fairy flame

Chapter 125

"How did you find out that we were hiding here? It's probably impossible with spiritual perception! Your Excellency should be a descendant of the Li family, the number one craftsman in Yundu Kingdom? The silver fire fan in your hand should be from the Li family." It's a high-quality product, but with these methods, I'm afraid the two of you will be buried here today!" The black-robed man standing beside Wang Fu looked at the small fan in Li Jun's hand and said suddenly.

"If I hadn't raised a spirit beast 'Stinger Bug', I would have known any sound within ten feet. I'm afraid I won't be able to find your traces. The two of you are hiding so deeply!" Li Jun stared at Wang Fu fiercely and said, but his voice seemed a little confident.

"Brother Li! They are delaying time, do it!" Luo Yu looked at the two men in black robes. Xie waved his hand and flew out without saying a word, and suddenly six or seven low-level basic talismans burst open together, turning into pieces of fire, rain and ice cones, hitting Wang Fu and Wang Fu overwhelmingly, not to mention the power, just the momentum alone very scary!

Seeing that his purpose was exposed by Luo Yu, he was also very sophisticated, and he was not surprised at all. He saw a gloomy look in Wang Fu's eyes, and immediately took out a ghost streamer from his storage bag. It is exactly the same as the soul-refining streamer in Luo Yu's storage bag, and the other man in black robe next to him is also doing the same movement, the same ghost streamer magic weapon!

When the two saw Luo Yu throwing so many talismans at once, their expressions were a little surprised. They had never seen such a way of fighting before, it was clearly smashing spirit stones!

These low-level talismans are good for creating chaos, but they are not very powerful when it comes to killing enemies. Besides, each low-level talisman is not cheap, so few low-level cultivators use talismans to fight against the enemy.

But even though the two spoke wildly and were able to take down Luo Yu and the other two, they did not dare to take so many basic magic attacks. After all, even if they could succeed, the soul-refining banner magic weapon would suffer a lot of damage, so The two of them drove the soul-refining banner to avoid it, and by the way, they waved the ghost banner violently a few times, releasing streams of black energy to protect the whole body.

And at the same moment when Luo Yu released the talisman, Li Jun also slapped the silver fire fan a few times knowingly, and immediately dense silver fireballs shot out from the small fan, attacking the two together with the talisman. .

Maybe it was because Luo Yu's attack was too unexpected, or maybe it was because Li Jun's silver fireball was too powerful, the two of them worked together to get Wang Fu and Wang Fu into a hurry, and they didn't dare to force it out for a while, so It seemed that Luo Yu and Li Jun had the upper hand.

However, when Luo Yu saw this scene, there was no joy on his face. After all, the cultivation base of the two people in front of him was higher than his. Yuan Qi, I am afraid that once the two of them recover, it will be time for him to suffer.

To be honest, Luo Yu was not afraid of these two people. Two days ago, he had killed even the black-robed immortal cultivators on the eleventh floor of the Qi training stage, and Wang Fu and Wang Fu were only at the ninth floor of the Qi training stage!His cultivation base is about the same as his!

Although Luo Yu killed the black-robed immortal cultivator on the eleventh floor of the qi training period with the help of the power of the Baimu Yuhuo Formation, which is not Luo Yu's real combat power, but Luo Yu now has an extra high-level Magical weapon, the combat power has been greatly improved at once, and it should not be a problem to deal with monks of the same level.

The two people in front of me are still slightly inferior to the one Luo Yu killed. If you really want to work hard, you have at least nine chances to kill each other. Of course, the premise is that it is one-on-one. Luo Yu had no choice but to escape!

But at this moment, as long as you give the other party a little more time, the movement here may attract other men in black to rush over, and then even if you want to leave, you won't be able to leave.

Luo Yu is also a decisive person. After thinking it over clearly, he lightly cupped his fists at Li Jun next to him, and then drove the Golden Thunder Sword into a golden beam of light and shot towards the sky. Before he left, he still whispered: "Brother Li, the opponent's helper will arrive soon, so you and I should run away separately! Our destiny is up to you!" Luo Yu couldn't be blamed for this, and it wasn't a contest of fighting skills. He hesitated a little at this moment, If I fail, my life will be lost here, and I can't control the rest.

But what Luo Yu didn't know was that Li Jun beside him had already had this idea in his heart. Unexpectedly, Luo Yu was faster than him. Feet, under the tactic with both hands, the silver fire fan quickly flew back to his hand, and the golden giant ring under his feet turned into a golden light at the same time and fled in the other direction.

But the two of them had just flown not far away, and the uncontrolled Fu Xie and Yinhuo were scattered by the black air released by Wang Fu, and two men in black wrapped in black shields were seen showing their figures. The two of them seemed to be in a bit of a mess with their clothes. Although there was no damage, they were beaten like this by two immortal cultivators of the same level, and their faces were full of anger.

In fact, this is quite normal. They are very proud of the people in black robes. In their eyes, the world of cultivating immortals in Yuanjiang Country is far from being comparable to their master of magic in Hezhou. I also have to admit that the attack power of the other party's magical skills is indeed stronger than that of Yuanjiang Country, so all the people in black robes think that they are invincible at the same level, and they can even fight at a higher level!

"Brother Jin! You go after the younger generation of the Li family. As for the kid from the Cuixia sect, leave it to me!" Wang Fu said coldly, with a cold murderous intent emerging from his whole body.

"Okay!" After Jin Li nodded slightly, two black escaping lights chased after him in two groups. This escaping technique seemed to be faster than Luo Yu's Golden Thunder Sword.

At the same time, in the direction of the Lanhe River in Chumu Mountain, four huge blood clouds suddenly appeared, as if covering the sky and covering the sun, and even the sky was reflected in blood red. There was a strong and violent look in these four blood clouds. The smell of blood was even mixed with a lot of disgusting smells, and as soon as these four blood clouds appeared, they instantly joined together and turned into a blood-colored cloud that stretched for nearly a hundred feet. The entire Chumu Mountain was covered, and even half of the sky seemed to be covered by this cloud of blood.

And not long after the blood cloud appeared, there was a sound of panic!

"It's the people in black robes, run!" Someone who recognized the origin of the people in black robes yelled wildly.

Then, everyone looked at the huge blood cloud in the sky, and those immortal cultivators with lower cultivation bases uttered all kinds of fearful howls, as if the end was coming, the immortal cultivators on the other side of Lanhe ran away in panic , but under the strong protection of the blood formation, how could they run away, they were stopped by the blood formation and the black-clothed immortal cultivators ambush beside the blood formation, the scene was full of panic and chaos!

And just after the four blood clouds merged together, an extremely hostile voice suddenly came from the blood cloud, as if it came from a monarch above the nine heavens, arrogantly looking at the ants below.

"Haha! Today, I will refine all of you into Supreme Blood Pills, and help this old man ascend the Golden Elixir Avenue!" The voice was extremely loud, and no matter where people were in Chumu Mountain at the moment, they could hear it clearly.

(First update) "Xianyan" will be opened tomorrow at the request of the editor. I don't understand this. If you have any good suggestions, please leave a comment in the book review area. I hope "Xianyan" will get better and better!

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