fairy flame

Chapter 141 Refining Cold Water

But it's strange, I have flown over this bamboo forest before, but at that time there were no existing air restrictions. Could it be that these restrictions were added after I left, and just looking at the method of this restriction, it must be arranged like this Large-scale air ban and ban repairs are at least in the foundation building period!

Luo Yu thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out. He could only hope that the reason for the restriction had nothing to do with the cold pool of the ancient well that he found. Luo Yu wanted to take the water from the cold pool this time. Doesn't the high-level magic weapon 'Bi Ling Han Ji' mean that as long as the 'Xuanbing Hanjing' is added, the power of the top-grade magic weapon can be restored!Although Luo Yu may not be able to refine this 'Xuanbing Hanjing', even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, Luo Yu will give it a try!

Luo Yu is still very confident in the mysterious Bai Yan!

After thinking it over clearly, Luo Yu immediately took up the Shining Steps and plunged into the dense purple bamboo forest. Although the air ban does not affect walking on the ground, it only prohibits flying, but such a strange ban suddenly appeared here, Luo Yu Yu also had to be careful, letting go of his spiritual sense completely and exploring everything around him.

However, Luo Yu was overthinking this time. He didn't find any formations or other restrictions on the way to the cold pool, which made Luo Yu feel at ease. It didn't take long for Luo Yu to come to the ancient well he found. The cold pool suddenly felt a gust of cold air, Luo Yu couldn't help shivering with his current cultivation level, but after immediately circulating the spiritual power in his body according to the operation route of the "Fengyang Strength" technique, then The chill was expelled from the body.

This place is still the same as before. After Luo Yu felt that there was no one else around, he easily took out six or seven huge gourds that were two feet long from his bosom. The surface of these gourds was covered with countless yellow spots and patterns. , It looks like it has been picked for a long time, and these yellow spots should be the performance of drying and yellowing after being placed for a long time.

Luo Yu placed these yellow gourds next to the ancient well one by one, and prepared to use these gourds to hold the water in the cold pool here. The halberd was taken out, because the water in the cold pond here is extremely cold, if you touch it with a mortal body, it will be frozen into a layer of ice crystals immediately, Luo Yu doesn't want to take the risk of doing such a dangerous thing.

I saw that he tied a small rope on each of the blue halberds of the Bilinghan halberd, and tied two yellow gourds with two knots on the left and right, and tied the ropes tightly. Luo Yu glanced at the big green gourd. The strange phenomenon of two big gourds hanging on the halberd, even he himself couldn't help chuckling, this strange appearance really has something interesting.

This gourd is originally called 'Bitter Gourd', and it is widely used in the cultivation world, because this gourd is not only very hard, but also has a very good fresh-keeping effect on some low-level elixir, spirit tea, spirit wine, etc. No one can explain clearly, but because of these reasons, many vendors in the market have this kind of bitter gourd for sale. Since Luo Yu wants to use the water of this cold pool to extract the cold essence of black ice, he must have trouble getting it. It is possible to practice without this kind of cold water.

However, it is impossible to use a small bottle to load cold water like a panacea. Luo Yu immediately thought of this thing, and bought some in Fangshi a long time ago.

After everything was ready, Luo Yu poured a little spiritual power into the Jade Spirit Hanhalberd, and the big halberd trembled slightly, then shot into the cold pool with two gourds with a whistling sound.

"Gudong!" Not long after the green halberd shot in, Luo Yu heard the sound of the gourd falling into the water, and after a moment of gudong sound, the cold pool quickly returned to normal, which should mean that the gourd was filled with cold water .

This method really works!Luo Yu's face was overjoyed, and he immediately shot out a wave of spiritual power with one hand, only to hear a noise from the cold pool, and a green shadow quickly flew out of it, and followed by a more cold wave. The coldness of the jade halberd came out from the cold water carried on the green halberd!

"This cold water is really weird!" Luo Yu immediately fixed his eyes on the bitter gourd hanging on the halberd after the green halberd came out, and saw that the surface of these two big yellow gourds was covered with a layer of crystal clear ice crystals. The traces of ice crystals didn't show any signs of melting even outside!

However, the water in this cold pool is icy cold, so it is not surprising that this phenomenon occurs. Luo Yu casually swept out a spiritual wind to open the rope connected to the surface of the gourd, which was also turned into ice cubes, and then released a spiritual force with one hand. Two gourds are stored in the storage bag.

Now that he succeeded once, he will follow the gourds to draw ladles. Luo Yu divided these gourds into four times and shot them into the cold pool respectively. It was covered with ice crystals just like before, but the Jade Spirit Halberd had the extremely cold attribute itself, and the water in the cold pool was nothing to this halberd, so there was no change on the Jade Halberd.

Luo Yu took the cold water, and then he was going to go to the place where the Cuixia Sect specializes in refining weapons, find a refining room with plenty of ground fire, and quickly refine the Xuan Binghan. Luo Yu knows little about the water in the cold pool , if there is any time limit for the coldness of this thing, it would not be a waste of effort.

However, no matter how anxious Luo Yu was, it was useless. The mysterious flame in his body would only be useful at sunset. If Luo Yu wanted to extract the cold essence of black ice, he had to wait until sunset.


Half a day passed by in a flash, and after Luo Yu counted the time, he flew out of the cave where he was practicing together, and Luo Yu had heard of the place where Cuixia sent weapons forging, and the training hall was built It is on a hill with the most abundant fire veins in the Cuixia Mountains, and that hill is next to the Hengling Hall. It is said that there are only endless piles of withered yellow maple leaves in the Hengling Hall. The Artifact Refining Hall, because there is a powerful earth lung fire vein under this hall.

In order not to attract the attention of others, Luo Yu deliberately lowered his escape, and even used the resting formula to hide his cultivation. If ordinary people would only think that Luo Yu was a fifth-level immortal cultivator in the Qi training period, such a cultivation No matter where Luo Yu goes, no one will notice him.

(Second more) Sweat!When sorting out the previous manuscripts just now, I suddenly found that the place where Li You lived was called Huayun Peak, while Youdao changed it to Chaoyang Peak later. This was too careless. Youdao apologizes to everyone. We also found out where there is the word Hua Yunfeng, the trouble is that we must correct it carefully!

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