fairy flame

Chapter 14 Testing Spiritual Roots

At this time, Luo Qingqing, who had been paying attention to the whole process, asked curiously: "Master Li, isn't it necessary to test the immortal fate on the "immortal fate stone"? You still brought a fairy fate stone to test Qing'er's immortal fate." Why don't you need it now?" Luo Qingqing couldn't help being a little strange seeing Li Shizu saying that he wanted to test Xianyuan, but he was empty-handed.

"It's okay to tell you. When I gave you the test back then, my cultivation was only in the Dzogchen realm of the foundation building period, and it is possible to form a pill at any time. The general meditation practice is no longer useful to me. I can only enter the secular world to experience and hone my state of mind. Perfection is the only way to break through. By the way, I am looking for some apprentices for the other brothers in the door, so I naturally carry some fairy stones with me.

But now that I have successfully formed an alchemy, my consciousness, senses and mana have all made a qualitative leap, so naturally I don't need a fairy edge stone. Most of them didn't use the fairy edge stone. Master Li explained while sitting upright and shaking his head.

Seeing Luo Yu coming in front of him, he stood up and stretched out his right hand. With five fingers spread out, he condensed slightly inward, and saw countless milky white silk threads converging into the palm of his hand from the void, and it didn't take long to accumulate into a milky white silk thread. The small ball, and then lightly tossed the milky white ball, and the small ball stopped firmly on top of Luo Yu's head and rotated slowly, as if there was a bright lamp on Luo Yu's head, which looked extremely mysterious.

At this time, Master Li made a tactic with both hands, pointed at the white light ball solemnly, and pointed out lightly. The milky white light ball immediately branched out a thin white line to connect to the top of Luo Yu's head, and slowly penetrated into Luo Yu's body. inside the head.

Standing there, Luo Yu could only feel a white heat rushing back and forth in his body, and his whole body was hot, but after a while, that uncomfortable feeling disappeared, and the place where the thin white line passed was even slightly cool. , There is an indescribable comfortable feeling, very wonderful.

At this moment, a red brilliance quickly appeared from the top of Luo Yu's head, and quickly rushed into the light ball through the white silk thread.


As soon as it came into contact with the light ball, it glowed red. Obviously, this is Luo Yu's spiritual root, but I don't know what kind of spiritual root it is. However, being able to have the spiritual root Luo Yu is already thankful.

Just when everyone thought the test was over, two beams of brilliance also burst out from Luo Yu's Tianling Gai. They also flew into the light ball and mixed with the red light. Immediately, the light ball emitted red, yellow, The brilliance of the three colors of cyan is dazzling, among which red is the most obvious, followed by yellow and cyan.

"It's actually the "Three Spiritual Roots", huh! It's still a three-spiritual root with a mutated attribute of "wind attribute"." Master Li seemed a little surprised when he saw Luo Yu's spiritual root attributes, and seemed to be thinking about something after a while , but then nodded and said: "That's right, although you have a low-level spiritual root, but you have wind spiritual root, you can barely become my disciple. How about it, would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

At this time, Luo Yu was completely immersed in the joy of having a spiritual root. Although he still didn't know what the so-called "spiritual root" was, he was already sure that he had a fairy fate, and could become those legendary existences that called wind and rain. He was so excited. over there.

The third sister next to him pushed him to wake up, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "Disciple Luo Yu, I have met Master."

Master Li stroked his mid-length beards with a smile, nodded slightly and said, "I didn't bring any presents when I came out this time. After I go to the "Cuixia Sect" to really perform the apprenticeship ceremony, I will write a favor for you as a teacher." After all, you are the son of an old friend. However, at your age, you can first practice my "Cuixia Sect"'s mystical skills." After Li Shizu said this, he thought for a moment, flicked his hand lightly, Suddenly, there was an old sheepskin book in his hand.

"This is "Fengyang Jin", one of the three basic exercises of my "Cuixia School". Although it is not the top-level technique, it happens to contain the two attributes of wind and fire. It is just right for you to practice "The wind helps the fire, and the fire uses the wind." It must be in your hands to let the world see its true power." When he said this, this Li Xianren seemed to care about what he was recalling, and looked at the fire in his hand. The "Fengyang Strength" technique is slightly emotional.

""Fengyang Jin"! Master Li, this...is this the "Fengyang Jin" known as one of the three ancient cultivation methods of the "Cuixia School"? It is said that this exercise was created by a monk with great supernatural powers in ancient times. The dual-attribute technique." Luo Qingqing saw this Master Li took out a half-old ancient book, and she was a little unconcerned at first, because a master at the alchemy stage could be so shabby to her disciple, but when she heard When he heard the words "Feng Yang Jin", he was immediately dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Hehe, you ghost girl knows quite a lot! Yes, it is true to say that this exercise is an ancient cultivation method, but its power is not as exaggerated as the rumors outside, and this dual-attribute exercise is more difficult to cultivate than ordinary ones. The cultivation of single-attribute exercises is much slower. It is not as simple as one plus one. The difficulty of cultivation is definitely increased by several times or even dozens of times. It is difficult for those who have great perseverance and mental perseverance to practice. This exercise is my late one. My mentor "Xi Yan Zhenren" obtained it by accident. It is said that the original name of this exercise is "Fengyang Sixfold Strength". It also happened to be the dual spiritual root of wind and fire. After getting this ancient book, he was ecstatic and practiced non-stop day and night. He quickly practiced a single-strength method. After that, he gave up other cultivation and spent a lot of time collecting follow-up books. But this kind of luck can’t happen every day. When he wakes up, it’s too late, his lifespan is approaching, and the bottleneck of alchemy can’t be broken through. At that time, it’s too late to switch to other exercises. And finally..." Speaking of this, I can't help but feel a little sad, it seems that this is the reason why Master Li just sighed, it turns out that this exercise has such a great relationship with his teacher.

"Ah, will Brother Yu have any problems with his cultivation?" Luo Qingqing hurriedly asked after hearing the words, with a rather worried expression on his face.

"Since I asked him to practice this method, there will be no problems. Besides, he only regards it as a method of Qi training period. If he can't reach the foundation stage, relying on the two supernatural powers of this method alone, There is no doubt that life can be saved. After practicing this set of exercises, because of the effect of wind spirit power, as long as the wind spirit power is poured into the magic weapon, then its escape will be far better than that of monks of the same level. This is one of them. Another great supernatural power is, If a monk who practices this method can reach the state of Dzogchen in the Qi training period, and practice the first level of "Fengyang Jin" to the peak, then he will be able to achieve the initial compatibility of wind and fire, and only the monks in the foundation building period will be able to use it. The "Three Flavors True Fire" this "Three Flavors True Fire" is no better than Fanhuo, this is the same supernatural power of the monks in the foundation building period, and if the monks in the Qi training period meet it, they will perish. Of course, if he reaches the foundation building stage , as a teacher, he will let him practice other exercises, so Luo Yu will have no problem practicing this exercise." After hearing Luo Qingqing's worry, Master Li smiled lightly and replied calmly.

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