fairy flame

Chapter 137

Luo Yu practiced one of the three ancient formulas of the Cuixia School, and he naturally knew the other two ancient formulas of the Cuixia School. The other two ancient formulas are a set of combined attacks. It is very famous in the world of cultivating immortals in Yuanjiang country. It is called "True Green Two Methods" and is divided into two parts: "Qing Ming Jue" and "Zhen Ming Jue". When the two of Zhen Ming Jue work together, they claim to be invincible at the same level!

It is said that there are two alchemy patriarchs in the Cuixia sect who practiced these two sets of exercises. Although both of them are only at the middle stage of alchemy, in the world of immortal cultivation in Yuanjiang country, there is no alchemist at the alchemy stage who dares to challenge them. From this, we can see the power of this set of ancient formulas.

"Fellow Daoist Luo also knows the three ancient magic formulas of the Cuixia Sect? That's right, what Feng practiced is indeed the ancient magic formula 'Qing Ming Jue'!" When Feng Xiaohou said this, a strange and incomprehensible look loomed on his face .

Hearing the other party's acknowledgment, Luo Yu's eyes turned, and he looked at Feng Xiaohou's white eyes that were shining at that time, and nodded thoughtfully. The white light in this person's eyes should be the practice of "Qing Ming Jue" 'The reason for this kind of ancient formula is that I don't know how it compares with my own "Feng Yang Jin".

"Okay, you two should stop praising each other. Now that you know each other, you will have plenty of time to chat in the future. This time, I also have a gift for Qing'er." Jian Chen, who was sitting next to Luo Qingqing, chuckled lightly. opened his mouth.

Stretching his left hand into his bosom, Jian Chen took out a colorful jade hairpin, held it in his hand for a while, looked at it, and put it on Luo Qingqing with a bow, and said while putting it on, "This golden rainbow hairpin is Last time you said that you like it very much, although it is only a low-level magic weapon, it is not as expensive as these expensive things on the table, but it is also my heart."

"I was just talking at the time, and you also gave me a lot of things, you should save a little for cultivation! Otherwise, we will be passed by my younger brother sooner or later." Luo Qingqing said coquettishly and annoyed, flushed.

"As long as it's what you like, Junior Sister, what a bit of Lingshi is!" Jian Chen said with a laugh, with a happy expression on his face.

Seeing the two of them like this, Luo Yu immediately felt very relieved, but before he had time to bless the third sister in his heart, the hazy feeling in his mind reappeared, and an indescribable feeling rushed into his mind, Let Luo Yu remember it instantly!

"What is this little spirit stone, this little spirit stone..." After repeating it twice.

Suddenly, a scene that had appeared before appeared in Luo Yu's mind, and his heart was tumbling like a stormy sea. No wonder he felt that Jian Chen had a familiar feeling, so the two had met before.

"It's him! That voice is very similar!" Luo Yu secretly thought in his heart, isn't this Jian Chen the elegant young man Luo Yu met in the labyrinthine tunnel after the Chumu Mountain auction? He only saw a figure from the back, which is why Luo Yu is only familiar with it but can't remember where he saw it. With his memory, people who have seen it will never forget it.

But it doesn't matter, the most important thing is that what Luo Yu remembers most about this Jian Chen is that he is still hugging a beautiful beauty, Xiu. Looking at this person twice, Luo Yu remembered very clearly that when that person gave something to the beautiful beauty Xiu beside him, he also said the same thing to that female cultivator. The stock feels clear.

"If it's really this person, wouldn't the third sister be...!" Luo Yu became worried in his heart. This Jian Chen should know his own green feather Xiayi, but he didn't show any surprise. There are only two possibilities , I guessed wrong or this person's city is too deep, well hidden!

The last thing Luo Yu wants is the second type. Even if this person is exposed, the third sister may not be able to see anyone in the future, but even so, Luo Yu does not want the third sister to follow such a hypocritical person for a long time. , It's too late to regret!

"No! You must tell Third Sister about this!" Luo Yu said inwardly.

Although Luo Yu's thoughts were changing in various ways at this moment, there was no flustered expression on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, I don't know where I am practicing right now. Feng would like to get together with Fellow Daoist sometime." Feng Xiaohou said with a faint smile, but did not notice Luo Yu's change.

"Luo has now opened up a cave near Chaoyang Peak. If Taoist Feng comes to look for it, you only need to pass it on to the disciples guarding the mountain under Chaoyang Peak." Luo Yu responded without changing his expression. At this moment, he was completely relieved. As for the third sister, she couldn't listen to other things at all, so what she said sounded a bit perfunctory.

But Feng Xiaohou didn't seem to care. After a chuckle, he started chatting about other things. For a while, the five people in the room, except Luo Yu who was full of worries and spoke little, talked about their own things , and even the issue of cultivation and the matter of deposing Mushan this time, and Luo Qingqing received so many precious gifts this time, it was also a generous one, and asked the shopkeeper to make two pots of 'Flying Waterfall Zhai', the most expensive After brewing her spiritual tea 'Huanglong tea', she personally poured a cup for everyone.

If this tea is made in normal times, Luo Yu will definitely be amazed, but now he is not in the mood to drink tea at all. Until the end of this small gathering, Luo Yu was secretly observing Jian Chen, but Luo Yu was disappointed. Yes, there is nothing wrong with this person's speech and behavior, but Luo Yu is suspicious by nature, even if he doesn't figure it out today, he will figure it out sooner or later.

This small gathering didn't end until it was almost dark. When everyone parted with smiles, Luo Yu noticed that Zhang Fengyao seemed to have glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally, but quickly withdrew his gaze, and he didn't know what it meant. But Xiaohou said goodbye to Luo Yu very politely, saying that he would definitely find time to visit him, which made Luo Yu feel that this person was too enthusiastic.

Afterwards, everyone drove away with magic weapons one after another, but Luo Yu, Jian Chen, and Luo Qingqing flew back to the Cuixia Mountains together. On the way, Luo Yu was in a hurry to send Jian Chen away for some reason, and wanted to remind him alone When Luo Qingqing was in the middle, Jian Chen left halfway, because his place of cultivation was far away from Baixia Peak and Chaoyang Peak, so he separated from them soon after entering Cuixia Mountain.

(First update) Book friends, the temperature has dropped in many places these days. Youdao hopes that everyone will be healthy and healthy.

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