fairy flame

Chapter 1228

After Luo Yu led Qiuyan away, he walked through two bustling streets in Yuling Town and soon arrived at the foot of Huayimen Mountain.

Originally, he wanted to send this girl back to 'Wen Zhenren', but along the way, Luo Yu brought the girl's pear blossoms with rain, looking sad and sad, and wanted to ask a few more questions, but he couldn't open his mouth.

Luo Yu heard from Master Wen that Qiuyan has always been cautious since returning to Huayimen. Even the only time she met Zuo Zheng, she spent a lot of money to find Luo Yu as a backer. If it wasn't for something extremely important, This woman will not fall into the trap easily.

It's useless to blame this woman afterward, and Luo Yu doesn't want to care too much, and cause misunderstanding in the end.

"Brother Luo, can you accompany me to the beach?" Luo Yu sent Qiu Yan to the foot of Huayimen Mountain, but the woman looked at Luo Yu quietly and asked.

Just having an accident and still being so leisurely, what is going on in this woman's mind, isn't she more realistic?

Suddenly Luo Yu felt that something was wrong again, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Hearing this, it seemed as if he heard a simple question, and it passed from his heart at once.

"I'll talk about it later. I have other things to do right now, so it's a little inconvenient." Luo Yu thought that Jin Jing, the star star, was still one step away, and taking this girl out of the abyss without any consideration for rewards had already taken a lot of time. Naturally, there is no interest in entangled with this woman for a while.

"It's okay, I'm fine now, thank you Brother Luo this time, Qiuyan really doesn't know how to repay such a great kindness."

Seeing that her beautiful eyes had regained some of their former splendor, Luo Yu examined himself carefully, his complexion turned rosy, and the strange feeling in his heart became even stronger. bid farewell.

At the time of parting, Qiuyan's eyes showed Haiyang's expression, her face was still blushing with embarrassment, and she kept smiling as she watched Luo Yu leave.

When returning to the inn, Luo Yu sat down and tried to meditate for a while. The spirit beast bag on his waist trembled. Since Luo Yu went to find Zuo Zheng, the corpse monster, which had been silent for a while, came again by sound transmission. , but it was just an inexplicable sigh.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, you really shouldn't have rejected that child Qiuyan. If the old man guessed correctly, she already has the idea of ​​committing suicide. I'm afraid that inviting you to accompany her just now is to fulfill her last wish in this life." The voice was complicated, and it seemed hesitant to speak.

"Suicide! Why did Fellow Daoist Lan say such a thing? Luo has just saved her life, and this girl has not been murdered. How could she have such an idea?" Luo Yu's first feeling was that he didn't believe it. After decades of practice, what kind of He has never seen it before, but he doesn't believe it at all if he wants to kill himself first if he can't bear to be humiliated innocently.

What a cultivator is, they all have the arrogance of the proud son of heaven. Those with spiritual roots are first-class gods in the eyes of mortals in the lay world, and they are existences that emperors have to obey and bow down to.

As long as life is safe, even if there is only one breath left, in Luo Yu's view, he should work hard and try his best!

There may be immortal cultivators who commit suicide, but they must be in some desperate situation. Qiuyan's current situation is just a small trouble. When the dust settles tomorrow, this woman will naturally have no more worries.

All kinds of reasons welled up in my heart, but the feeling that I hadn't understood at the time of parting made Luo Yu not absolutely sure at the moment.

"Fellow Daoist Luo is obsessed with the authorities. There are many ways of feeling that cannot be explained. The old man just knows that the "Shui Xiao Jue" practiced by Qiuyan can only be practiced by women with yin meridians. And such women often have ill-fated lives. When a monk of alchemy sees it, he will take his Yuan Yin captive to practice. There happens to be a secret technique in "Shui Xiao Jue", which can forcibly retrograde the true essence, restrain his body with the true fire of Samadhi, and finally die, hey! At that time, although the old man saw that Qiuyan's expression was a bit weird, he just thought it was due to Luo Daoyou's polite refusal, and didn't care about it. Now that he thinks about it, if this woman really did this, the old man can't help but be moved by this chaste heart. "Although the corpse monster is just a guess, it has never seen such a disappointed tone.

After listening to Luo Yu, he felt cold all over his body, and the thought he swore just now seemed to be becoming more and more untenable.

"Could it be because of me! There is no such deep entanglement between this girl and me, not to mention Luo's two words of refusal can make this girl commit suicide, and I don't even believe it when I say it." Luo Yu lightly Sighed but trembled a little.

Although he has absolutely no love for this woman, but when he heard that this woman committed suicide, he still felt a little angry. She was a simple, pretty face, and even a bit aggressive and arrogant woman, who had been played by fate. His body was bruised and bruised, and he refused to let it go in the end!

"I don't think it's because, maybe Zuo Zheng pushed too hard at that time, and put a restraint on her. It's rare for this traitor to do such despicable and shameful things. Unfortunately, he doesn't know. The technique of the fire gun is aimed at this kind of situation, even if the mana is imprisoned, it can't stop this technique, of course, there is another situation, maybe the old man just misjudged it."

As soon as the corpse monster finished speaking, there was only a low cry before Luo Yu disappeared in the room, and the faint golden light suddenly faded away.

At this time, it cannot be ruled out that the corpse monster deliberately fanned the flames, making Luo Yu really want to kill Zuo Zheng, which would be more beneficial to the corpse monster's plan.

Luo Yu's figure flashed a few times, and he chased all the way to the ring lake, and after searching with his spiritual sense, he quickly left the inner island, set up his escape light and searched along the huge sea reef of Yuling Island.

If Qiuyan is really as the corpse monster said, Luo Yu should always come out and take a look, after all, the last time this girl just wanted to see himself, after all, his heart is still not hard enough!

Looking at the vast and lonely coastline, the outer island of Yuling Island is so large, and there are hundreds of affiliated islands connected to it. Luo Yu's mood was disturbed, and he was involved in some grievances and grievances for no reason.

Luo Yu flew over the sea for more than ten miles without finding anything. He smiled wryly in his heart. He really didn't know what it was like. If he suddenly heard the news of Qiuyan's death tomorrow, he might blame himself a little, but he still wouldn't regret it!

"Could it be that she will go to Jinghu Island!" Just as he was getting anxious, Luo Yu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and thought of a place that he should have thought of earlier if he had calmed down.

I still remember that night, it was Qiuyan who invited me to visit Jinghu Island together. The night was hazy, the sea breeze was strong, and the scenery there was quiet.

So apart from a few manors where mortals live, there are no immortals at all.

To say that Luo Yu had the most contact with this girl, and that was the place where he could still have a trace of memories. If he had agreed at that time, this girl would probably choose that place again.

Luo Yu muttered to himself inwardly, but his spirit was shaken, and after a sudden turn of the light, he went straight to Jinghu Island.

That time leaning on a railing to watch the sea, that night of the green-clothed woman, thinking about it now, the beautiful memories add a touch of cruelty.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Luo Yu had already seen from a distance the conspicuous broad and flat mountaintop on Jinghu Island and a cornice attic for observation. In front of it was Jinghu Island.

But the golden light came to a standstill about ten zhang away from the island, and Luo Yu's figure stood in mid-air, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Isn't it here? It seems that the old man was sentimental for a while, and those speculations were not true, which only annoyed fellow daoists. Since there are no fellow daoists, we should go back." The corpse knew that Luo Yu's spiritual thoughts must have covered the entire building There was no movement on the island, so I couldn't help apologizing.

But bitterness appeared in Luo Yu's eyes, and he suppressed the uneasiness in his heart that the situation was out of control, shook his head, sighed again, and then murmured melancholy and sourly: "No, the words from the heart of the senior. ...is not wrong."

The corner of Luo Yu's lips twitched, and before the corpse could reply, his figure suddenly turned towards the place not far away, and landed lightly again on the place where he had landed before.

Listening to Taoya, standing on the highest point of this isolated and independent terrain, the sound of the waves is still there, there are no trees within a hundred feet, but it is so eye-catching.

Luo Yu silently stared at the opposite of Zhang Xuyuan, his heart sank, and his footsteps sank even more!

"You still came here, don't stand there stupidly, can I lend you a shoulder?" The green-clothed girl suddenly raised her head, and smiled at Luo Yu behind her.

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