fairy flame

Chapter 16 The Theory of Spiritual Roots

However, people with spiritual roots are extremely rare, and it can be said that there is no one in a million. Therefore, whenever some sects recruit disciples, they will send some low-level cultivators to the secular world to look for those who have "immortal fate" among ordinary people. ", but even so, the number of immortal cultivators is still extremely rare, and people like Luo Yu are extremely lucky.

Even if many people have spiritual roots, they can only pass through a lifetime without being discovered. However, after so many years of summary in the world of cultivating immortals, they have discovered some rules. If there were cultivators in their ancestors, then their descendants There may also be cultivators among the disciples, so after ordinary cultivators join the sect, they will be registered and registered in detail by the sect, so that when the sect recruits too few children with spiritual roots in the future, people can be sent to the registered cultivators. Find it at home, so the probability is often higher.

There is another situation, if both father and mother are cultivators, then the child born to them is also very likely to be a cultivator, so often a cultivator combines cultivation with a cultivator, not only for the sake of the realm of comprehension Continuation, at the same time, is also for the convenience of cultivation and to speed up the cultivation speed. Few cultivators are willing to be with mortals, because their lifespans are too different. Generally, mortals can live to a hundred years old, that is thanks to God For a cultivator, as long as they reach the Qi refining stage, it is not a problem to live to be more than 100 years old. If they can build a foundation, it is normal for them to live to be [-] to [-] years old.

So a cultivator living with mortals can only watch his beloved slowly grow old and die, and he can do nothing about it. Like the situation where both of their siblings have spiritual roots and have been discovered, it can only explain, They had bad luck.

There are also many types of spiritual roots. Generally speaking, "spiritual roots" are divided into five elements, such as "gold", "wood", "water", "fire", and "earth". Only the skills of different attributes can improve the cultivation base. If one lacks one kind of spiritual root, one cannot practice that type of exercise. Most people's spiritual roots have five attributes or four attributes. The induction of heaven and earth spiritual energy is low, and it is extremely slow to cultivate, so it is called miscellaneous spirit root by the immortal world. People with miscellaneous spirit roots can only linger in the Qi refining stage throughout their lives, and there are very few who can build foundations. These people can only become outer disciples after joining the sect, and they can only practice in some places where the aura is thin, which makes it more difficult to practice, and they can only rely on themselves.

However, people with three attributes of spiritual roots can practice much faster than those with four attributes of spiritual roots. If he has made great contributions, then he may become an inner disciple. After becoming an inner disciple, he will be treated much better than the outer disciple. Regular preaching, if you are lucky, you may be accepted as a closed disciple if you are favored by a patriarch of alchemy, then your status in the sect will be far superior to that of immortal cultivators of the same level, and you will gain great strength in the sect nourish.

As for the immortal cultivators with spiritual roots of two attributes, all the sects are vying for them.Not only do they cultivate faster than their peers, but their offspring are also more likely to have spiritual roots than those with miscellaneous spiritual roots.These people are often the key disciples trained in the sect, and the number of them often affects the rise and fall of a sect.

As for the best "one spirit root", it is also called "heaven spirit root" by the cultivation world, which means that it is favored by the heavens and is favored by the heavens. This kind of people often appear once in a thousand years. No matter what the accident, they will generally become top-level cultivators.

As long as this kind of person is born, once discovered, it will even cause a war between the two sects. This kind of example is not uncommon in the cultivation world, so in private, the talent of Tianlinggen is also called "disaster spirit root". ", but there is a lot of jealousy and envy in it, because they really make people love and fear.

The last one is called "variant spiritual root" by the cultivation world. The cultivation speed of "variant spiritual root" is between the "heavenly spiritual root" and "two spiritual roots", and it is also the one that those sects are vying for.

Because as long as a mutated spiritual root can find a skill that matches the attributes of its spiritual root, its combat effectiveness is often astonishing, and its supernatural powers are far beyond that of monks of the same level.

There are also many types of mutant spiritual roots, such as the "wind spirit root" produced by the mutation of "water spirit root" and "wood spirit root", the "thunder spirit root" produced by the mutation of "golden spirit root" and "water spirit root", and the ice spirit root. Root, Mist Spirit Root, Blood Spirit Root, Dark Spirit Root, Yin Spirit Root and so on.

It's just that the owner of "Heavenly Spiritual Root" and "Variation Spiritual Root" is rare in the world of comprehension, which is extremely difficult to find. This shows that they are very rare.

Speaking of this, Miss Luo glanced at Luo Yu with a strange gaze, and said: "At that time, when Master Li was testing your spiritual root, I saw three kinds of light emitting from the top of your head, yellow, cyan and red, indicating that You are the owner of the three spiritual roots, red and yellow represent that your spiritual roots have fire and gold attributes, but the cyan light, I read in an ancient book, seems to be the wind spirit root with a mutated attribute, This is strange, there are very few mutated spiritual roots mixed with other spiritual roots, but fortunately, the cyan and yellow rays of light are very faint, indicating that your spiritual root attributes are mainly fire attributes, you should first practice Master Li If the "Fengyang Jin" technique given to you doesn't work by then, I'll find you another one with a single fire element."

At this time, Luo Qingqing suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly slapped the storage bag with one hand, and there was a bird-black sandalwood box in his hand, and handed it directly to Luo Yu, "This is the martial arts world of Yuanjiang Kingdom." The "Da Huan Pill", which is highly sought after by Chinese people, has a certain effect of cutting the marrow of the Book of Changes, strengthening the foundation and cultivating the essence, and it is said that it can also increase the internal strength of a Jiazi. Although we cultivators don't care about these things, but for you For a mortal who has not formally cultivated immortality, it should still have some effect, but you must remember not to take it now, you must wait until your cultivation base has reached the first level of Qi training stage and can initially communicate with the aura of heaven and earth, otherwise, you are a mortal His body will definitely not be able to withstand the huge potency of the medicine, and he will explode and die. Although this pill is not as good as the "Washing Marrow Pill" of our immortal cultivators, it is also a very rare holy medicine for healing. My sister can't come back empty-handed to see you, how much I also want to give you some greetings!"

Luo Yu stared at the box in Luo Qingqing's hand, tears flickered in his eyes, he choked up softly and said: "Sister, only you and mother are so kind to me in the whole house, this pill, I..." Before Luo Yu could say After finishing, Luo Qingqing opened the box, took out a green bottle from it, stuffed it directly into Luo Yu's arms, and said to Luo Yu: "Why are you being polite with my sister? Besides, this thing was given to me by someone else. , I don’t need it, so I gave it to you, but my sister is wrong, you must have suffered a lot when I was not in the house these years.” Luo Qingqing stared at Luo Yu’s thin body, her eyes were full of love.

"Go, tell my sister how you have lived these four years. Tonight, we sister and brother have a good talk, and we will go to Aunt Liu." Luo Yu nodded calmly, followed Luo Qingqing to the backyard go.

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