fairy flame

Chapter 123 Elephant Hiss!Fight for the moon!kill!

Luo Yu got up and opened the door, only to see Li Jun was waiting outside the door with a face full of anxiety and excitement, as if something was really urgent, when he saw Luo Yu opened the door and came out, he immediately ran over with a happy face, Said: "You can really practice, don't you know what day it is today?"

Seeing Luo Yu looking at him suspiciously, Li Jun couldn't help looking at Luo Yu like an idiot.

"I haven't been able to retreat for the past few days, and I don't know much about the outside world. What's going on?" Luo Yu asked a little confused.

"I really admire you! I have never seen someone who is so obsessed with cultivation and crazy to your level. Forget it, didn't you come here to see the wonders of the world of cultivating immortals that appear once every 30 years?" Li Jun said carelessly. said.

"A spectacle! This... I haven't heard of it, so don't be devious! Say it!" Luo Yu said with an embarrassed smile. He came to depose Mushan just to participate in the auction. What does it have to do with this spectacle!

"Speaking of this spectacle, it can be regarded as a must in our world of cultivating immortals in Mengzhou, and only this Chumu Mountain has it. It is said that it is because of the peculiar terrain of this Chumu Mountain. There was a big movement of the earth veins, and because there are countless mysterious wind tunnels in Chumu Mountain, the whole mountain is connected together as if pierced with thousands of holes. Whenever the earth veins move once every 30 years, all the wind tunnels will be aroused. The resonance, the sound is neighing like everything! It is extremely loud!" Li Jun said here as if he had experienced it himself, with an excited expression on his face!

Then he paused for a while and continued: "At the same time, with the movement of the ground veins, the moon, which was difficult to see in broad daylight, somehow formed a huge reflection of the full moon on the Lan River next to Chumu Mountain, which was lifelike. , and according to the high-level cultivators, the reflection of the full moon is formed by the refraction of countless originally thin moonlight powers through those wind tunnels. Many of the low-level monsters living in the water are cold-attribute monsters. Their daily practice is to absorb some cold moonlight power. Therefore, when the full moon condenses, those weekdays All kinds of rare monsters that are rare to see will surface one after another, swim to the place where the full moon is reflected, and compete for the power of the moonlight. You must know that the Lan River is vast and infinite, and the low-level monsters living in it are even more numerous. Count, when the beasts gather together, that scene... tsk tsk, although I have never seen it, but I can imagine it, it must be extremely spectacular!" Li Jun said here, his face showing a look of longing.

But then he immediately came to his senses, and when he was about to hurry up and take Luo Yu to go together, he saw that Luo Yu was not only not happy at all, but was frowning and thinking about something, he couldn't help being a little surprised why Luo Yu appeared like this Weird expression.

"Thousands of neighing! Thousands of beasts contending for the moon..." Luo Yu muttered these words, as if he had seen them somewhere before, after a while, a vague memory suddenly flashed in his mind, as if he had remembered something, and his expression suddenly changed. Changed and blurted out: "Everything neighs! Ten thousand beasts contend for the moon! Isn't it just an elephant neigh! Contend for the moon! Kill!" After finishing speaking, regardless of Li Jun's puzzled expression, he hurriedly patted the storage bag and took out the He took out a light red sound transmission talisman, and immediately pasted it on his head after taking it out, as if checking the contents of the sound transmission talisman.

On the other hand, although Li Jun didn't know the reason for Luo Yu's move, he knew that the matter was serious from the expression on Luo Yu's face. He also stared at Luo Yu and didn't speak. There is still some insight.

The content of this sound transmission symbol is only a few words!Soon Luo Yu finished watching, and saw that his face was extremely ugly, and he remained silent for a long time with a gloomy face. After a while, he suddenly thought of something and said to Li Jun seriously: "Friend Li Daoist, Qing will not go to see this spectacle. For the sake of friendship between you and me, I advise Fellow Daoists not to go, it is better to leave as soon as possible, so as not to be killed."

At this moment, Luo Yu finally understood the content on the light red sound transmission talisman. The spectacle was about to begin, even if Luo Yu wanted to tell others now, it was too late, he had to take care of his own life first.

In fact, according to Luo Yu's character, even if he really had time to tell others, I'm afraid he wouldn't say it, because since the man in black made his plan for today, he must be almost ready at this moment. What kind of war really happened, the more chaotic the scene, the better for oneself, of course, if you can leave safely now, that is naturally the best, and it is best to leave immediately!

My escort mission this time has been completed, and Zhou Jin also handed over five hundred spirit stones to herself two days ago. It is too dangerous to stay here, and leaving as soon as possible is the best policy.

"Brother Qing, why are you..."

"Needless to say, if Fellow Daoist is trustworthy, he will leave immediately. If not, Qing will not force him." After speaking, Luo Yu took out the golden thunder sword magic weapon, ready to leave with a flash of golden light.

"Brother Qing, wait a minute, although I don't know why Brother Qing is in such a hurry to leave, but since my life is at stake, Li has to treat it with caution. It would be too much to lose my life just to see a spectacle. It's not worth it." Li Jun gritted his teeth and made a decision, and then released a golden giant ring magic weapon. Judging from the aura fluctuations scattered on the giant ring, it should also be a middle-level magic weapon, but at this moment his life is in danger. Yu was only a little surprised, and immediately flew into the sky with Li Jun's imperial weapon, and saw two golden lights streaking across the sky like meteors chasing the moon, and disappeared into the distance in an instant.


At the same time, on a small emerald green peak of Chumu Mountain, dozens of men in black robes stood respectfully behind a masked man in black robes, while the masked man in black robes looked up into the distance , didn't speak, I don't know what he was thinking.

If Luo Yu were here, he would probably be surprised, because the black-robed man's body and the mask on his face were exactly the same as the late foundation-establishment cultivator who appeared at the auction that day. The last one The finale treasure 'Sky Umbrella' was bought by him!

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