fairy flame

Chapter 142 The Earth Fire Refining Room

The Artifact Refining Hall is a little far from the bamboo forest behind the Baiyi Hall, and Luo Yu deliberately slowed down his escape, so it took half a stick of incense to arrive at the place where the Artifact Hall is located.

The Artifact Refining Hall is also an important school, tall and magnificent, as if it is all made of refined iron, and there must be ancestors in the alchemy stage sitting in it, but Luo Yu's purpose is not to enter the Artifact Refining Hall.

Luo Yu in this Artifact Refining Palace heard that the higher the cultivator, the more qualified he is to choose those artifact refining rooms with sufficient earth, lung and fire veins, so after Luo Yu came here, he resumed his qi training With a nine-level cultivation base, after staring at the Artifact Refining Hall for a while, Luo Yu lifted the light and flew towards a huge cave below the Artifact Refining Hall, and saw two big men in green armor guarding at the entrance of the cave from a distance. These two people turned out to be immortal cultivators in the Foundation Establishment Stage!

Luo Yu was startled for a moment, stopped Duan Guang, walked up to him respectfully and said, "Junior Luo Yu, the closed disciple of Cuixia Sect Chaoyang Peak wants to use this ground fire refining room."

The two had spotted Luo Yu a long time ago, but after seeing that the person who came here had only the ninth level of qi training, their faces were full of disdain. I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!

"Since you have come here, you must know the rules of our Artifact Refining Hall. Your cultivation has just reached the standard for entering the Earth Fire Artifact Refining Room. Our Earth Fire Artifact Refining Room is divided into four classes. The low-grade refining room, the middle-rank refining room, the top-rank refining room, and the top-level refining room that can only be used by cultivators above the foundation stage, each type of earth fire refining room has different fire pulse power, and the fees charged are also different. Of course they are different, have you decided which one you want?" One of the green armored men said coldly.

"Thank you senior for your guidance, I will choose the first-grade refining room next time!" Luo Yu replied after thinking for a while, the top-ranking Luo Yu can't be selected, and the top-ranking refining room is too eye-catching to choose with Luo Yu's current cultivation level some.

After all, choosing a high-grade weapon refining room also means that Luo Yu will refine high-quality magic weapon treasures. Luo Yu doesn't want to be targeted by those cultivators in the foundation building period because of this negligence. Many of them are immortal cultivators in the foundation building stage, and there are basically no immortal cultivators in the qi training stage who will spend time delving into the way of refining weapons.

"Ten spirit stones per hour in the middle-grade refining room! The time starts from the moment you enter, and this token is the forbidden thing to open the middle-grade refining room. There is a number engraved on it. When the time comes, you Just go down and look for it, and pay for the spirit stones after you come out and see how much time you have used." Hearing that Luo Yu chose the middle-grade refining room, the green armored man said without any expression on his face, it seems that Luo Yu's choice is still As expected by this person.

After Luo Yu thanked him, he took the token from the green armored man, and strode down the passage to the ground, disappearing in a moment.

"Brother Cai! Just now I saw that you stared at this disciple of Chaoyang Peak with strange eyes. Could it be that you found something wrong?" Another big man in green armor who had been silent just now suddenly said.

"Hehe! There is nothing wrong with this person, but Mr. Cai is a bit of a pity. You must know that the 'Linghuo Jue' I am practicing next is very sensitive to the fire attribute spiritual power in the cultivator. Just now I accidentally observed But this person found that the fire energy in this person is extremely abundant, it stands to reason that a cultivator on the ninth floor of the qi training stage should not have such a strong fire energy in his body." The face of the immortal cultivator surnamed Cai in the foundation stage He sighed with some regret, and then became interested in the powerful fire power in Luo Yu's body.

"Hehe! Fellow Daoist Cai still wants to bring this person to your Artifact Refining Hall. You have heard about this person just now. This person is covered by the ancestor of the alchemy stage. As for the powerful fire spiritual power in his body, he must be taken It’s not surprising that I’ve lived with fire-attribute spiritual objects or practiced top-level fire-attribute exercises.” The foundation-building cultivator surnamed Huang said indifferently.

While the two were talking endlessly, Luo Yu was standing in front of a stone gate covered by a huge yellow forbidden light curtain, and the token in Luo Yu's hand had a number '58' engraved on it!

And beside the gate of the stone room in front of him, there is also a number corresponding to the number plate, presumably this is the middle-grade refining room.

Standing outside the door, Luo Yu waved one hand, and suddenly a burst of spiritual power shot into the token, and suddenly a yellow shield like a yellow light curtain appeared on the token.

The shield enveloped Luo Yu's whole body with one click, and at the same moment when the shield opened, an inconspicuous white light also shot out, shooting towards the exit of the cave, watching this as the so-called timing started .

The cost of refining weapons here is not small. After Luo Yu saw the white light disappear, he hurriedly raised his foot and stretched out his hand to push open the stone gate. As soon as the yellow shield in front of Luo Yu's palm came into contact with the yellow light curtain outside the stone gate, he "spirited." Lah!" There was a sound as if melting, and then a big hole appeared at the intersection of the two rays of light, and the original yellow light curtain and shield brilliance seemed to disappear.

After Luo Yu touched the door knocker with his palm, he watched the whole process of the two rays of brilliance change, and immediately understood what was going on. After pushing open the door, he walked in directly. The yellow light curtain was not blocked by any pigs!

After Luo Yu came in, he glanced around and saw that the whole refining room was in a triangular shape, except for two huge dragon heads carved on the two walls in one corner of the room. There is nothing else in the whole refining room except for roaring and puffing Longyan and a gray futon in the middle of the house.

After Luo Yu looked at the layout of the house, combined with the little knowledge of refining that he had learned in Baiyitang, he immediately understood how to use the refining room here. Futons are used for cultivators to meditate and restore their spirits When refining the weapon, the immortal cultivator needs to input spiritual power into the dragon mouths of the two dragon heads. At that time, the earth lung fire veins hidden deep in the ground will be drawn out to provide the immortal cultivator with the refining tool. The power of fire needed!

(First update) Woke up early this morning, and found that China Unicom’s network has some tricks, and I can’t connect to it. Youdao had no choice but to go to the network to update. I’m not used to the keyboard because the code words are too slow.

Also, I looked at the voting just now, and I was passed by others overnight. Youdao just wants to keep his seat this week, and I hope everyone will strongly support it!

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