fairy flame

Chapter 132 The Theory of Dual Cultivation

"Who told you to leave without saying a word? Do you know how much I worried about you after the bloodbath happened at Chu Mushan!" Luo Qingqing raised her eyebrows without finishing her sentence, and tears flashed in her eyes.

Seeing that the third sister cared so much about him, Luo Yu's tense heart at that moment was also relieved, and at the same time, there was a feeling of emotion in his heart, as if all the pain he had suffered had found a sustenance, but for a while, he was embarrassed and didn't know what to say. something good.

After a while, Luo Yu coughed dryly and laughed: "Sister, I didn't worry about me like you at the time, so as not to delay your cultivation. Besides, if I really confess to you, will you let me go!" Luo Yu's There was a rare softness in the voice.

"Even so, you can't just leave without saying a word, you can just find someone to send me a letter!" Luo Qingqing said with a warm and angry face, although she had a straight face, she felt a lot relieved when she heard the voice.

Although Luo Yu has a lot of worldly experience, but he listened to this kind of innocent and simple question that contained a trace of family affection, and that maturity seemed to disappear at this moment, and he subconsciously said softly: "Okay, Didn’t I also come back now, I know how to take care of myself, I have experienced a lot this time, and I have gained a lot of understanding of the world of cultivating immortals.”

In fact, compared to his understanding of the world of cultivating immortals, Luo Yu's current vision is definitely wider than Luo Qingqing's, but just like when Luo Yu met Zhang Qi, once the words from the bottom of his heart that have been hidden for many years find an outlet, his mouth will not be under his control Yes, and Luo Yu's concern for Luo Qingqing also likes it from the bottom of his heart.

"You are really... Hey! Your cultivation base has reached the ninth level of Qi training period!" Luo Qingqing was about to say something, but suddenly her face became surprised, and she said in disbelief, just now she was only caring and didn't observe Luo Yu carefully This will slowly come to a rest, and after a sweep of his spiritual sense, he suddenly finds that Luo Yu's cultivation has reached a high level of Qi training.

It's not surprising that she would be surprised. After all, Luo Yu has only cultivated for six years. If you don't count the two years wasted in the Luo Mansion, the real training time is only four years, and Luo Yu's spiritual root attribute is not as good as his own. With two spiritual roots, she joined the sect six years earlier than Luo Yu, and her cultivation so far is only at the top of the tenth level of the Qi training period!

Luo Yu's cultivation was so fast, which made her, a big sister, feel happy and a little disappointed at the same time!Luo Yu's growth is too fast, I'm afraid he won't need the protection of his older sister soon!

"Okay, I came to you for a serious business. You survived this catastrophe. It just so happens that I am about to break through to the No. 11 floor of the Qi training period, so I want to take a good rest before the next retreat. Cultivating immortals requires a combination of work and rest. In the afternoon, I found a group of friends to have a gathering at the "Flying Waterfall Zhai" in Xifang City. The one you met once was Zhang Fengyao, Junior Sister Zhang, who gave you the elixir, you must attend then!" Luo Qingqing's lost mood just appeared, and disappeared immediately, and then said with a smile Some words that surprised Luo Yu quite a bit.

"Sister, I'm only thinking about cultivation now. I don't have any other thoughts. Besides, I don't like to show my face in crowded places." Luo Yu knew what the third sister was thinking as soon as Luo Qingqing finished speaking. Yes, and hurriedly postponed with a red face.

"Who wants to ask how you are with others now! I just want you to meet each other. Junior sister Zhang and I have a good relationship when we are practicing. I don't introduce ordinary people to him. Actually... Actually, I want to take you to meet Another person's, his name is Jian Chen, I've been with him for a while, and I think he's suitable to be my dual monk." At the end of Luo Qingqing's words, her face was almost flushed to the base of her neck, and her voice was like a mosquito buzzing Small.

"What! Sis, you're just now..." Luo Yu said in surprise, but before she finished speaking, Luo Qingqing interrupted her with a blushing face.

"Okay, I know what you're going to say. My master's cultivation method is different from ordinary Taoism. The original purpose is to find a partner for double cultivation during the Qi training period, so that when the two break through the foundation building period, they will work together to break through. It will be much easier to pass the meeting, of course, this Jian Chen is also very talented, he has broken through to the eleventh level of the Qi training stage at a young age, and this person is also a closed disciple, so he is worthy of me in terms of status!" Luo Qingqing Knowing that Luo Yu wanted to say that before the alchemy stage, if the female cultivator breaks the body of Yuanyin, it will have a great impact on her future cultivation, but her cultivation method is different from the ordinary way of cultivating immortals, so when I heard Luo Yu Yu opened his mouth and immediately explained.

"Get rid of the Yin body during the Qi training period! There is also this kind of exercise! Um... okay, I will go in the afternoon." Luo Yu was very surprised at first, but when he thought about it, if he talked about the specific cultivation method, Luo Yu would be surprised. Qingqing is definitely too embarrassed to say it, besides, the third sister of this exercise has already cultivated to the tenth level of the Qi training stage, so it is naturally impossible to modify other methods, and it is unintentional to say more, but the person named Jian Chen, since he is the third The elder sister chose, Luo Yu naturally had to observe carefully, so as not to be harmed by those hypocritical immortal cultivators for the rest of her life. It was for this reason that Luo Yu agreed to meet in the afternoon.

Seeing that Luo Yu agreed, Luo Qingqing was naturally very happy, and the two siblings chatted for a few more words, because Luo Qingqing had to go to locate the child in advance, and Luo Yu also had to tell Master Li You about the mission, so After the two made an appointment, they separated.

In the afternoon, on a small hill not too far away from the Biyan Cave where Li You cultivated in Chaoyang Peak, the hill was full of wild flowers and weeds, littered branches and fallen leaves everywhere. It seemed that no one had been here for a long time. There is a hidden cave on the mountainside. The entrance of the cave is covered by thick and evergreen vines. If passers-by don't look carefully, it may be difficult to find such a place.

And at this moment in the cave, there is a young man in a silk brocade robe meditating cross-legged, looking extremely focused and calm!

About half an hour later, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the cave suddenly changed drastically. The spiritual energy tumbling and stirring, like a long whale absorbing water, turned into a white spiritual energy vortex visible to the naked eye, and with the formation of the white spiritual energy vortex, the spiritual energy in the entire cave All of them were stirred up, adding to the white aura vortex and growing in size. The source of the aura vortex pointed directly at the top of the young man's head, and suddenly a wave of aura visible to the naked eye was like rolling waves, and it slowly submerged into the youth in a short while. The top of the head disappeared.

(Second update) Although the disease is not cured yet, I really don’t want to stop updating. Today I heard that the editor in charge of "Xianyan" will change the status for us. When you read this book in the future, there will be a sign to sign the word , Thinking of this, Youdao suddenly became energetic again, and I hope everyone will vote vigorously!The one behind is really chasing after him!

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