fairy flame

Chapter 133 Arranging the Cave House


After the aura of heaven and earth was sucked in, the young man who was meditating cross-legged let out a long breath of white air, raised his eyelids slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes. It was Luo Yu who had finished his work.

After the practice, Luo Yu's face remained calm, and he looked around the cave. He suddenly looked at the entrance of the cave for a moment, and after a moment of pondering, he took out three sets of formation flags from his arms and channeled the spiritual energy in his body. After the infusion, with a wave of one hand, these array flags sank into the entrance of the cave with a flash of inspiration, and then disappeared into the ground in a flash. After arranging the three sets of formations, Luo Yu Only then did he look back in satisfaction.

It turned out that after meeting Luo Qingqing, Luo Yu went to the Biyan Cave of Chaoyang Peak to talk with his master Li You. Li You was surprised and overjoyed to see that Luo Yu was fine, and Luo Yu mentioned some things about Chu Mushan. Li You didn't look overly surprised when he heard about it, but Luo Yu had already known it clearly, but Luo Yu concealed the matter of his impermanent ghost corpse. You said that it was the evil spirit who took it away in a crooked way, so where did Luo Yu cry.

When Luo Yu said that the task was not completed, Li You saw Luo Yu's concern after just a reminder, and promised him that he would go to the Hengling Hall to talk to the elders on duty. It shouldn't be a big problem, let Luo Yu Don't worry about this, but then Li You suddenly asked where Luo Yu planned to practice next. After all, Luo Yu is now a high-level qi cultivator, and the place of practice is very important. Practicing at a lower place can be called a turtle, but this question really caught Luo Yu's attention!

He came back in a hurry this time, but he forgot to think carefully about the matter of cultivating there. The former Qingjun Mountain must have failed. After Luo Yu left, it must have been taken over by other people. The disciples of the first stage are all practicing daily in the training place uniformly arranged by the Cuixia Sect. Only when they reach the foundation building stage are they eligible to find a mountain with better aura to open a cave, but if Luo Yu lives with those people, I am afraid that they will not be able to live together on weekdays. People will stare at you when you practice, how can you feel at ease!

Seeing that Luo Yu didn't know how to answer, Li You immediately understood that after all, he was his disciple and an old friend, and his feelings for Luo Yu were not normal, so he generously asked Luo Yu to open a cave in Chaoyang Peak. However, since this Chaoyang Peak can be favored by Patriarch Jiedan, it goes without saying that the aura is rich. Even the aura at the foot of the mountain will not be worse than Luo Yu's original Qingjun Mountain aura. If you can really open up a cave here to practice , the cultivation speed is naturally extremely fast.

But in the same way, no matter how careful Luo Yu is under the watchful eyes of the immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage, his every move may not be able to hide from Li You's powerful consciousness, so when he heard Li You say this, Luo Yu didn't even think about it. Thinking about it, he declined directly.

Luo Yu said that it was inconvenient for people to come and go in Chaoyang Peak, and he was afraid that this would arouse the jealousy of other brothers, so he just found a cave on the uninhabited mountain outside Chaoyang Peak.

Although this Chaoyang Peak is owned by Li You, a Patriarch of the Formation Stage opened up a cave here, and no one dared to practice on the nearby hills.

Luo Yu picked an unnamed hill that was moderately far from Li You's cave. There were people living on all the hills in the Cuixia Mountain Range, and either the immortal cultivators had exhausted their lifespan, or their cultivation had broken through to another level. , to find a place with better aura, these reasons made those caves empty, so Luo Yu just flew around this nameless hill, and found this hidden cave on the mountainside.

Perhaps because it is relatively close to Chaoyang Peak, although this mountain is inconspicuous and does not have the quiet scenery in the valley like Qingjun Mountain, after Luo Yuzai's careful inspection several times, he found that this mountain seems to be the spiritual energy nearby. The best, of course, this so-called best is nothing compared to Chaoyang Peak. Generally speaking, Luo Yu is very satisfied with this new cultivation environment, except for a stone room for retreat and cultivation in the cave, Luo Yu was quite surprised that someone even opened up a stone room dedicated to planting elixir. Generally, the immortal cultivators who are willing to open up a stone room for planting elixir should be at the foundation building stage, and only those who have reached Only in the foundation building period will there be enough longevity to cultivate and grow elixir.

It seems that this place was once the training place of a cultivator in the foundation period!

Luo Yu cleaned the training room a bit, and then he used his energy to cycle the small Zhou Tian for 49 times, and then he stopped.

Because at this moment, the time agreed with Luo Qingqing is coming soon, Luo Yu doesn't want to be late when meeting someone for the first time, and even in order not to lose face for Luo Qingqing, Luo Yu finds out a satin brocade dress for the first time and wears it on her body , This is completely contrary to his low-key personality, and I don't know if it's because Luo Yu is wearing this silk brocade dress for the first time, Luo Yu always feels uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter if it's just this one time.

Just now, when Luo Yu finished his meditation and was about to go out, he glanced at the entrance of the cave. There were no defensive measures there. After thinking about it for a while, I felt that it was necessary to set up some simple early warning formations. After all, it is not necessary to guard against people. It is also good to guard against poisonous snakes and beasts in the mountains. If I plant some elixir here in the future, those poisonous snakes and beasts will suddenly break in , and he is not there, isn't it all ruined.

That's why Luo Yu set up a set of attack, defense, and phantom formations in the basic five-element formation. With these defenses, it should be safe. Luo Yu got up and checked the contents of the storage bag to see if there was any I missed something, after all, there is Luo Yu ready to give Luo Qingqing's "Green Feather Cloud Clothes" in it. Not only is it exquisite, but it is also a high-level magic weapon. No one could find such a defensive fairy clothes in Fangshi.

Luo Qingqing didn't know how happy she would be to receive this great gift!

Afterwards, Luo Yu arranged the cave a little bit according to his favorite style. It was nothing more than arranging some stone tables and benches. It was made after chopping with the golden thunder sword for a while. The workmanship is average, and it is practical!

After finishing, Luo Yu drove the Golden Thunder Sword to Xifang City!

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