fairy flame

Chapter 138 Yunxia Palace and 3 Evolution Spirit Formation

After Jian Chen left, Luo Yu and Luo Qingqing flew in the direction of Chaoyang Peak. The magic weapon of Luo Qingqing's imperial envoy was a white jade ribbon with fluttering skirts and two ribbon tails. Rotating and dancing around its whole body, it is really beautiful. This white jade ribbon should be a middle-level magic weapon.

And Luo Qingqing's attire and demeanor are comparable to that of Luo Yu next to him. Those who don't know each other will never think of the two as siblings. Luo Yu is dedicated to cultivating immortals and puts strength first. For him, as long as those foreign things are improvised, it is estimated that some of the thoughts in his heart are already very different from Luo Qingqing's!

"Little brother, you definitely don't know the real identity of Feng Xiaohou, hehe! This guy has a big background. We Cuixia sent a total of two Nascent Soul Stage Supreme Elders, one surnamed Liu, who is the head of the Liu family. , and the other surnamed Feng is his Feng family of Feng Xiaohou. The Yuanying stage immortal cultivator of the Feng family is well-known in the world of cultivating immortals. The elder of the Cuixia sect who is known as the "Honor of the Wind" is his grandfather. , and our Cuixia Paifeng and Liu families have been fighting in secret all this time. I see how polite he is to you today. He may have taken a fancy to your potential and wants to pull you in. This is a good opportunity for you. !" Luo Qingqing was in a good mood, and said to Luo Yu with a smile.

But Luo Yu shook his head unmoved, he didn't care about this at all at the moment, his eyes rolled over and over again and he said: "Sister, I have something to tell you!" Luo Yu's voice rarely showed a trace of solemnity.

In fact, Luo Qingqing has long seen that Luo Yu has been preoccupied since he left the 'Flying Waterfall House'. Maybe others can't see it, but Luo Yu and Luo Qingqing are half-siblings Luo Qingqing could faintly sense any abnormality in Luo Yu from just a few words.

"What's the matter? Come on! Why are you still hesitating with me!" Luo Qingqing asked with a smile. The two didn't stop, but their respective controllers were flying with their magic weapons, but they both lowered the power of their magic weapons. Spend.

"Before I tell you again, I want to ask you something first. About two or three days ago, where was Jian Chen? Did you go out?" Luo Yu's face straightened, and he suddenly said something that surprised Luo Qingqing Come on, in fact, Luo Yu is also in a very uncomfortable mood at the moment. Seeing his third sister's happy face, he really doesn't want his guess to become a reality.

"Jian Chen? Why are you asking this? He went out five days ago. I told him to go to Guanshan City to find you. By the way, I will try my best to help you if you need anything! Why are you asking this?" Luo Qingqing heard Luo When Yu mentioned Jian Chen's name, he immediately put away his sloppy heart. Looking at the serious expression on Luo Yu's face, Luo Yu had never shown such a look in front of her, so he felt that Luo Yu was really important Things to tell her.

"He really went to Guanshan City!" Luo Yu even felt his body tremble a little, and whispered through gritted teeth.

If this Jian Chen really went to Guanshan City, he must have heard about the Chumu Mountain auction. This Chumu Mountain is not far from Guanshan City. If there are only three levels of confidence, then at this moment Luo Yu is more than [-]% sure that the familiar figure from the back of the original transaction place is Jian Chen!

"Little brother, what exactly do you want to say? Is there something between you and Jian Chen..." Luo Qingqing asked anxiously. These two people are the people she cares about the most. If there is any misunderstanding, she can adjust it.

"There is nothing between me and him. You should also know about the bloodbath of Chumu Mountain. At that time, I was called by a cultivator in the foundation stage to participate in the guarding job of the auction. The 'Green Feather Xia Yi' I bought it at an auction. At the place where it was traded, I saw the Cuixia school logo on the clothes worn by one person, so I paid attention to it, but another female cultivator was following that person, although at the time I only saw a figure from the back, but you know that I have a photographic memory since I was a child, the voice and the figure from the back are very similar to Jian Chen, just now I asked you if Jian Chen has been out recently, that's why!" Luo Yu He almost finished speaking while suppressing his anger.

"You mean that Jian Chen is still with other female cultivators outside?" To Luo Yu's surprise, Luo Qingqing didn't seem to hear it, and her voice suddenly became empty, as if without any emotion.

"Sister, at that time I heard that man was still talking to the female cultivator in his arms that he wanted to..."

"Enough! I don't want to hear it! Jian Chen has always been very kind to me, and I believe in him. Besides, you just saw a figure from the back, so how can you be sure it must be him?" Just when Luo Yu was about to explain , Luo Qingqing's face suddenly changed drastically, the calm look just now disappeared, and instead he yelled at Luo Yu.

And after Luo Qingqing finished speaking, tears flickered in her eyes, but she tried her best not to cry out, and then stomped her jade feet fiercely, ignoring Luo Yu and going directly to the weapon, and disappeared from Luo Yu's sight in an instant .

Luo Yu watched Luo Qingqing leave in a daze, and then stood there without moving. This was the first time for Luo Qingqing since she was a child!The first time I got angry with him!But for an outsider, Luo Yu laughed at himself with flickering eyes, just lowered his head but suddenly raised it up, looking at the direction where Luo Qingqing left, the watery look in his eyes was instantly suppressed by Luo Yu.

"Jian Chen! You'd better not, otherwise..." Luo Yu's eyes suddenly burst into an inch of cold light, and his whole body burst out without the slightest suppression. He had never wanted to kill someone so much before!

A gust of cold wind blew past, as if waking up Luo Yu who was standing on the sword in the sky. With a slight movement of his body, a golden rainbow disappeared into the distance.


The Cuixia Mountain Range, in terms of the richness of the aura, is naturally the Cuixia Mountain, and the most magnificent and magnificent building of the Cuixia Sect is not the Library Hall, but the Yunxia Hall built on the Cuixia Mountain, which is to discuss the important affairs of the Cuixia Sect. Only the patriarchs in the alchemy period can enter the place!

This hall is said to be built from a kind of "Shu Jinshi" that only appeared in ancient times, and it is indestructible, and the eyes of the Cuixia School's guardian formation "Sanyan Hualing Array" are set in the center of this Yunxia Hall. Even if such a defense is attacked by a formidable enemy, as long as the Yunxia Hall is not breached, the Cuixia faction can use the advanced formation "Three Evolution Spirit Formation" to kill all powerful enemies, and the Cuixia faction can firmly rank among the immortals in Yuanjiang Kingdom. A large faction, apart from the fact that the aura of the Cuixia Mountains is one of the best in the Yuanjiang Kingdom, it has a lot to do with the 'Three Evolution Spirit Formation' and the Yunxia Hall built entirely of Jinshi!

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