fairy flame

Chapter 1242 twists and turns

Master Wen was taken aback, seeing Luo Yu's gloomy eyes staring at him as if looking at a dead person, he couldn't help but feel a shudder running down his spine, but when he swept away the indifferent corpse monster and the fat man and his wife behind him, he knew that he could never count on these fellow disciples Yes, but a cold light flashed on his decisive face, he waved his sleeves straight ahead, and with one cone and one hammer, the two cold treasures shot out.

Jin Hongzhong sighed softly, showing disdain for this move.

"If you can't let Your Excellency take a sad curtain call in this good show, then Luo has his own abilities and don't care!" Luo Yu who had just revealed his figure said so, but as soon as the words fell, the man turned into a golden shadow and charged diagonally. come over.

Wen Zhenren was startled in his heart, and stretched out his hands to touch his arms with fierce eyes, as if he wanted to take out some treasure to deal with Luo Yu, but he couldn't keep up at all, Luo Yu appeared a few feet away, and Instantly disappeared again.

"Ah! Go to hell!" Luo Yu had just appeared this time, and he was already very close to Daoist Wen. The old man still had time to use other methods. Under the anxious control of Master Wen, he attacked violently!

Wen Zhenren didn't choose to run away. I don't know if he was too confident in his own strength, or he knew that he couldn't escape at all, so he simply gave it a go.

Therefore, as soon as he sensed Luo Yu's appearance, he poured all the power of his newly advanced true essence into these two treasures. Immediately, the two imitation real treasures were radiant and generous, whistling like thunder, and their momentum was extremely astonishing.

Luo Yu hated this person in his heart, and he had no intention of dealing with him. Seeing that this person did not run away blindly, there was no need to waste time.

Just raising his hand, he gathered a vitality light shield in front of him expressionlessly, and the light shield increased several times in the blink of an eye, turning into a huge golden shield in front of him.

After a loud noise, the golden, blue and white light intertwined together, the awl, the hammer, and the shield trembled respectively, and flew upside down at the same time, while the golden shield collapsed halfway along with Luo Yu's flash and disappeared again.

Wen Zhenren saw that his full strength attack was equal to Luo Yu's hasty defense without any treasures, so one can imagine the fear in his heart.

But he knew better that he hadn't refined his natal magic weapon and natal aura, and he was barely half a monk in the early stage of alchemy in real combat. He was startled, his face turned blue, and he couldn't wait to recall the two treasures back to his body and keep spinning , can only be temporarily turned into two rays of light to protect his whole body!

At this moment, there was an explosion sound in the space on the left side of Master Wen, and Luo Yu's ghostly figure emerged, and the golden light from his body spilled out like a big net, and a dense golden light that penetrated all pervasively surrounded Master Wen immediately. Completely covered in Yuan Hai, Luo Yu immediately punched Master Wen with both hands!

With Yuan Hai alone, Master Wen asked himself that the two treasures could last for a while, but seeing Luo Yu's close-to-body combat style, he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, but such a short distance, running away would only kill him faster, so Only by pouring all the true energy of the whole body into the two imitation real treasures again!

In an instant, Luo Yu was already at the side of Master Wen, but his fist was like a palm, and his hands were suddenly surrounded by a layer of strange white mist, and he grabbed the two imitation treasures that were spinning and screaming!

Seeing this scene, Master Wen's eyes straightened. He didn't believe that Luo Yu could really imitate the real treasure with a pair of firm palms, but after seeing the white mist covering Luo Yu's palm, he felt very uncomfortable. .

At this moment, two rainbows of light, one blue and one white, spun around the old man also sensed Luo Yu, and both of them broke through the golden light blocking Kaiyuanhai with a single movement, and hit Luo Yu's hand head-on!

The sound of 'bang bang' came one after another, the two were one big and one small, a completely disproportionate scene, but the result was unexpected, no matter whether the white light or the blue light touched the white mist on Luo Yu's hand, they were immediately covered by a vast expanse of white cold air On the other hand, the auras of the two treasures were just swept away by the cold air, and then frantically flashed out!

After the two protective treasures failed, the overwhelming pressure transformed by bursts of golden light immediately wrapped Zhenren Wen in it.

Wen Zhenren was almost still in shock, didn't react much, his whole body collapsed in the golden light, without even screaming, such a cultivator of alchemy was completely wiped out of his soul in Yuan Hai .

Killing Wen Zhenren can be regarded as avenging Qiu Yan's blood, but Luo Yu is not happy in his heart, but still feels a little regretful.

"Brother Luo, don't forget the agreement between you and me, there is not much time now!" The corpse monster, who was sitting cross-legged in a seven-color aura, suddenly grunted, opened his eyes, and stared at Luo Yu and said.

Listening to the corpse monster's tone, it seems that under the large formation of the guards, it is still unable to deal with the seriously injured two-headed monster, which is a bit strange.

But hearing this half urging and half threatening words, Luo Yu frowned slightly, but immediately his expression returned to normal. He looked in the direction outside the hall, without any hesitation, he chased out without hesitation!

Except for the corpse monster and Fatty Jin standing in the hall, there are not many people left, only a dozen old alchemy monsters from the righteous side. They all kept a certain distance from the people around them, and looked extremely vigilant, and at the same time stepped up refining the violent medicinal power in their bodies.

Now here only corpse monsters can use mana. If this monster is really the old woman Lan Xie, she has a very violent temper. It would be really bad if you suspect them.

But what made the old monsters more reassuring was that when Luo Yu left, the corpse monster just glanced at everyone calmly, then looked back with a gloomy face, sat cross-legged to activate the formation, and did not make any unusual movements.

"I didn't expect that the Heavenly Spider Cult even controlled the 'Old Taoist Shisong'. This old man doesn't like to deal with people. He would never doubt him." The fat man surnamed Jin didn't mention Wen Zhenren's death at all, as if there was a tacit understanding, but when he talked about another Taoist Shisong, he showed resentment on his face.

"Hmph! That's why I know there's something wrong with the drink, but I deliberately conceal it, just to catch all the traitors at once, but Shisong is also a spy. This old man really didn't expect that this person is not younger than me in terms of age. My older generation has witnessed the rise and fall of the Heavenly Spider Cult for a hundred years. During the heyday of the Heavenly Spider Cult 200 years ago, there was no need to plant spies everywhere. The two of you have painstakingly refined two pieces of 'Pixia Clothes' over the years, which can cut off the aura from your body and the outside world, and I'm afraid it will even implicate you and your wife today." The corpse monster looked at the place where Master Wen was wiped out, and looked again. Looking at the juniors and juniors in front of him, he sighed apologetically.

"Senior sister, don't say that! Even if the two of us are smashed to pieces, we must not let the thousand-year-old foundation of our school be destroyed in our hands. What if we don't have Pixiayi, we husband and wife have had enough of being manipulated and lingering, and we are alive. For the sake of revenge, if the two of us have done so many things to help the evildoers over the years, we would have made amends long ago!" Fairy Tianhong, who stood on the other side of the corpse to protect the law, was indifferent, but at this time there was remorse in her eyes, but her tone Said decisively.

"Forget it! I understand the temperament of your husband and wife, so I have always believed in you, but now is not the time to sigh. You should go out to help Fellow Daoist Luo. This time, you must get rid of Youshi. This monster knows too many secrets of our sect. If you don't get rid of it for a day, it will be a serious disaster!" The corpse monster was silent for a moment, and after a while, it gave cold orders.

Hearing these words, the two of them changed their expressions slightly and did not leave.

"With Fellow Daoist Luo and Fellow Daoist Gan, isn't it enough to cooperate with the guardian formation to deal with a seriously injured monster? How can the senior sister preside over the formation be unprotected, not to mention that there may be spies among these people in the hall." Jin The fat man glanced suspiciously at the monks on the left and right, with a worried look on his face.

"Confused! The effectiveness of the Pixia clothes of the two of you has a time limit. Only by completely eliminating the emissary can it be resolved. After all, Fellow Daoist Luo and Fellow Daoist Gan are outsiders, how can you entrust your life to others! Ying'er is here to take care of you!" , there will be no problem!" The corpse monster Yaoyi opened his eyes wide, staring at the two of them and mocked unceremoniously.

Hearing this, Fatty Jin and the two were hesitant at first, but they soon figured out what was going on!

"Let's go!" Fairy Tianhong acted more decisively than her husband, she didn't mean to procrastinate at all, she resolutely shouted at Fatty Jin.

Immediately, the brilliance of the girl's body was released, and it turned into a sword-shaped silver rainbow, flying straight to the high sky outside the hall.

Fatty Jin was stunned for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and immediately understood what was going on. His figure shook slightly, but he turned into a piece of silver clouds of the same size and chased after him.

Outside the hall, I don't know if it was because of the activation of the guardian formation, the white mist covering the top of the mountain became thicker. Although the two of them didn't see where the battlefield was at a glance, they were able to see it through the waves of the sea of ​​fog and the whistling wind around them. After hearing the sound, within a moment, Fatty Jin and his wife identified their directions and looked up.

But at this moment, a piercing and sharp frog cry suddenly fell from above. When the two of them heard the strange cry, their faces changed, and a flash of inspiration flashed in their bodies, and their respective sword lights circled around, forming a thick layer Jiandun protected himself in it, and looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

Originally, when the strange sound appeared just now, a ferocious and ferocious aura spread like a hurricane, and this monster energy seemed to have the effect of amplifying the sound of the strange sound. With the magic power of the two of them at the alchemy stage, it seemed to be ignited The same, the whole body is almost boiling, how can this not make them startled!

Fortunately, the strange noise didn't last long, and the sea of ​​fog above was stirred up by another turbulent air wave, and then there were a few dragon chants, but the sound of the dragon chant sounded pleasant and clear, not only not strange The sound of the sound interrupted the other party's fierce roar!

After the mana returned to normal, the two couldn't help looking at each other, but before thinking for a long time, they both plunged into the sea of ​​fog above, and flew away in the direction where the roar came from.

Fatty Jin and Fairy Tianhong were not reckless people. They were not fast for the sake of caution, but the roar was actually not far away, so in the blink of an eye, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they were in a place where the fog could not penetrate.

The real energy and spiritual energy inside is extremely violent, and the invisible wind sweeps around, faintly forming a wave of transparent air that is visible to the naked eye and disperses quickly in all directions. .

But what surprised the two of them even more was the fight inside!

Fighting in this fog-free space are actually a few giant spirit beasts with powerful auras!

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