituality in the world, and even because of its single offensive nature, it cannot be compared with other laws. The laws of heaven and earth are on par, but as long as it is a law, once it encounters the golden crystal of the constellation, it can also trigger the confrontation of the law of vitality.

As the master of Yuanhai, Luo Yu could really feel the abnormal fluctuations from the Golden Crystal of Constellation.

"The methods you found are not bad, not worse than the suggestions given by the old man." Luo Yu just communicated his ideas with the corpse, but the other party gave Luo Yu one of the Constellation Golden Crystals neatly, and said lightly.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry about it." Luo Yu said indifferently, but he didn't think of using the method given by the corpse monster at all. If the other party boasted, he would be fooled.

After hearing this, the spirit animal bag suddenly became silent, as if real gold is not afraid of fire.

After receiving the broken gold stone that exudes the feeling of warm jade, it was a little heavy, but as soon as it fell into Luo Yu's palm, it immediately became different from that in the hands of the corpse monster. The small gold stone became a little hot in Luo Yu's hand.

Although Luo Yu hadn't practiced orthodox physical exercises for a long time, when he pinched the small stone with five fingers, he felt an unusually mellow vitality fluctuation. Unlike ordinary vitality, the aura emitted by the broken gold stone was very restrained. Solidify tightly into a ball.

The two fingers clamping Xiaoshi exerted a little force, and the veins in the palms trembled violently. Under the finger force that could break gold and stones, Jinshi remained motionless.

Luo Yu tried to run the "Bazutong" skill to absorb it again, but it really didn't help.

Seeing this situation, in order to save some time, Luo Yu planned to use the 'Ice and Fire Smelting Method' first. This method took a long time, and Luo Yu had to decide whether to join the zombie party before the ceremony the day after tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Luo Yu waved his left hand lightly, and his entire arm was immediately shrouded in a crystal clear and fine cold mist. As soon as this mist appeared, the surrounding area immediately became chilly. Some other monks with low mana in the inn will suffer inexplicably.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, I'm used to being alone when I'm casting spells, so I have to temporarily ban you for a while." Luo Yu just started, but hesitated for a moment, and suddenly turned his head and said, at the same time, there were two more restraints on his five fingers Talisman comes.

"Huh! I'm not that interested in peeping at the spellcasting of a monk of your Foundation Establishment Stage!" Although the corpse monster noticed that the cold energy Luo Yu cast was a little weird, he never thought it would be the spiritual energy of his life, so upon hearing this, The tone was a bit annoyed, but he replied with disdain.

"That's the best. I don't need to say more about the truth. Your Excellency should be able to understand." Luo Yu smiled lightly, and then pasted the two talismans in his hand on the spirit beast bag, and suddenly a deep blue light impenetrable The spirit beast bag was covered.

This is Luo Yu's consistent style. Although he generally believed what the corpse said, he didn't trust it enough to expose his secrets. This move was understandable in his opinion.

At this time, Luo Yu didn't care what the corpse monster would think. He touched the storage bag with his other hand, and a mini tripod wrapped in blood light hung in front of him in a blink of an eye.

The small tripod buzzed softly, as if it was vibrating spiritually!

Luo Yu flicked his fingers first, and a series of spells landed on the small blood-colored cauldron. Suddenly, the buzzing sound changed, and a strange low hum that had never been heard before came from inside the cauldron. Mengmeng Guanghua swept away along the tripod wall, where the bloody light passed, some forbidden patterns that were originally imprinted on the tripod wall began to recombine.

In the blink of an eye, when the aura of the blood-eyed cauldron seemed to be different from usual, Luo Yu's left hand, wrapped in ice spirit and cold soul, stretched out a finger to touch the small cauldron, and the sound of 'puchi' was accompanied by a burst of cold white light. , one after another entangled with Xiaoding's bloody light endlessly.

Only a spiritual alchemy furnace like the 'Blood Eye Cauldron' can withstand the washing of the extremely cold spiritual energy. If it is replaced by other furnaces, it is estimated that it will be frozen and destroyed within a quarter of an hour.

When the cold strands gushing out from the arm reached a certain balance with the bloody light sprayed from the small tripod, the bloody light trembled violently and shrank, and the cold strands inside began to intersect and intertwine according to a certain law.

It seems that the cold silk is going to weave forbidden patterns similar to the tripod wall in the blood light. It is the first time that Luo Yu has controlled the aura of his life to do such a delicate and delicate work. The cold white silk began to resist trembling, but Under Luo Yu, the aura master's mana, the ice spirit was barely restrained by the blood light.

Under the urging of mana's continuous water grinding kung fu, Luo Yu stared at the spirit patterns drawn by cold white silk threads in the blood light with flickering eyes. After a long time, the work was finally completed.

A moment later, Luo Yu's sleeve robe lightly waved, a gust of wind blew up the bloody light, and it fell towards the mouth of the tripod. Buluo was absorbed by the Blood Eye Cauldron.

Xiao Ding suddenly let out a muffled cry, and after circling in the room, it turned into several feet in size, and the blood light became even more eye-catching.

With Luo Yu's spiritual thought, it immediately caused the ice spirit in the cauldron to disintegrate into more than ten spell-like restraints, and merged in an orderly manner towards the target cauldron wall pattern. The army was defeated and forced to stand on the three tripod ears.

The walls of the cauldron, which were originally glistening with blood, suddenly became white and hazy, and even the restraining operation in the small cauldron also emitted a hazy white light.

Seeing this situation, Luo Yu was secretly happy but didn't dare to take it lightly. He took a deep breath, and the fingers of both hands bounced non-stop, and magic spells of different colors hit the small cauldron quickly.

Immediately under the power of the ice spirit and cold soul, the small tripod not only emitted more intense cold air, but even the last bit of blood on the tripod's ears was completely forced to disappear in a flash. At the same time, the inside of the tripod slowly overflowed with stars Under the pressure of the tripod wall spirit pattern, the white flames approached slowly. After a while, these white flames gradually became brighter and brighter, and as soon as they touched other white light spots around them, they immediately clustered together become stronger.

When the white flame in the cauldron became the size of an egg, no matter how Luo Yu pushed it, even if white light spots continued to emerge from the small cauldron, they still could not merge into the white flame.

A cold light flashed in Luo Yu's eyes, and he knew that he had used the ice spirit and cold soul to the extreme. The gas has turned into a flame, so it can be stored in the tripod for a long time.

In this way, no matter what happens later, it will not harm the origin of the ice spirit and cold soul in Luo Yu's body.

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