fairy flame

Chapter 1227

"Your Excellency is Luo Yu...Senior Luo! Fairy Qiu and Master Zuo Zhenzhen are discussing some important matters of the sect. It is inappropriate for Senior to disturb you at this time." Hearing the commotion outside, the old man's originally gloomy face suddenly disappeared. After rushing out, he immediately saw the junior brother who was seriously injured and fell to the ground with sharp eyes, and looked at Luo Yu again and couldn't help being surprised, but he had to bite the bullet and say.

He knew Zuo Zheng's temper well, and before he found out what Luo Yu came for, he would rather have a glimmer of hope that Luo Yu would retreat when he heard Zuo Zheng's name, rather than disturb the "good thing" of his family teacher rashly.

But he happened to be a bad visitor, and what he wanted was Zuo Zheng's friend, Luo Yu couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

"Fellow Daoist Zuo is also inside, so it's better to say that Luo came here uninvited, so he should say hello to Fellow Daoist Zuo." Luo Yu narrowed his eyes, and after saying this, he stopped paying attention to this person, but But the mysterious feeling came out, covering the entire attic.

Luo Yu has long discovered that there are many restrictions in the attic, which seem to be specially used to restrain the detection of the monk's spiritual sense, but in terms of the spiritual perception in a small area, the spiritual sense is far less delicate and subtle than the mysterious sense.

As a result, as soon as Luo Yuxuan sensed Fang pouring in, he felt something and went into a room on the second floor of the attic. There seemed to be a quarrel in it, and a familiar female voice sounded full of weeping.

"No, you...don't come here!" The woman's struggling and helpless voice was accompanied by a tearing sound. Just as she was about to despair, another figure inside noticed Luo Yu's unscrupulous inspection and movements. After a pause, and then only heard an angry snort, a fierce and stern divine sense fought back, and hit Luo Yu Xuangan hard.

Luo Yu stood outside the door without moving, and after a slight movement in his face, he returned to normal in an instant. He only wanted to warn him, and had no intention of directly conflicting with Zuo Zheng, so Xuangan withdrew it calmly.

Zuo Zheng must have known who the visitor was, and with only three disciples outside, he naturally had no intention of proceeding with those unscrupulous attempts.

"It seems that your master doesn't have any important matters, but Luo has already greeted him, you go and invite Fairy Qiu here, I believe the master will not stop you." Luo Yu looked away seemingly half-seeing, Then he smiled strangely at the old man, and said calmly.

Listening to Luo Yu's tone, it seemed normal, but the more polite he was, the more uneasy the silver-haired old man became.

However, the invisible fight between Luo Yu and Zuo Zheng was only a momentary event, and the silver-haired old man obviously didn't know about it. When the old man was wondering how Luo Yu would inform his master, he suddenly became stunned.

Seeing the old man's stare blankly for a moment, Luo Yu knew without guessing what Zuo Zheng had been ordering through sound transmission. In a blink of an eye, the silver-haired old man's eyes turned, and after a light 'cough', he put on a flattering expression.

"Senior Luo came at the right time. The meeting inside has just ended, so I'll tell Fairy Qiu right now, senior, please wait a moment." The silver-haired old man put away his astonishment, and then said enthusiastically. ,

It seems that there is no discomfort at all.

Seeing Luo Yu nodding his head in disbelief, the old man finally felt the pressure off his body, and couldn't help but quickly retreated into the attic with a grateful expression on his face.

But Luo Yu turned his head to look at the bewildered fair-skinned young man, smiled at him and said, "Go and heal your senior brother, a little injury, rest for ten and a half months and it will be fine."

"Yes, this junior will go right away." The corner of the young man's mouth twitched violently, taking pictures of Luo Yu's wrist, he hurriedly ran over as promised.

In fact, the injuries suffered by the big man are not just minor injuries that can be cured by self-cultivation. The young monks can only hope that they can be revived.

At this time Luo Yu became silent, but his heart throbbed inexplicably. For some reason, maybe it was because he had given Zuo Zheng a disgrace, and let out a mouthful of this person's malice against him for framing him.

It is estimated that Zuo Zheng thought that he had control of Luo Yu's life and death, so he didn't need to take revenge for a while. Even if Luo Yu really killed his disciple with cruel hands, he would endure it.

"Brother Luo!" Just when Luo Yu was in a good mood, an exclamation came from not far away.

At the same time, a gust of fragrant wind rolled into Luo Yu's arms like a gust of fire, and a pair of slender hands hugged Luo Yu tightly around his waist.

Luo Yu originally wanted to greet her politely, after all he had no affection for this woman, but since she appeared and saw her pale and haggard face, Luo Yu suddenly couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, this woman was only under some coercion, Luo Yu came in time, this woman was not captured by Zuo Zheng, presumably after this lesson, she should also see clearly the faces of these so-called elders of the sect.

If it were Luo Yu, he would have left right and wrong and cultivated on his own. The so-called innocent woman is just too beautiful, which is inevitably such a fate.

Greeting this woman's desolate expression of remorse, shame and anger, Luo Yu secretly sighed, such a woman is both pitiful and not simple. The lotus is innocent and respectable, but it really shouldn't be there.

But he said 'Brother Luo', the indescribable gratitude came from the heart.

"Let's go, see through and be free sooner." Luo Yu glanced at the woman with a complicated expression, regardless of whether the woman accepted it or not, he could only comfort her like this.

When the silver-haired old man watched Luo Yu and Qiu Yan gradually drifting away, there was a thunderbolt above his head, and a ball of lightning fell beside him.

The electric arc dissipated in an instant, and a scholar-like middle-aged man in blue brocade clothes stood there like a ghost.

"Greetings, Master!" The old man said with a tight expression when he saw the person coming.

"Get up, I don't blame you this time, how is the fifth brother's injury?" It was Zuo Zheng who came, but he didn't seem to want to meet Luo Yu face to face, so he showed up at this moment.

The young man was on the sidelines healing the big man's injuries. Zuo Zheng's eyes swept away, but his brows were slightly frowned, and he didn't appear to be really angry.

"Reporting to Master, Fifth Senior Brother's internal organs were injured. Although it is a serious injury, he can recover after several years of cultivation, but...but." The young monk was usually the most eloquent, but at this moment he dared not speak further.

"But what!" Zuo Zheng's complexion changed, and he said in a low voice with a faint sense of foreboding.

Puff!The fair-skinned youth had a resentful look on his face, and immediately knelt on the ground and cried out in mourning: "The veins in the body near the dantian seem to have been shattered, Master! The fifth brother just blocked this person, he To have such a vicious hand, Master must be the master for us!" After saying that, the young man's voice was stern, and he and Luo Yu formed a sworn hatred.

The old man's eyes twitched when he heard the shattered tendons. This is only the legendary fairy medicine that can repair the injury. Even if their master can find it, how can they be wasted on a foundation-building disciple.

If not cured, the Fifth Junior Brother will be able to restore his cultivation at most in the future, but the Immortal Foundation has been destroyed, and it is impossible to achieve higher achievements. Thinking of this, the old man secretly thought that he was not the one who was lucky enough to be injured. Luo Yu's unscrupulous wrists became extremely fearful.

"This person is still on the territory of our Huayi Sect, and he doesn't take our school seriously. The disciples have never been humiliated like this before!" It was this old man who knew how to fan the flames better. Under the circumstances, Zuo Zheng was not a good person at all, and he definitely wanted to save face.

Even though the old man knew that they were the first to plot against others this time, they were used to being arrogant and had never suffered such a disadvantage.

"Hey, this man won't live long, and it will be a matter of time to settle accounts with him. As a teacher, I don't have the heart to fight with a dead man right now." Zuo Zheng said calmly, as if Luo Yu was in his eyes, It's just insignificant.

After the murderous intent in his eyes narrowed, Zuo Zheng looked at his seriously injured disciple, left some pills behind, and left the place with the sound of thunder on his body.

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