fairy flame

Chapter 1226

()? "Fellow Daoist Luo really thinks that the rumors about Zuo Zheng having sex with women are groundless? Ever since I was imprisoned by them, the temperament of my junior brother has become worse than before. The reason why this traitor has nothing to do with Yinger Be wary, on the one hand, it is Yinger's appointment of me as a teacher, he doesn't know about it, and on the other hand, they have already placed several restrictions on Yinger, Zuo Zheng thinks that my apprentice will never dare to betray him, of course these restrictions When Zuo Zheng died, he resolved it on his own, but Zuo Zheng never believed that he would have a day when he would face a catastrophe. "Net" the corpse monster's tone was somewhat sneering.

"But he's not a fool, he won't have no doubts, so Ying'er asked you to meet late at night, deliberately for Zuo Zheng to see, afterward Ying'er will use the breath of a fellow daoist to mix a little of other people's Yuanyang into her body After a few sacrifices, Zuo Zheng will be able to give Zuo Zheng a fake job. As for whether the curse is still in his mouth, this person will definitely use some means to check it out. Unfortunately, he doesn't know that among Ying'er's seductive skills, there is a kind that can reach a certain limit. The secret technique of distorting the mouthpiece will not be tolerated by him at that time, in fact, it is not important now after saying so much, because now there is no need to worry about it." The corpse patiently explained it first, and then said in a tone Get up full of meaning.

"Don't worry? Fellow Daoist means..." Luo Yu's expression froze for a moment, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"It's very simple. The old man has received the response from Ying'er using the secret technique, which proves that the traitor Zuo Zheng has swallowed the curse!" When the words came to this point, there was a hint of madness in the hoarse voice of the corpse, as if Very proud of his plan.

Hearing this, Luo Yu immediately had no more questions to ask. Whether the news is true or not, he will know when the time comes, Luo Yu will not go after empty words, and the corpse also doesn't know why, and he doesn't plan to say any more Let Luo Yu believe it even more.

Assuming that what the corpse monster said is true, then the experiment must be accelerated.

Luo Yu was silent for a while, and then began to cast spells again. With a flip of his palm, three real fires in his body emerged from the palm of his hand, about the size of a foot. She is unpredictable on Luo Yu's face.

After recovering most of his mana, the next thing he has to do is to use the real fire to refine the golden crystal of Xingxiu, and the three real fires are not secret magical powers, so there is no need to deliberately cover them up.

Just as Luo Yu was about to move with the palm holding the fireball, the zombie suddenly said in a strange tone: "There is something, after thinking about it, I still need to tell fellow Taoists, your Excellency and that girl Qiuyan Good relationship."

"Oh, why did Fellow Daoist Lan ask such a question?" Upon hearing this, Luo Yu didn't answer directly, but said calmly with his expression unchanged.

It sounds like it doesn't matter much.

"It's nothing, I just know that Zuo Zheng seems to be going to attack your blue-faced confidant today, but I don't know exactly what to do." The corpse monster snorted when Luo Yu heard it, and then Hehe smiled, and replied as if it had nothing to do with him.

But what was clearly seen in the words.

"My fellow Daoist Qiu and I are indeed average in acting. Luo never thought that he would be able to hide from those alchemy cultivators, but the person Zuo Zheng really wants to deal with is me. Right now he shouldn't do this kind of trickery." Luo Yu just Said with a slight frown.

Knowing that the corpse monster had seen that he and Qiuyan were pretending to be intimate when the monks of Jiedan gathered, but even so, Luo Yu still had some doubts about what he said.

"Who knows what kind of wind this traitor is, maybe he is sure that Fellow Daoist Luo will not be able to leave Yuling Town, or he thinks that Yinger has been so fascinated by Fellow Daoist that he will not leave without returning to the beauty. Go crazy, this news was overheard by the old man when he was hiding on Ying'er, if you don't believe me, Luo Daoyou, just pretend you haven't heard it, anyway, the life and death of this girl, as long as it doesn't affect the old man's plan, it doesn't matter It's too much to do, for the sake of Fellow Daoist Luo, the old man just said that." Hearing Luo Yu's doubtful tone, the corpse couldn't help but sink, as if blaming himself for talking too much.

"This girl is also a monk of the noble sect. How can fellow Taoists be so cruel? If you really have the heart, send someone to hint at random, so that Fairy Qiu will not be reduced to a furnace." Luo Yu sighed lightly, and he also had a headache. This kind of thing can't always ask him to come forward.

"Hehe! What good is it to me to save her? In the past, I was too kind to others and ended up like this. But this time, your Excellency may have guessed wrong. Although Zuo Zheng has no women, but I treat this junior I understand, he won't wait for this little time, maybe he has another purpose." The corpse monster sneered, and his tone suddenly became extremely cold.

After finishing speaking, the corpse monster whispered the details of the matter in a whisper, then immediately shut up and stopped talking, and finally told Luo Yu that no matter whether he saved him or not, the corpse monster would never disturb him again of.

"Since it's still too late, it's okay to go and have a look, it's just a matter of raising one's hand. Presumably at this time, Zuo Zheng has no interest in turning against me." Luo Yu rubbed his chin, and after a little consideration, he finally said with determination.

In fact, in the final analysis, Luo Yu is not a cold-blooded person, and he does not want to be a person who has no feelings. This Qiuyan can barely be regarded as his first close friend after he came overseas, and Luo Yu watched helplessly. Seeing this girl jump into the fire pit, but I feel uneasy in my heart.

After all, if he is here, if he goes overseas to retreat and practice in the future, as long as he doesn't hear about this kind of trivial matter, he won't bother to care about it!

Luo Yu complained in his heart, but he quickly put away the Samadhi True Fire without hesitation, left the room, and returned to the street outside the inn.

Looking at the more lively streets than the previous few days, Luo Yu spotted a place and walked over quickly.

Now the number of monks in the foundation building period on the street has increased a lot. Although not all of these people are qualified to participate in the celebration, most of them come here for the various trade fairs held on Yuling Island before and after the celebration. The two alchemy monks, maybe.

Walking into a densely forested mountain road, the hustle and bustle of all kinds of business in his ears suddenly quieted down. Luo Yu looked at the few lonely house-like attics in front of him, and walked over with a normal expression.

After a cup of tea, Luo Yu stood in front of a small two-story attic and looked around.

This attic is not too high, only about six or seven feet. As long as the shops are not built on the prosperous street, most of them will look like this. On the small banner flying in front of this attic, there is a big "beast" written on it. Character.

This is actually a place where spirit beasts are traded!

And standing outside the building were two male cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Stage, both dressed in yellow maple clothes, and they happened to see Luo Yu too.

Luo Yu's face darkened unconsciously. Not only were these two people wearing Huayimen costumes, but they were also dignified foundation-builder monks. It was too unreasonable for them to guard the gate here.

Now that he had already prepared to be rude, Luo Yu didn't hesitate any more, with a sneer hanging from the corner of his mouth, he strode over, ignoring the two of them.

"This fellow daoist! This store is temporarily closed for business, fellow daoist, change to another shop!" One of the big men with a scorched face saw Luo Yu approaching rashly, stretched out his arm coldly, and stepped forward to stop him.

The other person's divine sense swept over Luo Yu, but he only sensed the aura of the Qi training period emanating from Luo Yu's body, and immediately withdrew his gaze in disdain, as if he didn't even want to look at it.

"Oh! I'm here to look for someone. I just saw Fairy Qiu walk in." Luo Yu raised his eyebrows and replied with the same expression, but he didn't have the slightest intention to stop. The way it used to be.

"Bold, you..." Hearing this, the yellow-faced man's face turned cold, and with a shake of his unretracted arm, a thick blue arc shot out, shooting straight towards Luo Yu's body.

It seems that this person is probably Zuo Zheng's disciple, and he has practiced the Thunder Attribute skill well, and relying on someone behind him, it is not easy to make a move!

But before the man could finish his words, he found a colorful and bright golden claw protruding from the chest of the oncoming man like a ghost, easily slapping its blue arc in mid-air, and Immediately, the chi claws turned into a blurred golden light, and suddenly hit the big man's chest at an incredible speed.

There was a sound of strong ribs cracking, accompanied by the scream of the big man, and the whole person flew upside down several feet away, smashed hard on a tree trunk, and fell to the ground vomiting blood.

"Your Excellency...you!"

"Get out! I won't say my words a second time!" Luo Yu's voice turned cold, but the smile on the corner of his mouth remained unchanged, which really made the hands and feet of another young man with pale lips feel cold.

The one who made the move just now was his senior brother, who was stronger than him, and was beaten face to face by Luo Yu so that he couldn't get up. At this moment, when he heard Luo Yu's warning, he couldn't hold back a word, and didn't dare to say a word said.

But the young man reacted quickly enough. After being startled, he found that Luo Yu had no hidden unfathomable aura. His expression changed immediately, and he squeezed out a blunt expression of respect and apology. At the same time, he was afraid that Luo Yu would attack him, so he stood there in shock. Same!

At this time, Luo Yu stopped talking and walked past this person. Although his eyes ignored the young man, the fierceness of his cultivation could imperceptibly oppress the young man's face.

Just as Luo Yu passed this person and was only ten feet away from the attic, suddenly the main door opened not far away, and a white breeze swept out of it, and stopped abruptly like a whirlwind about ten feet away from Luo Yu. The figure of a silver-haired old man came.

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