fairy flame

Chapter 143 Ice and Fire List

After knowing how to use it, Luo Yu took out the yellow bitter gourds from the storage bag and placed them on the ground one by one.

This is Luo Yu's first time forging a weapon. He has no experience and naturally dare not be sloppy. First, he moved his right hand spiritually, and immediately two balls of fist-sized fire appeared, one of which was red, and it was Luo Yu who used the fire attribute spell. The Condensation Technique is formed by condensing the spiritual power of fire, and the other is a mysterious white transparent flame. In this flame, there are countless white misty rays of light converging into small white crystals, and at the same time, countless small white crystals are also broken. It became white and misty, and it cycled alternately and never went out. Luo Yu still felt that the white flame was extremely mysterious, and the miraculous effect was unimaginable. It was too heaven-defying!

Luo Yu thought about the white mysterious flame for a moment, then put all these thoughts to the back of his head, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the refining tool, only to see his right hand tremble slightly, and the two balls of flames floating in the palm of his palm immediately merged together, After a flash of familiar dazzling brilliance, a mysterious white and red flame suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand. Luo Yu stared at the flame for a moment, then stretched out his left hand, supported by a spiritual wind, a The yellow bitter gourd was brought to the front of the head, and Luo Yu carefully controlled the direction of the wave of spiritual energy, so that the mouth of the bitter gourd was slowly tilted downward. The bitter gourd was filled with water from the cold pool, so Luo Yu just tilted slightly, and then poured out a few drops of white cold water. As soon as the white cold water appeared, the cold air released immediately made Luo Yu feel alert!

It stands to reason that in order to produce 'Xuanbing Hanjing', a large amount of 'Cold Spiritual Water' must be continuously condensed and crystallized for about 500 years. Although the water of the cold pool obtained by Luo Yu is the same as the 'Cold Spiritual Water' recorded in the book It's not the same, but Luo Yu is very sure that the coldness of the water in the cold pool will not be worse than that of the cold water.

This is not his random guess. According to the records in the "Basic Spells Encyclopedia", the flames and cold water that cultivators can master are arranged in order according to their cultivation level. During the Qi training period, monks use the fire condensation technique to release them. The "Congenital True Fire" corresponds to the "Cold Spirit True Water" of the ice attribute, the "Three Flavors True Fire" released by the monks in the foundation building period corresponds to the "Xuanbing Hanjing" of the ice attribute, and the golden core fire controlled by the monks in the alchemy period corresponds to the ice attribute. The attribute 'Ice Spirit and Cold Soul', there is no record of what it is above.

And this kind of ranking is called the Ice and Fire Ranking by the world of cultivating immortals. It is rumored that the Ice and Fire Ranking was compiled by many seniors in ancient times, and the Ice and Fire Ranking is full of countless strange fires and ices, ranked in order of power. But Luo Yu has never seen what this so-called ice and fire list is!

Since water overcomes fire in the five elements, the ice attribute is stronger than the fire attribute at the same level, and these listed by Luo Yu are the most common ice and fire attribute spirits in the world of cultivating immortals, and there are many other types of fire and cold. Ice is not among them, hasn't Luo Yu, the water of the cold pool, never heard of it!

And if Luo Yu has mastered the Xuanbing Cold Essence, it is equivalent to possessing the same supernatural powers that only monks in the foundation building period can use. Because, the wind can help the fire to give birth to the "Three Flavors True Fire", which is also a supernatural power that can only be mastered by monks in the foundation building period!

Therefore, once Luo Yu reached the twelfth level of the Qi training stage, Luo Yu would be able to melt ice and fire into his body. At that time, he might be able to fight even an immortal cultivator in the foundation building stage!But the most important thing right now is to extract the Xuanbing Cold Essence!

Luo Yu's left hand kept controlling the output of spiritual power, and slowly tilted the bitter gourd, and then the water in the cold pool continued to overflow evenly, and the red and white flames in Luo Yu's right palm also quickly moved to the bottom of the bitter gourd, just right At the mouth of the gourd, the water from the cold pool was dripped into the flames after it fell. Luo Yu controlled it very carefully, and let go of all his spiritual sense. The water in the pool is neither too much nor too little, only a small trace.

"Zizi!" The white cold water made a melting sound as soon as it touched the flame, and then it was melted into a white mist-like true energy by the high temperature of the flame. At this moment, Luo Yu was concentrating on it, not daring to be distracted for a moment. It turned out that the cold water that flowed down first turned into a large amount of white mist and was evaporated by the flames, but this phenomenon lasted for a while, but the overflow speed of the subsequent cold water was slightly faster than the refining speed. A lot of cold water that was too late to refine slowly condensed into a small white ball under the control of Luo Yu's spiritual power.

At the beginning, the white ball was just a white dot, but as the cold water continued to seep in, the speed of the white ball being calcined and melted was slower than the speed of the cold water flowing in, so the white ball continued to burn in the flames. The rotation became bigger, this strange phenomenon lasted for a while, and the inside of the refining room was shrouded in a thick layer of white mist, and the naked eye could not see things at all, but the spiritual sense of the immortal cultivator was not restricted by this white mist At this moment, Luo Yu is controlling the entire refining process completely by feeling.

After a short while, Luo Yu finished refining the water from the cold pool in a bitter gourd, and there was an extra white ball the size of a goose egg in his hand, which quietly settled in the flame of Luo Yu's right hand. Rotating, perhaps because the white ball was wrapped in flames, Luo Yu didn't feel the cold air from the white ball.

And the white mist is still constantly emerging from the white ball. It seems that the refining has not been successful, and Luo Yu did not expect the cold water in a bitter gourd to extract the cold essence of black ice, so seeing this scene is not easy. surprise.

At this moment, Luo Yu put his mind completely on the white ball. Seeing that the white ball was getting smaller and smaller, he frowned and glanced at the octagonal diamond-shaped groove on the Jade Linghan Halberd with his spiritual sense. Also too small for what the groove needs!

After pondering for a while, another bitter gourd was dragged up with a wave of Luo Yu's left hand, and he tilted the same way as before and slowly poured out the white water of the cold pool. Immediately, a white silk thread was connected to the white ball inside the flame again, because The speed of pouring is always a little faster than the speed of refining, so the white ball began to grow slowly after spinning.

For the next half hour, Luo Yu kept the white ball at the same size as the groove, which fit the octagonal rhombus, and during this half hour, Luo Yu had already used up six gourds of water in the cold pool. The cold water of a gourd is used up and cannot be refined, so Luo Yu can only get some more, and it will inevitably take a lot of effort. It stands to reason that it would not take so much to refine the 500-year-old Xuanbing Cold Essence The water of the cold pool, and Luo Yu's Jade Spirit Halberd only needs a small piece of black ice cold essence.

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