fairy flame

Chapter 139 Cangyue Mountain 'Golden Clam Cave'

However, among the Cuixia Mountains, Cuixia Mountain is number one in terms of aura, but in terms of majestic mountains, Cangyue Mountain is the best. It is definitely the highest mountain, and the reason why Cangyue Mountain is the best in Mengzhou is mainly because the main peak of this mountain, 'Cangyue Peak', is known as the 'Pillar of the Sky', and it looks like a giant sword piercing the sky from a distance. It is a cultivator who looks from the bottom of the mountain, and can only see a sea of ​​fog and clouds, with no end in sight.

The Cuixia faction was almost divided into two opposing factions due to the open and secret fighting between the two elders of the Nascent Soul stage. One of them was the head of the Liu family. The other faction is the Feng family of the 'Honor of the Wind'. The descendants of the Feng family practice in Cangyue Mountain. The forces of the two factions are similar, but they have always been jealous because both sides want to unify the entire Cuixia faction. They fought many times, but fortunately there were two elders restraining them, and there had never been any bloody battles.

But as long as you are a disciple of the Cuixia Sect, whether you are a closed disciple, an inner disciple or an outer disciple, you must choose one side to join once you reach the foundation establishment stage, otherwise you will be jointly suppressed by Liu Feng and his family.

And some people just want to practice purely, don't want to participate in the power struggle, and want to please both sides, but the so-called neutral choice is just a big joke, as long as you still want to practice in the Cuixia Sect, and you don't want to come to your door every now and then with troublesome things , naturally have to abide by this unspoken rule, not only the immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage, but also the patriarchs in the alchemy stage have no choice. The Nascent Soul Stage is already the pinnacle of the world of cultivating immortals, and their every move will attract the attention of all forces in the world of cultivating immortals.

The Feng and Liu families will try their best to win over immortal cultivators like Luo Yu who have great potential in the qi training stage. After all, it is good to make first-hand preparations. When they reach the foundation building stage, they will naturally submit to one of them.

It is for this reason that the younger generations of the two families have made many friends in the Cuixia School, hoping to attract those potential disciples in advance. Feng Xiaohou is a good example, and joining any of the two schools is also beneficial. There are many benefits, at least if you have any troubles, you will get their protection. This alone makes many people feel excited.

And Luo Yu didn't know the reason for these unspoken rules. In addition to his low cultivation level, Li You felt that it was not the time to tell him, there was another point that Luo Yu was too focused on cultivation, and whenever he had time, he would retreat and practice hard, which also caused He doesn't know anything about the Cuixia faction. Even when he goes out, Luo Yu keeps a low profile. He either changes his appearance or hides his cultivation with resting techniques. That's why his strength is not bad. , but no one knows him.

At this time, a ray of cyan light passed through the guards at the bottom of the mountain and shot directly into an ancient cave on the mountainside of Cang Yue. On the ancient cave, there were several large characters "Golden Fly Cave" engraved in ancient Chinese characters.

However, the original formation restriction outside the golden clam cave did not have the slightest defensive effect under the light of the cyan light. After a while, the cyan light that entered the ancient cave stopped suddenly, revealing the light inside the light. Wrapped silhouette.

It turned out to be Feng Xiaohou who had left Luo Yu not long ago. Now that Feng Xiaohou entered the ancient cave, he was holding a simple mirror with blue light shining in his hand. The blue light just now should have shot out of the mirror.

But Feng Xiaohou stood in the cave, but he didn't have the slightest intention to move forward. Instead, his face was full of respect, as if he was waiting for something.

"It's Feng'er, come in!" Not long after Feng Xiao Hou Jing stood, a gentle voice suddenly came from the depths of the ancient cave, and it was immediately clear that the person speaking was a woman.

After Feng Xiaohou heard the voice, his face was overjoyed, he seemed a little cramped, but he walked deep into the cave without any hesitation.

After passing through several dark corners, suddenly a glaring light hit Feng Xiaohou's face, but Feng Xiaohou seemed to have been prepared for a long time, closing and opening his eyes, he was not affected by the strong light immediately. Influence.

After entering the cave, looking around, you can see what appears to be a beautiful land in front of you. A huge clear water pool almost fills up the inside of the cave, and there are three small streams flying down from the pool. Waterfall, clear water mixed with the rich white mist-like aura of this cave, giving people a feeling of being in a fairyland.

But Feng Xiaohou didn't even look at these things, after entering, he immediately put all his eyes on a middle-aged woman in the middle of the three small waterfalls, the middle-aged woman looked about thirty years old, She is beautiful and dignified, with a bookish look on her face, and the most surprising thing is that for some unknown reason, this lady's face has no trace of age, except for the faint crow's feet at the corners of her eyes.

This dignified lady was wearing a blue Taoist robe, and she was sitting cross-legged on a huge three-color lotus flower in the pool. When she saw Feng Xiaohou coming in, she opened her eyes immediately, and saw a faint light flashing between her brows. .

"Feng'er, you can only see me three times a year. It's been hard work for you these years, but you have to know that your father is not wrong." The beautiful woman said with a kind face on her face, and her eyes were full of kindness. .

"Mother, are you still unable to control your emotions? It's been more than ten years, do you want to spend your whole life in this cave?" This beautiful woman is actually Feng Xiaohou's mother, no wonder Feng Xiaohou is so respectful.

"Back then, because I was greedy for the powerful power of the 'Seven Serenity Jue' after its completion, I rushed forward and didn't listen to your father's advice. In the end, I went mad and became bloodthirsty when a ghostly murderous force entered my body. Your grandfather I heard that in the future, I will be locked up in this ancient golden clam cave in a fit of anger. If I can't refine this ghost killing power for a day, I will not be able to get out of this ancient cave. And your father only let you see me three times a year. For the sake of safety, and as a descendant of the Feng family, you should learn to be strong and forbear, presumably your father is also very indifferent to you outside, this is because he wants to train you to be able to take over his position, in fact he I also care about you very much." The beautiful woman seemed to have endless words, and her voice was extremely gentle. It is hard for ordinary people to imagine that she has a bloodthirsty side.

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