fairy flame

Chapter 17 Deciphering the 'Longzhong Pair'

"Go, tell my sister how you have lived these four years. Now that I am back, you don't have to worry about someone bullying you. We sister and brother have a good talk today, and we will go to Aunt Liu." Nodding vigorously, she followed Luo Qingqing to the backyard.

In the early morning of the next day, a thin and straight body stood blankly at the foot of the backyard door of Luo Mansion, watching the two brilliant lights gradually disappearing in the sky, speechless for a moment, silently thinking about something.

For a moment, the boy seemed to have figured something out, sighed bitterly, and walked quietly into the house alone. This person was naturally Luo Yu. Since he came together in the morning, he found that there was only his mother in the room but no third sister. Tight, I don't know when she left.

The three of them chatted very happily last night. Luo Yu almost kept asking questions about the world of cultivating immortals, while Luo Qingqing took the trouble to answer them one by one. In the end, she even taught Luo Yu some basic common sense in cultivation, such as How to calm the mind, absorb the spiritual energy of the outside world, how to meditate and practice, etc... He completely forgot the time, Luo Yu only thought that this was the happiest night he had in the past ten years, and he couldn't remember when he fell asleep.

As soon as he got dressed in the morning, someone came over and told him that his master had something to say, and told him to wait in the living room. Luo Yu thought it was his master who was going to take him away, so he was very happy, and hurried to the living room, but He heard the unbelievable news that Cuixia Sect will have to wait for two years to formally accept disciples. During these two years, he must rely on himself for all his cultivation. According to the door rules, Luo Yu is only promised to pick him up after two years, and told him to stay in Luofu well, and then he will formally perform the apprenticeship ceremony, and the third sister can't stay in the secular world for too long, she must return with her master inside the door.

When the master said these words, the third sister standing aside seemed to want to say something, she looked helpless, but she couldn't say it in the end, Luo Yu couldn't see that it was the master deliberately asking him to stay in Luofu , but he had to make a big deal about those schools and school rules. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he didn't dare to show it. So hypocritical.

And Luo Qingqing comforted Luo Yu and told him to take care of himself, then released the bright flying sword, followed by Li Shizu in the escape light and disappeared into the sky, as fast as a meteor.

After the senior officials in the Luo Mansion knew that Luo Yu had a fairy fate, several families were happy and some were sad. Although Luo's mother didn't know what an immortal cultivator was, after he learned from Luo Qingqing that this was a matter with a bright future, he decided to Secretly happy for her son, who doesn't want their child to be successful, what ordinary women at Luo Yu's mother's age want to see most is their son's safety, that's all they need is to marry a daughter-in-law and have grandchildren, nothing else.

And Luo Feng's mother and son are the most unhappy people in the Luo Mansion. After all, they have always wanted to put Luo Yu's mother and son to death. If Luo Yu returns from studying in the future, it is uncertain whether Luo Yu will settle with them According to folk rumors, those immortal cultivators are all existences who can call wind and rain, and they are extremely terrifying.

From then on, the attitude of the people in the Luo Mansion towards Luo Yu has changed a lot. Even ordinary family dinners will call Luo Yu, and the status is completely different from before. Yu was extremely polite, and when they saw Luo Yu, they naturally saluted very respectfully, which had never happened before, which made Luo Yu a little unaccustomed to it, so he had to stay at home often.

At this moment, Luo Yu came alone to the place where he was punished that day - "Luo Mansion Criminal Hall". : In the future, you must firmly hold your own destiny in your own hands, and be the one who dominates the destiny of others if you want to do it yourself.

"Master Yu is here, what are you doing standing outside, come in quickly." Luo Yu knew it was the voice of the lunatic uncle he was very familiar with. Looking up, he saw a middle-aged man in a white robe striding from the execution hall He came out from inside, with a kind face, formally the guard commander of Luo Mansion——Feng Commander.

Luo Yu stepped forward, saluted and said: "Uncle Crazy is making fun of me again, you know me best in the Luo Mansion, I don't care about these false names at all, no matter what happens to my status, I will still be the same Luo Yu as before." Middle-aged People looked at Luo Yu, whose face was full of determination, and a little satisfaction flashed across his face. If Luo Yu acted like a young master just now, it would prove that he had misjudged before, and that this son is too greedy for wealth and honor. .

However, judging from Luo Yu's performance, he didn't misjudge the person, and sighed slightly: "I have seen countless young talents, but you are the only one I appreciate the most. The important thing is that you can go your own way without fear of hardships and dangers, and you will definitely be able to make a difference in the future, and this old man rarely misses the point.”

Luo Yu seemed to be touched by Uncle Crazy's words, and there was a slight ripple in his calm heart, but he immediately woke up, thinking about the purpose of coming today.

"Uncle Crazy, don't say those polite words. I'm here today to tell you that I have already solved the "Longzhong Pair" chess game you have been asking me to solve yesterday, and I have followed your requirements in all the processes. Write it on this piece of paper." Luo Yu directly took out a piece of white paper from his arms and handed it over.

"It's solved! Good, good! The old man knows that this will not trouble you, haha!" While speaking, he quickly took the white paper in Luo Yu's hand with his eyes as if seeing a peerless treasure, his hands trembling slightly, his eyes It was full of excitement, and after solemnly putting it away, he thanked Luo Yu: "I will keep Feng X's great kindness in mind today, and if there is anything Feng X can help in the future, just speak up and never delay."

Uncle Crazy's strange expression startled Luo Yu, didn't he just break a chess game?As for being so grand?But it's not easy to ask too much, Qing Sheng said politely: "It's just a trivial matter, but if I really need your help in the future, I will come to you."

The leader Feng seemed to be still immersed in the joy of breaking the chess game, so he didn't notice his gaffe. "The old man still has some important matters to deal with, so I won't entertain you. We will have a long time to come." After finishing speaking, he disappeared without a trace without even saying hello. Luo Yu stared blankly. He said in the direction where he disappeared: "It seems that the fact that I have a spiritual root has not been announced yet, even the commander of the personal guard like Uncle Madman doesn't know about it, but maybe my father gave some orders secretly." Luo Yu Standing outside the door thought for a moment, then turned and walked towards the backyard.

On the way back, Luo Yu was still amazed by the strange expression on Uncle Crazy's face. It seems that everyone has their own secrets.

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