fairy flame

Chapter 1225

When the cold flame inside the cauldron stabilized, Luo Yu breathed a sigh of relief, raised one hand, and the crystal grains caught by his fingertips swayed slightly, and flew into the cauldron.

Then Luo Yu pinched Fa Jue unceremoniously, and the cauldron's inner cold white flame flashed, and precisely wrapped the crystal grains layer by layer.

But at this moment, Luo Yu's whole body tensed up, and a sense of horror as if being stared at by a giant beast swept into the depths of his soul through the cold soul of the ice spirit!

Luo Yu was horrified, but fortunately he had seen the descriptions in ancient books, and he was prepared for this, otherwise, if he couldn't react at this moment, the previous Shi Qiang would fall short, so between divine thoughts and Under the double suppression of mystic sense, the feeling of hair standing on end was relieved a lot.

But Luo Yu still didn't dare to imagine, just verifying the reaction caused by this stone made him a little overwhelmed. If he really wanted to refine them in the future, it would not take much effort.

At this time, the top cover has been closed by itself, Luo Yu's mind calmed down, and he directly sensed every move of the crystal grain in the tripod. At this time, the behavior of the crystal grain is exactly the same as that recorded in the classics, but there is no movement yet.

But it can make Luo Yu feel the terrifying feeling just now, which is enough to show the extraordinaryness of the 'Golden Crystal of the Constellation', even the extremely cold air like Bing Ling Han Po is no match for it. Above the original expectation.

Luo Yu smiled wryly in his heart, but continued to insist on using the cold air to continuously impact the crystal grains...  

After more than an hour, the glittering and translucent small gold fragments finally began to change. The golden star mist that circulated endlessly inside the stone overflowed part of it in a burst of tumbling, but as soon as it separated from the gold stone, it turned into ten slender golden snakes. , each one is only as thick as chopsticks, but the glittering golden snake head has distinct scales and eyes, like a real spirit snake.

As soon as the ten golden snakes appeared, they sucked in all directions, swallowing the cold air around them like lightning, but they didn't seem to be affected at all.

Seeing that the cold air decreased by one tenth in a blink of an eye, Luo Yu did not panic. Although the extremely cold air he released was not the real ice spirit cold soul, it was by no means something that could be digested by a mere piece of star gold crystal.

As he was thinking in his heart, the scene that happened immediately confirmed his idea. After the ten golden snakes came out of the cave with a neighing sound, they all fell to the bottom of the tripod one after another. Disappeared in place.

And Luo Yu found that the golden mist that was missing in the golden crystal of the constellation had returned to the stone, and a small part of the cold air that had been swallowed was really missing.

All of this is consistent with the description, but Luo Yu is not someone who believes it easily. To prove that what is contained in the crystal grains is indeed the power of the law of vitality, in the following process, the performance of the crystal grains must be exactly the same as the first time, because The power of this natural law cannot be consumed.

Afterwards, under the intrusion and impact of the cold mist, the crystal grains slowly condensed into golden snakes that absorb the cold mist. There are also ten golden snakes, and a similar scene is repeated...

This kind of boring tempering, knowing that it finally ended at noon on the second day, the crystal grain did not disappoint him, and it fit the description several times in succession, this made Luo Yu secretly excited.

It's just that manipulating Bing Ling Han Po for such a long time, although the mana is not consumed much, but the spiritual sense is consumed, Luo Yu had to take a break for a while.

Fortunately, the next real fire calcination will have little effect on mana and consciousness, but it will take a correspondingly longer time. In fact, up to now, Luo Yu has basically confirmed that the crystal grains taken out by the corpse are most likely to be The stars are golden.

At this point, Luo Yu took advantage of the time to meditate to recover, and began to think about this transaction.

Thinking of this, Luo Yu tore off the magic talisman on the spirit beast bag, and at the same time began to talk with the other party through the sound transmission of spiritual thoughts. When the corpse heard that Luo Yu didn't talk about Xingxiu Jinjing, he directly asked about the details of his actions, so he naturally understood what happened Suddenly, I felt that Luo Yu's rudeness last night was not worth mentioning.

After this person's detailed explanation, Luo Yu couldn't help but click his tongue secretly when he heard the last part of the bold gamble in this person's plan.

Who is the person who pretended to be her? The corpse has not found out until now. It only knows that this person seems to have a very high status in the Sky Spider Sect. He is called a "Secret Envoy". He is good at using a strange escape technique that is invisible and invisible, and it seems to be a dual cultivation of law and body.

Originally, with Lan Xie old man's supernatural powers, the envoy and her were brothers, and they were sure to escape if they were desperate. If Zuo Zheng hadn't suddenly changed his mind and attacked him at that time, the envoy would never have controlled him so easily. Transforming meaning door.

But this time, the corpse monster's plan is also to use its own way to treat its own body!

According to what the corpse monster said, on the day of the celebration, the fake old blue scorpion would leave the Wanshou Squadron early in the morning and go to the top floor of Gongyue Hall to meet the alchemy cultivator who came, but it would take at least several hours for this Help the rambunctious old guys gather together, and then the celebration will be announced.

Taking advantage of this gap, Luo Yu had to assist the zombie to infiltrate into the Wanshou branch to rescue the trapped real body. Although there was a part of the spirit in the corpse that the blue scorpion old man used the secret technique to divide, it could only be combined with the soul in the real body. Only the blue scorpion man can be considered complete, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate with the human soul and the body of a fine corpse.

However, this kind of soul reintegration is not only very dangerous, but also takes a very long time. It is not something that can be completed right now. Detonate the prohibition imposed on the trapped real body, and pull a back one.

Hearing what the corpse monster said, although Luo Yu felt that the Wanshou League was definitely not a place to sneak in and out easily, but the corpse monster had the experience of escaping with a soul once, so he didn't ask any questions, anyway, the corpse monster would follow next to him.

"Oh! It turns out that Fellow Daoist Jin and Fairy Tianhong of your faction followed Your Excellency's order to befriend Zuo Zheng and win his trust. I thought that Fellow Daoist Lan's helpers would be Old Ying and Master Wen. Everyone in Pai knows that Zuo Zheng is at odds with these two people." Hearing the corpse monster's plan, Luo Yu immediately clicked his tongue twice, and said with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"After all, the old man is the great elder of our school's Yuling resident. There are many things that the traitor doesn't know about. As for the old man Ying and the real man Wen, no matter what they think in their hearts, it's not like you haven't seen these two people on the wall. The way the grass looks, it is possible to fall to either side at that time, and I have worked hard for several years to plan, so naturally there is no room for a little difference." When the corpse talked about these two people, it seemed to be dismissive.

That's right, in front of Zuo Zheng, Mr. Ying really looked like he had accumulated a lot of prestige, and this person secretly opposed Zuo Zheng, so it was very difficult for him to get close to him when he fought.

Not to mention Wen Zhenren, when Zuo Zheng rebelled, this person was not in the realm of alchemy, so naturally he was no longer considered, but now he can stabilize his initial cultivation base, and he has not even had time to refine his natal magic weapon. Sometimes I can't get in.

"But just relying on that set of Liangyi Silver Spirit Sword Formation! Are you sure you can trap that emissary? In addition, hearing the meaning behind this emissary, it seems that behind this emissary, there is someone with a higher cultivation level in the Sky Spider Cult." Master, you are not worried that killing this person will cause more trouble." Luo Yu was silent for a while, and after carefully deducing all the plans revealed by the corpse monster in his mind, he still asked a little uneasy.

This person spent several years carefully planning, even if she concealed something, Luo Yu would not be able to detect any mistakes even if she asked herself for a while, the corpse must have figured out how to deal with him, but there is nothing he can do about it.

"Fellow daoists, you can rest assured that Junior Brother Jin and Junior Sister Ying are a pair of Taoists, and they have even practiced the sword array technique of combining two swords. Individually, they may be average in strength, but together, they can do nothing even in their prime. No, what's more, the strength of this formation is not to attack and annihilate the enemy, but to defend against trapped enemies. The 'secret envoy' is just a weird evasion technique. Once there is no room to escape, the magical power of the body will be greatly reduced. I don't believe that the four of us work together , still can’t kill this person, not to mention that Luo Daoyou practiced the Buddhist body training method, which is the nemesis of this staff!” The corpse monster replied confidently.

"All of this has to be done by Lingtu last night. Luo always has doubts about this. How can Zuo Zheng be so easy to deceive? He must believe that the 'curse' on the root of Lingtu's tongue has reached his lower abdomen. Zuo Zheng Even if you are in a hurry, but last night with Lingtu Chunfeng, you will check it out, aren't you afraid that Zuo Zheng will find something?"

Everything that Luo Yu said was the most thrilling part of the whole plan. In one night, Zuo Zheng's self-righteous plot was finally reaped the fruit of his own accord!

Mrs. Zhang Ying returned to Zuo Zheng's cave last night. Apart from reporting back to Zuo Zheng's task of seducing Luo Yu, she naturally had to "commit work".

When Zuo Zheng's lust grows, Mrs. Zhang Ying needs to quietly transfer the "curse" transformed by the Blood Ripple Spider into Zuo Zheng's belly during the process of "communication". The Spider Cult itself is not familiar with the secret techniques of the Sky Spider Cult, not to mention that there was someone else who cast the spell that day, Zuo Zheng might be dead by then, and he would still be confused.

At first glance, this plan sounds a bit whimsical, even unimaginable, but it is absolutely wonderful.

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