fairy flame

Chapter 1237

Seeing this scene, Master Wen's expression changed several times, and he couldn't bear it any longer and hurriedly followed, but he didn't give a single word of explanation to the two friends.

At this time, not only the two alchemy cultivators, but also the sharp-eyed people in other nearby seats also saw something wrong with Wen Zhenren's face. The expressions of several alchemy cultivators all changed, looking at Luo Yu and the people who were chasing after him Master Wen felt that the atmosphere in the hall was a bit weird.

Fortunately, this group of old monsters who formed pills were pampered and pampered, but now they were quite calm, as if they didn't realize that something serious was going to happen.

Luo Yu indifferently looked at the seats passing by. Seeing this situation, some alchemy cultivators even looked gloating, but they didn't know that the situation they were in now was about to be stormy, and even after a while, these people The expression on the face will be more exciting.

For such a big conspiracy involving so many high-ranking monks, even if it is compared with the biggest storm I have experienced, it cannot be compared at all.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Yu had slowly arrived at Zuo Zheng's table, but instead of talking and laughing, he had the same indifference expression as this person before, but this time, it was his turn He looked at Zuo Zheng as if he was looking at a dead person.

There is nothing to hide, because the one who will die will be Zuo Zheng.

Although Master Wen was an accomplice, Zuo Zheng was definitely the chief culprit who forced Qiu Yan to commit suicide, and before this person died, Luo Yu had a few words to say, and he thought it was to get back a little interest.

"Brother Luo, are you going to have a drink with Zuo?" Zuo Zheng was also puzzled at this moment, wondering why Luo Yu hadn't gotten angry yet, but he still had a calm expression on his face and asked kindly with a smile on his face.

But at this time, even the other alchemy cultivators beside Zuo Zheng could see Luo Yu's gloomy expression. These old monsters couldn't help but frowned, but they subconsciously moved aside a little. , and then all eyes were on Luo Yu.

At the same time, Master Wen finally arrived behind Luo Yu, seeing him looking at Zuo Zheng with an unkind expression, his expression changed again.

However, Luo Yu glanced at these people, the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, and suddenly his face melted like ice and smiled again: "Luo should really have a drink with fellow Taoist Zuo, otherwise I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future. But before drinking, there are two things, I would like to thank Fellow Daoist first."

No matter how calm Zuo Zheng was, he sensed the mystery in Luo Yu's words at this time, and his face darkened, but even if his thoughts changed sharply, he still couldn't figure out what Luo Yu was going to do, but in short, it was definitely not a good thing , let alone expressing gratitude, his eyes were stunned, but he stood up in a daze and said, "What can you do to thank Zuo?"

No matter what, Zuo Zheng felt that Luo Yu was an unpredictable variable. After receiving a hint from the direction of the old man Lanxie, Zuo Zheng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he replied without the slightest politeness.

From brother Luo to your lordship, from my subordinate to someone on the left, just these changes in titles have already made the atmosphere in the venue dignified. At this time, the conversation between the two of them almost turned all the alchemy monsters in the crystal palace. All eyes are attracted.

Even the female relatives singing and dancing on the stage seemed to stop inexplicably in this inexplicable tense atmosphere, and then became even more silent.

On the high platform, only Mrs. Zhang Ying had melancholy in her eyes, her cherry lips were tightly pressed, her whole delicate body trembled uncontrollably, as if she had waited too long for this day.

In just a few breaths of time, the noisy atmosphere of singing and dancing in the hall suddenly turned to even a thin needle falling on the ground, which can be clearly heard.

Luo Yu looked at Zuo Zheng, who was still dazed but confident, and then looked further away, his face changed from cold and severe to the serious fake blue scorpion old man. Under the eyes of this group of powerful people, at this moment, his heart was surprisingly peaceful, Youyou smiled calmly: "The first thing is to thank Brother Zuo for giving me the Fengxia Soul Armor Formation. With this formation, not to mention how much it will help Luo's advancement, but it will eliminate a part of his cultivation. Great hidden danger, thank you for this!"

"Dang!" Daoist Wen next to him shook his big hand, and the warm wine glass in his hand, together with most of the wine in the glass, fell to the ground with a clatter and fell into pieces.

The source of Feng Xia's Soul Armor Formation was obtained from the warehouse by himself, and the inside story of this, Master Wen couldn't be more clear, although it was just for the sake of being safe, Luo Yu could have seen it in just a short time. There are hidden omissions in the formation.

It must be, otherwise Luo Yu would not have emphasized this matter so grandly.

Right now, even most of the old monsters present who didn't understand what Luo Yu said meant, when they saw Wen Zhenren's frightened appearance, they also knew that there was a lot to it.

But these people still can't figure it out, is Luo Yu trying to disrupt the situation blatantly? He's too courageous, and it's not good to find a place and opportunity, but in the hinterland where Huayi Gate is heavily restricted!

"A mere formation is just icing on the cake! With the ability of a fellow Taoist, Zuo knows that even if he doesn't have one, he will break through in the future." Zuo Zheng's eyes flickered in surprise, seeing that Luo Yu was just talking about this, he immediately changed into a pair If you don't even have this kind of calmness, then hundreds of years of time will be in vain.

"Really! I thought you didn't know!" Luo Yu smiled lightly, making it obvious that it was an irony, but he made a fool of himself, looked at the pool of wine under his feet, and put the panic in the eyes of Master Wen into his eyes without changing his face , pondered for a moment, but couldn't help laughing and said: "What should be broken should be broken, fellow Taoist, it's good to be broken! It's just a pity that although some people are women, they also know the truth of 'rather be broken than broken'. You are the ancestors of a school, but you choose so cruelly not to know!"

As soon as these few words came out, Master Wen, Zuo Zheng, Fatty Jin and his wife, and other alchemy cultivators of the Huayi Sect, couldn't take it anymore. The old man Lan Xie finally couldn't calm down, and his face changed dramatically. They couldn't understand who the woman Luo Yu was referring to. This was originally a matter of unexpected events, if Zuo Zheng hadn't been impatient, the plan should have been seamless.

But there is one thing that Luo Yu didn't think of. These people were actually still in the dark about Qiu Yan's death. Master Wen had always placed the name tags of his disciples in the cave, but how could he pay attention to them these two days? At this time, Luo Yu's words were only hidden in his smile, and he wanted to discuss the matter of the small gathering that day.

It's okay not to mention it, but when it comes to Qiuyan, Zuo Zheng is the most irritated person in his heart. He snatched food from the tiger's mouth several times, and he hasn't troubled your surname Luo before, but you came to his door.

Zuo Zheng's face was gloomy when he heard the words, and he sneered with a black mask of 'hehe', and asked in an abnormally cold voice: "Your Excellency hasn't said, besides the formation, what else do you want to thank me for? Zuo really wants to hear it." listen."

After the unfriendly attitude of this person was revealed a little, Fatty Jin and his wife, Old Man Lan Xie and others walked to the same place by coincidence, and everyone felt the same atmosphere between the two parties.

The closest alchemy old monsters also put away their enthusiasm for watching the show at the beginning. After sensing the imminent smell of gunpowder here, these people ran away wisely.

But looking at Luo Yu's still calm face and calm demeanor, many people wondered what was hidden behind the fog.

"The second thing is to thank fellow daoist for giving me the beauty. Mrs. Zhang Ying is indeed charming, especially the kiss, which is unforgettable to Luo. But fellow daoist has tasted the beauty's kisses all over. He knows more about it than Luo Mou!" Luo Yu's voice seemed to be saying a very common thing, but the words were actually full of sarcasm.

Now, all the elders of the Huayi Sect couldn't bear it anymore, and all of them changed their expressions drastically!

Zuo Zheng is also a seasoned and ruthless person, but at this moment, he only felt a chill soaking into his bones, and there was fear in the depths of his pupils, but it seemed that the more he was afraid of something, the more unhappy the retribution would be. He grabbed his neck, rolled his throat a few times, and said in shock, "You..."

But at this time, after the corner of Zuo Zheng's eyes jumped, his body trembled violently and fell to the ground halfway. Within a few words, strange red spots suddenly appeared on this person's face. They were crimson and protruding one after another, dried and cracked into pieces of blood clots that fell off the skin, making Zuo Zheng's originally elegant face suddenly hideous and terrifying, and a large piece of bright red blood spots was still spreading from head to toe, it looked like he was extremely poisonous.

At this time, Luo Yu was carrying his hands on his back calmly, and he didn't even bother to look at his eyes, but before Zuo Zheng bound himself in a cocoon, his voice floated out: "Anyone who counts people counts, everyone knows each other, so why bother talking."

The voice floated leisurely, but Zuo Zheng's face was no longer human-like, and his shape was extremely terrifying. Hearing Luo Yu's words, his body shook violently, and he let out a loud shout with his last breath, and finally his bloody head burst open , the body fell to the sky amidst the bloody blood!

This well-known Great Elder of Huayi Sect died in despair, not even a trace of his spirit escaped!

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