fairy flame

Chapter 124 Meeting Wang Fu Again

Not long after the black-robed man stood there, a black ray of light flew towards him. After seeing the black-robed masked man from a distance, he immediately stopped the ray of light, and at the same time respectfully stepped forward and said, "Wang Fu pays homage to Lord Gray Demon Envoy." Lan, Li, and Wu, the three gray demon envoys, have already ambushed in the other three directions of the Lanhe River, and have set up the "Blood River Soul Refining Array". Let's catch them all at once!" Wang Fu looked at the black-robed masked man in front of him, and felt very nervous. Although he was his registered disciple, because of this status outside, everyone would respect him, but in front of the black-robed masked man, he was very nervous. But he still didn't dare to change his name and call him Master.

Moreover, in Wang Fu's heart, his cheap master is extremely cruel. If he makes the slightest mistake, I'm afraid he won't think about the relationship between master and apprentice. Many demon-suppressing cultivators have died at the hands of this person, and there are many immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage, and when the ancestors of the alchemy stage are inconvenient to take action, the entire Yuanjiang country's cultivating world can compete with this person There were not many people who fought against him. Even if there were a few people who were very strong, others might not be willing to come forward and fight him to the death. Anyone who cultivated immortals would not cherish his life very much.

"Well, you did a good job with this matter. After the matter is completed, I will fulfill my promise to help you take the position of the Patriarch of the Wang family." The black-robed masked man Furui Wubo said, his eyes kept staring into the distance.

Hearing this, Wang Fu was naturally overjoyed, but he suppressed his excitement. He dared to take the risk of taking refuge in these demon cultivators of the Shahun Sect, just to take advantage of their power to take the position of the head of the Wang family. Those who knew his identity had been silenced by him long ago. As long as this matter is successful, he will soon be the head of a big family. Things that only dare to think about will come rolling in, and Wang Fu can't help but feel extremely excited when he thinks of these things.

"However, not all the immortal cultivators from Chumu Mountain have gone to the Lanhe River. Some of them stayed in the mountain for unknown reasons. We have not taken any action against these people in order to avoid alarming the enemy. "After the excitement, Wang Fu suddenly remembered something and said respectfully.

"These are irrelevant. No action can be completed perfectly. All kinds of accidents will happen. Moreover, we have already laid down several five-element basic formations on the only roads that must be passed down the mountain, and have already blocked the exit. , even if the cultivators in the foundation-building period want to get out, it is not an easy matter, not to mention that if there is a slight change in the formation, we will send people to rush there in time, how many people are there and how are they cultivated?" The masked man in black robe said with a laugh after a sneer.

"There are only four of them. Two of them are at the ninth level of Qi training and have already flown towards the exit. The other two are at the tenth level of Qi training and are practicing in seclusion, so they didn't go to Lanhe." Wang Fu replied quickly.

"So, you and Jin Li go after the two people who escaped. Both of you are at the ninth floor of the Qi training period. If you can't solve it, don't come back to see me. As for the two people who are retreating, I will leave it to Hu. Han and Sun Jian will solve the problem, and the rest will follow me to meet the immortal cultivators of Chumu Mountain. Today, I, Liu Tian, ​​will make your Yuanjiang country's immortal world flow into rivers of blood! Haha!" The black-robed masked man said at the end As if he had encountered some kind of genius and treasure, he laughed wildly.

Just after the black-robed masked man laughed, three black-robed monks came out from behind the Gray Demon Envoy. After a brief greeting, they divided into two groups, Wang Fu and the black-robed man named Jin Li. The people flew up and down, and it seemed that they were going to deal with Luo Yu and Li Jun. As for the two outsiders, they flew in the direction of Qingmuya, and the black-robed masked man took the rest of the black clothes. The monk galloped towards the direction of the Lan River next to Chumu Mountain. Dozens of black rays of light swept up into the sky without any cover. Suddenly, the sky seemed to be a huge black cloud out of thin air. A chilling feeling, while the black clouds hovered in the air and then disappeared into the distance.

At this moment, when Luo Yu and Li Jun were flying down the mountain, Luo Yu, who looked anxious, suddenly felt something was wrong, while Li Jun at the side suddenly stopped, and then roared: " Where is someone hiding! Come out for me!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jun took out a small silver fan from his bosom, and waved it lightly at the dense forest in front of him, and saw dense silver fireballs shooting out from the small fan, pouring down like a rain of fire, covering the surrounding area. With a radius of several feet, the momentum is astonishing!

Seeing the silver flame appear, Luo Yu, who was flying side by side, was shocked immediately, and then stopped to escape the light, but before he had time to be amazed at the wonder of the small silver fan, a surprised sound suddenly came from the dense forest. The sound, and then I saw two bowl-sized black lights shooting out from the dense forest. After a slight pause in mid-air, they turned into a black light curtain, just in front of the silver fireball.

As soon as the two came into contact, there was a burst of "Zi La" sound, like the sound of ice and fire melting, the fireball and black air collided violently, and finally the black light and silver fire intermingled for a while, and both disappeared. No one could do anything about it other side!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu almost blurted out: "It's those black-robed monks!" The moment he saw the black air, Luo Yu recognized the origin of the other party!

Then Luo Yu flew to Li Jun's side with an ugly face and stood with him. I don't know what trick the black-robed man used to hide in the woods, and even concealed Luo Yu's spiritual sense. Fortunately, this time Bring Li Jun out together, otherwise I am afraid that I will be in a dangerous situation at this moment.

As soon as the black light and silver fire disappeared, two black rays of light flew out of the dense forest. After the black light rose from the ground, it immediately stopped in the air, and two people in black robes appeared in the air with cold eyes. He looked at Luo Yu and the two of them.

And when Luo Yu and Li Jun saw the appearance of the visitor, they almost said in unison in shock: "Wang Fu! It's you!"

"Haha! It seems that I don't need to make any more introductions. I don't know where the two of you, Qing Daoyou and Li Daoyou, want to go?" Wang Fu said with a gloomy smile. Let them go away alive.

"Brother Jin! This Fellow Daoist Luo has some issues with me, and he will be handed over to me later!" Wang Fu looked at Luo Yu again, and immediately burst into murderous intent!

"Wang Fu, if you dare to collude with these black-robed people, aren't you afraid that the alliance of three factions will destroy your Wang family?" Li Jun stared at Wang Fu with an ugly expression and said. He had also heard that the black-robed people were powerful, and he himself It is considered capable, but there are two people on the other side, and the strength of Luo Yu next to him is even less clear, so Li Jun is a little worried.

"Scared! Of course Wang is afraid! But once you die, who will know what Wang has done?" A look of madness appeared on Wang Fu's face.

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