fairy flame

Chapter 1241 twists and turns

The worries of Fatty Jin and his wife seemed superfluous, because not long after the black arc rushed out, pieces of golden Sanskrit characters also poured out silently from the golden light, each one was the size of a palm, like made of pure gold!

Although the number of black electric arcs is innumerable, the number of Sanskrit words surging is no less than the former one.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the momentum was like water and fire, but within a moment of bursts of crackling sounds, those black arcs turned into streaks of black air and gathered in the middle without support.

Luo Yu's pupils stared coldly at the two-headed monster that emerged from the black air, and turned a blind eye to the horror on the monster's face. He only knew what the other party was cursing. As soon as the golden light surged, Luo Yu rubbed his hands in the middle, and the golden light rolled and converged from all directions!

A giant golden blade about several feet long emerged from it.

Although this is the ordinary supernatural power of Master Yuan's 'gathering energy and transforming into form', when Luo Yu uses it seriously, it is only a mile away from Jianxiu's natal flying sword.

The corpse monster on the other side has reached the last moment of casting a spell. When he heard the words to beware of the double-headed monster escaping, this person knew that Luo Yufoli just restrained the opponent, so there was no panic at all!

"Go!" The zombie seemingly casually pointed at the seven small flags filled with spiritual energy, and the whole hall trembled, and then a clear cry piercing the sky was heard from the six spiritual energy peaks outside the hall.

The sound continued, and Huang Zhong Dalu rolled it away. At this time, all the disciples of the various sects who were in the Huayi Mountain Gate could clearly hear the roaring sound coming from the main peaks!

He sent his disciples to hear about this life, and they felt that their qi and blood were boiling, and their spiritual power was a little out of control. The six aura rainbows are all connected to the cloud and mist covering the top of Bailei Peak, and a seven-color light wall almost isolates the entire peak.

The monks of the Huayi Sect who were at a loss were all dumbfounded. This is the 'Seven Acupoints Profound Bead Array' that will only be activated when the sect is in crisis of extermination!

In the crystal palace where Luo Yu was located in the hall, seven small banners shone with spiritual light suddenly trembled slightly, and shot out in place, in the direction of where the black mist gathered.

The monsters in the black mist seemed to know the power of the seven-color flag, so they didn't choose to dodge, but let out a strange scream. The black mist froze for a moment, and after a few flashes of black light, it thickened by three points and blurred It really turned into a black spar!

But Ling Qi was even more radiant, with such an edge and coercion that even Luo Yu was startled, how could the spell cast by the two-headed monster be able to resist it in just a moment.

Puff!The seven flags hit the black spar at the same time.

Like seven psychedelic cones of light piercing into the black crystal wall at once, countless spider web-like cracks spread rapidly to the surroundings along the breach, and a crisp crackling sound came from inside in a short while!

The flag was like a broken bamboo, piercing through the defense in front of it like confetti, and then pierced it in, and immediately made the sound of flesh and blood tearing like a 'puchi'!

A scream came out from the disintegrated black mist, and after the black mist withdrew, the situation inside was revealed!

The two-headed monster was covered in black blood, and it looked like it had been severely injured, but it still looked at the corpse with gloomy and cold eyes, and its figure could no longer move. It was nailed into the flesh and blood, but the other three command flags were not seen, but judging from the thick blood holes in the chest of the double-headed monster, it is estimated that both sides were destroyed.

The four poles locked the double-headed monster's Lingxia light flashed wildly, as soon as the black energy appeared on the monster's body, it would immediately twitch, and the magic power collapsed by itself, as if it had been restrained.

Seeing this, the old monsters in the hall were overjoyed, and immediately saw that it was a great opportunity to eliminate the double-headed monster.

But the one with the best timing was Luo Yu, and with a slight movement of his hands, he was the first to strike.

Slowly and urgently with one hand, the golden long blade condensed in front of him directly slashed at the two heads of the double-headed monster. This blow Luo Yu poured the power of Buddha into it without reservation, the sharpest light blade Places are almost compressed from countless Sanskrit words!

Therefore, on the surface, it seems that the Reiatsu of the Golden Blade is only at the beginning of the third level, but in essence, it is not the same in terms of its power to slay demons.

Luo Yu believed that the two-headed monster's body was full of yin energy, if he took this blow hard, he would lose his skin even if he didn't die!

On the other side, the corpse monster who was concentrating on the big formation of the guardian faction couldn't help but his eyes flickered fiercely. He was thinking about forcefully increasing the mana in his body by three points to make the sealing power of the formation stronger, when suddenly Luo Yu Yuanhai's golden light hit him. A blue shadow flashed, and a square light seal rushed in!

Luo Yu just flashed in his mind the figure of an old man who had used his kung fu to dispel the power of the medicine just now, and when he looked around, the place had long since disappeared!

His heart trembled slightly, the golden light flashed wildly under his feet, and Luo Yu suddenly appeared a few feet away. In his own primordial sea, a body refiner could almost teleport.

As soon as that Guangyinfang rushed into Yuanhai, the brilliance of the printed body that collided with the ubiquitous vitality immediately flashed wildly, but because Luo Yu was distracted, the first thing he thought of was to avoid it, but he didn't expect that the menacing attack was not Aiming at him, he changed direction with just a feint shot, turned into a blue light and charged at the two-headed monster with lightning speed.

At this time, although Luo Yu's golden long blade was fast, the two-headed monster was not completely defenseless at this time. The gold and silver eyes on the two handsome human heads flashed, and each shot two rays of light to meet the golden blade. !

As soon as the gold and silver were struck together, there was a metal-like sound of striking, and then the gold and silver light slices were easily cut open, and the gold blade fell straight down without any damage!

Luo Yu even saw the unbelievable expression of the two-headed monster, but at the moment when the golden blade was blocked, the cyan light seal flew to the top of the two-headed monster!

Click!There was a toothache grinding sound, half of the golden blade was cut on the blue light mark, and it was still in a stalemate, while the other half of the blade broke automatically and fell down one after another strangely.

The vitality condensed soldiers are fictitious and real, and they are inherently changeable.

At this moment, half of the intertwined places, whether it is the golden blade or the cyan light seal, seemed to freeze in mid-air instantly, but it didn't last long. After all, the light seal was in Yuanhai, and under the impact of the golden light constantly pouring in from all around, the balance was immediately broken !

Where the golden blade touched the green seal, the golden light flashed a few times, and a thin crack appeared on the seal wall!

At the same time, the other half of the golden blade fell down with a bang. Although the direction was a bit off, it still slashed towards the double-headed monster.

A mournful howl suddenly came out, and one arm on the shoulder of the two-headed monster disappeared. The two heads were filled with expressions of shock and disbelief, but they immediately turned into expressions of extreme hatred and stared at Luo Yu.

"Hey!" A slightly unexpected voice came out, which actually came from the blue seal, but after the voice, the blue light flashed a few times as if nothing had happened, and the crack disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Old Shi Song! What do you want to do!" Although Fatty Jin and his wife hadn't seen him, they naturally knew who it was that drove Qingyin as their talisman in this sea area.

After the two were shocked and angry, the sword formation that had sealed off the surrounding area shattered, and after dozens of blue lights whimpered, they suddenly reverted to two natal flying swords, and slashed towards the green seal like a frightened bird!

For some reason, these two people withdrew the sword array!

Luo Yu didn't have time to think about the reason, and after the blow didn't work, his complexion also sank. He dared to fight with himself in Yuan Hai. He really didn't know how to live or die. The head was covered by the monster, and then Luo Yu finally knew why Fatty Jin and his wife hurriedly withdrew the sword array.

There was a strange yellow glow on Qingyin's body, and it instantly turned into a huge brick several feet in size. A burst of blue and yellow colors flickered alternately, and there was a piercing sound of wind whistling, and then fell on the spot at an inconceivable speed , disappeared on the ground like a stone sinking into the sea!

"Advanced Earth Dungeon!" Luo Yu was stunned, and these three words immediately appeared in his mind!

In an instant, the faces of those who did the work, including Luo Yu, were a little ugly. Although the Five Elements Escape Technique is not a rare secret technique, monks who are generally only in the realm of Qi training and foundation building will learn it briefly Fur, the middle and high-level five-element escape technique is really difficult for monks in the alchemy stage to practice.

At this moment, don't talk about finding another alchemy cultivator who is also proficient in earth escape to catch up, if you look at these people in the hall, you probably won't be able to find another one.

But Luo Yu found that the corpse monster did not give up, and immediately put away the extremely cold expression on his face. At the same time, he gritted his teeth and took out a jade-like formation plate. It dazzled people at first glance, as soon as the corpse monster took out the object, it immediately opened its mouth and sprayed out a ball of blood, all of which fell into the formation plate.

Then the corpse sacrificed the object to the top of its head, and began to cast spells in an unusually dignified manner, with the sound of spells in its mouth and spells flying out of its hands constantly changing.

Everyone only heard a few thunderclaps from the peaks outside the hall, and then there was the faint sound of rumbling fighting!

Although it is impossible to judge, it seems that the corpse monster found the two-headed monster and the old Shisong Taoist, and forced the other party to show up. Hearing the sound of the spiritual energy bursting, it was not far outside the hall.

"Where are you going!" Almost as soon as the sound of fighting came from outside, a red light shot up into the sky from a corner of the hall and shot straight out of the hall!

Without the Yuanwu Hall presided over by Zuo Zheng, the barriers at the gate of the hall were rushed by the red light of the visitor, and instantly burned to nothing by a terrifying high temperature, and then the red light disappeared.

Although the man moved fast enough, many people still saw his face clearly. It was actually the monk with the surname Gan. Only Luo Yu knew that this man had been paying attention to the spirit wine and fruit here since he got his reminder. He didn't touch it at all, so the slight poison in his body was still before meeting Luo Yu, and the toxicity was not deep, and it was enough to recover after the time just now.

Based on the hatred between this person and the Heavenly Spider Sect, it's no wonder that he appears so irritable and unable to control himself!

And just as the friar surnamed Qian moved his front foot, ever since Luo Yu killed Zuo Zheng while talking and laughing, the terrified Wen Zhenren seemed to have seized the opportunity, and his face was full of hatred, and he wore a body protector. Together with Guang, he rushed straight to the gate of the palace, as if he wanted to go out to help.

Just now, Master Wen also pretended to be treating the poison, but he didn't help the two-headed monster, so everyone in the hall, who had already become soldiers, didn't have much doubt on which side Master Wen was on.

But this person just flew near the gate of the palace, and before he had a chance to go out, the joyful look on his face was frightened away by the dazzling golden rainbow that was standing in front of him!

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