fairy flame

Chapter 131 Golden Cabinet and Golden Armor Formation

After all, Luo Yu came back half a year early, so it is not counted as having completed the task. When he accepted the task, he made it clear that Luo Yu would be stationed in the Qinglong Gang for one year. If there is nothing unusual, he can return to the sect.

Of course, this is also a special situation for Luo Yu. Could it be that he should stay in Guanshan City and wait for his death?Anyone else would make the same choice as him!

However, after Luo Yu explained the reason to the elder in charge just now, the other party did not give a specific result for a while, because the world of cultivating immortals is very chaotic now, and many cultivators are reluctant to fight. Immortal cultivators who were timid and fearful of death shrank back from the battle, and the disciples who did not complete the tasks in the major parties were severely punished, so after the man heard what happened to Luo Yu, he couldn't make up his mind for a while, saying that he wanted to repay those who had formed pills. Only after mastering the patriarch can he be given a result.

Hearing the other party's answer, although he felt a little dissatisfied, Luo Yu was depressed, so he could only go back and wait patiently. In his mind, even if he had to be punished, the punishment should not be too severe. Of course, Luo Yu had better let the matter go. Tell Master Li You, as long as Li You goes to say hello, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Just now when Luo Yu passed by Hengling Hall, he stopped by to visit Mr. Xu whom he hadn't seen for more than half a year. What surprised Luo Yu was that when Mr. Xu saw him, his face was full of disbelief, but he was overjoyed immediately. Xu Lao originally thought that Luo Yu should die at the hands of the group of black-clothed immortal cultivators who bloodbathed Mushan.

Luo Yu was a little surprised at first why Mr. Xu received the news so quickly, but after thinking about it, he understood.

After Luo Yu escaped that day, he practiced in the unnamed valley for about a day before he fully recovered his spiritual power, and it took another day of flying to rush back to the Cuixia Sect. It took a full two days. However, the matter of deposing Mushan had already become an uproar. Long before Luo Yu returned to the mountain, the news of the bloodbath of the monk in black came back.

Not only that, the three factions of Yuanjiang Kingdom received the news almost at the same time. This time, the man in black's crazy behavior really shocked the entire immortal world of Yuanjiang Kingdom. It is said that the brains of the three factions gathered several times for this matter. Together, they even alarmed those Supreme Elders who were in seclusion. You must know that the Supreme Elders of each faction were the peak existences in the world of immortal cultivation in the Yuanying period, and their every move would cause a lot of shock in the world of immortal cultivation. But they left the customs one after another for the matter of deposing Mushan. Anyone would have thought that the world of cultivating immortals might be in a turbulent time. Not only those casual cultivators, but also some small sects in Yuanjiang Kingdom began to feel in danger.

And Luo Yu learned a lot about the details of this incident during the conversation with Mr. Xu. As Luo Yu expected, no matter how the black-clothed immortal cultivators blocked it, some immortal cultivators took advantage of the chaos and escaped. According to those people, at that time, after the 'Six Wooden Immortals' used the 'Six Artifacts of Purity', they indeed blocked the evil bone flames and the boundless blood cloud of the man in black. Under the wrath of people, an impermanent ghost general was suddenly released. This impermanent ghost general evolved from the impermanent ghost corpse in the Qi training period. Its strength is comparable to the existence of the foundation establishment period. After a while, three more black-robed men from the Foundation Establishment Stage flew out of the blood cloud.

These people are accompanied by an impermanent ghost general of the foundation stage, which is equivalent to eight immortal cultivators of the foundation stage on the side of the black robe man, and Zhou Jin, who was unlucky and did not leave on the side of Chu Mushan, There are only seven foundation-building stage cultivators in total, not to mention that the foundation-building stage cultivators on the other side are all at the middle-stage foundation-building stage. With such a huge disparity in strength, the so-called "Six Pure Artifacts" couldn't resist it at all under the fierce battle. After a while, two pieces were damaged.

Seeing this scene, Venerable Tieshou, the eldest of the Six Immortals who deposed the wood, had no choice but to take back the "Six Artifacts of Purity". Originally, the man in black thought that he would kill the other party right away, but he didn't expect that the six of them had died many years ago. , in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, they made first-hand preparations, and the six people buried a set of powerful mid-level formations 'Golden Chamber and Golden Armor Formation' in several hidden places in Chumu Mountain. How about it, but the advantage is that the defense strength is very high, and it takes a long time for the cultivators in the foundation building period to break through, so they resisted the "river soul refining array" set up by the monks in black for a while, while the one who deposed Mushan The group of cultivators took advantage of this time to disperse and escape.

As for how many people escaped the danger, no one can tell, because there are many basic formations arranged at the exits of Chumu Mountain, and there are black-clothed immortal cultivators in ambush, and there is only one exit. The formation was broken, and those who escaped were basically lucky enough to leave from that exit.

Hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't help but sighed softly, he didn't expect that he accidentally saved many people, the basic formation at that exit should be broken when he escaped!

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while. When Luo Yu left, Elder Xu whispered some secret news to Luo Yu. The Shahun Sect got in touch, and the two sides had a secret talk. Although no one knew the specific result of the negotiation, some rumors still spread.

It seems that this time the negotiation did not reach any agreement, and in the end they broke up unhappy. According to Mr. Xu's speculation, the two states will probably break out in a war before it goes on like this. He told Luo Yu to be careful. Of course, Mr. Xu Said that this is just his own speculation, and the possibility of a real war is still very small.

But Luo Yu still kept these things in his heart. After all, Mr. Xu's status is not ordinary. It is rumored that he has something to do with a Nascent Soul Stage Elder of the Cuixia Sect. Although no one knows the exact relationship, as long as there is this level As long as the relationship exists, Luo Yu believes that what Xu Lao knows is definitely better than those outside, he said that the outbreak of the war is definitely not just a lie.

But even if a big battle really breaks out, it has nothing to do with a little immortal cultivator like Luo Yu in the Qi training period. These headaches will naturally be dealt with by people with high cultivation bases. Quickly increase your strength and let your cultivation grow up quickly. Only in this way, no matter what happens, you can survive.

Just when Luo Yu was thinking in a daze alone, suddenly a beautiful figure flashed in front of him, tall and slender, with fluttering blue dress and colorful skirt, Luo Yu suddenly looked up in a daze, but the other party spoke first.

"Little brother! You're back! You almost worried me to death!" The voice was so familiar, it was Luo Yu's third sister, Luo Qingqing!

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