fairy flame

Chapter 15 The Realm of Immortal Cultivation

But Luo Yu, brother Luo also told me some things about you, but those are all in the past. As a teacher, I now want you to promise that no matter whether you succeed in your studies in the future, you are not allowed to do anything harmful to Luo Mansion in the future. Come to think of it, as a teacher, I don't want to accept a fanatic who doesn't recognize his relatives, and make other comrades laugh at him. "After that, he fixed his eyes on Luo Yu, as if waiting for his answer.

Seeing this gaze, Luo Yu's whole body trembled, feeling that he couldn't utter any lies against his will, and hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue with his teeth, the pain made him wake up, and immediately knelt down and replied: "The disciple must obey the master's words, Don't dare to disobey!" After Luo Yu finished speaking, the Li Shizu just gave a faint "um" and handed the ancient sheepskin book in his hand to Luo Yu, his eyes were still fixed on Luo Yu, and then slowly moved away I don't know if he sees something?

After Luo Yu received the book, his expression was extremely excited, but he didn't open it immediately. He didn't know anything about cultivation. Li, then retreated respectfully.

And that Master Li didn't seem to want to talk about Luo Yu's matter anymore, so he smiled at Luo Zeng: "Brother Luo, the round just now doesn't count, how about we play another round?"

At this time, Luo Zeng was also shocked by the fact that Luo Yu had spiritual roots. He never thought that he would give birth to two children with spiritual roots. one?

Luo Yu doesn't know if having a spiritual root is a blessing or a curse for his future?Hearing Master Li's question, he suddenly turned around in surprise, cursing himself for losing his composure, and suppressing his surprise, he said to Luo Yu and Luo Qingqing, "You two go out first, Brother Li, let's play another round." Brother and sister Yu saw the two of them like this, obviously they had something to say, and they didn't want them to know.

I saw Luo Zeng slowly put the chess pieces back into the chess box, his eyes were a little dazed and he didn't know what he was thinking. Luo Qingqing also seemed to see that his father was not in a good mood at this time, so he lightly stuck out his little tongue and pulled After Luo Yu bid farewell to Master Li, he backed out in small steps.

After Luo Zeng watched them go out, his eyes were a little unsteady, and he sighed to that Li Shizu: "Brother Li, you have created a problem for the younger brother, who knows what disaster this son will bring to the Luo Mansion in the future?" Well, looking at that Master Li, obviously waiting for his answer.

"Hehe, Brother Luo, I'm overthinking. From what I've seen, this chess player's style of chess is ethereal and weird. He doesn't follow common sense. He can calculate the moves of the next thirteen chessmen after one move. He is sure that the old man will be fooled. Not only is he extremely talented, His mind is even farther than that of ordinary people, and if he enters my immortal way, he will surely achieve something in the future, and as for his temperament, I have naturally planned for you, brother Luo." This Master Li smiled inscrutablely.

"Oh, I knew that brother Li must have a plan for doing this, I don't know why." Luo Zeng suddenly regained his energy after hearing this.

"Actually, I have to wait another two years to accept him as an apprentice. My "Cuixia Sect" accepts apprentices once every three years. It has been four years since Qing'er became a teacher. There are two cycles in six years, that is to say, two years." He will truly become my disciple in the future. I will let him stay in Luofu for the next two years. It will be up to you what to do then. After all, he is your son. Do you really want father and son to hate each other for the rest of their lives? After entering the fairyland, it will be too late to change." Master Li said softly.

"Well, that's the only way to go. Luo's two children will have to ask Brother Li to take care of them." Luo Zeng slightly cupped his hands at Master Li.

"Why are you being polite with me? If I hadn't met you back then, my worldly experience would not have been complete. I would have died under the heart demon of Jiedan long ago. Okay, let's not talk about being polite, and let the old man use the "Tianyuan Bureau" again." Come and meet you." After that, Li Shizu directly picked up a chess piece and landed it on the chessboard with a "slap", and immediately the chessboard alternated black and white, changing constantly, the lights in the room were flickering, and there were bursts of talking and laughing from time to time .

At this time, Luo Yu had long forgotten the pain in his buttocks, and was excitedly asking Luo Qingqing questions about the cultivation world. Luo Qingqing also patiently answered Luo Yu's questions. Beyond the realm, there is a wider realm of cultivation, and the realm of cultivation is not as beautiful as Luo Yu imagined, but extremely cruel.

A high-level cultivator can kill people with a lower cultivation base than him at will. In order to snatch some treasures, it often happens that they fight at the slightest disagreement. In such a cruel environment, every cultivator tries his best to improve himself. With his own cultivation, he can do all kinds of insidious activities.

Speaking of this, Luo Qingqing kept reminding Luo Yu not to trust anyone easily after entering the realm of comprehension, otherwise he would suffer a big loss and his life would be in danger.

Luo Yu nodded heavily after hearing this. He is no longer that kind of ignorant child. After today's incident, he knows that human nature is dangerous. This is true in the secular world, but the law of the jungle is even more prey in the cultivation world. After entering the cultivation world, he must be careful cautious.

Afterwards, Luo Yu asked some more questions about the meanings of "qi training period" and "alchemy period", as well as what the "immortal fate stone" and "spiritual root" are, these things are full of curiosity for Luo Yu , Luo Qingqing also answered them one by one. From Luo Qingqing's mouth, Luo Yu learned some basic information about the world of comprehension. Dan", "Yuanying", "Hua Shen", "Distraction", "Fitness", "Mahayana", "Flying Ascension".

It's easier said than done, each level of improvement will lead to a qualitative leap in strength, supernatural powers will be far better than before, but each level of improvement is very difficult, often encountering a bottleneck, decades, hundreds of years It is possible not to break through.

According to Luo Qingqing, up to now, there has never been a cultivator in the "spirit transformation stage" in their Yuanjiang country, not only in their Yuanjiang country, but also in the neighboring Yundu and Xixia countries. Immortal cultivators in the stage of transforming gods.

According to rumors in the world of cultivating immortals, those who have cultivated to the stage of transforming gods will go to a more advanced world of cultivation, which is said to be more suitable for them to practice, and no one can verify the truth of this rumor, because everyone who has cultivated The senior masters in the transformation stage will disappear without reason, and no one knows where they went, and they never came back.

Not to mention the immortal cultivators of the transformation stage, even the immortal cultivators of the Yuanying stage in their Great Song Kingdom, there are only five of them, and they are all the top existences in the realm of cultivating immortals.If you want to cultivate to that level, you don't rely on talent, but chance, and you have to have some heaven-defying blessings, or some peerless elixir, in order to make people reach that supreme level.

But even so, immortal cultivators are still envied by everyone. The biggest benefit of becoming an immortal cultivator is longevity. doubled.It is said that one can live to more than 1000 years old if one reaches the Nascent Soul Stage, which is like an immortal old monster. Even if one reaches the Core Formation Stage, one can live for 500 years.

Hearing this, Luo Yu was extremely surprised, and secretly said: "Can live more than 1000 years old! Don't those old monsters become *human spirits?" Luo Yu also envied those who could live more than 1000 years old, after all, everyone I want to live forever and live forever.

Then he thought of his master, who seemed to be an expert at the alchemy stage, and couldn't help asking: "Then how long has my master been practicing?" small.

Seeing Luo Yu's expression, Luo Qingqing seemed very satisfied, and said generously: "Master Li, he is one of the few ancestors of our Cuixia Sect. It took him more than two hundred years to cultivate to the alchemy stage. It took only more than 200 years for the aptitude of the two spiritual roots to cultivate to the current level, which is also the kind of amazing talent in the cultivation world. As for the "spiritual root" you are asking about, it is in the field of cultivation. No one in the world can figure it out. Only those who have spiritual roots can absorb the aura of heaven and earth and practice cultivation. People without spiritual roots can only be ordinary people no matter how hard you work and how much effort you put in. In the Dao of Heaven Birth, old age, sickness and death under reincarnation."

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