fairy flame

Chapter 146 The Ghost Corpse at the Peak of Qi Training

After Luo Yu returned to the cave, he retreated and began to make plans for himself for the next year. Luo Yu didn't worry much about the pills needed for cultivation. Now the low-grade Jingyuan pills are as useful to him, so he only needs some The blood deer ear, a half-spiritual medicinal material, is enough, and the spiritual stones and elixirs on Luo Yu's body are not a big problem to last for a year.

And now that Luo Yu has an extremely high-grade magical weapon in his hand, the issue of using the magic weapon can be ignored. As for the talismans, Luo Yu has already used his only two intermediate-level talismans last time Now, I only have a few low-level talismans in my hand. To be honest, with regard to the attack power of talismans, even intermediate talismans can hardly cause great damage to high-level qi training practitioners, and the price of mid-level talismans is too high. It is very expensive, so for the problem of talismans, Luo Yu decided to buy them if he could come across some better intermediate talismans in the future, just like the fire cloud talisman last time, although it is also an intermediate talisman, but it needs to be considered in terms of attack. Strength, I am afraid that it is also the first-class product in the middle-level talisman, but such an opportunity, it would be good to meet it once!

Finally, it is about the impermanent ghost corpse that Luo Yu subdued. After pondering for a while, Luo Yu left the training room and went to the elixir room next to it. Although this elixir room is only in name only now, But it just happened to allow him to sacrifice this impermanent ghost corpse.

After Luo Yu came to the elixir room, he closed the small door of the stone room with a bang, then lightly patted the storage bag, and took out two identical ghost streamers from inside. After the robe man, the two soul-refining banners were recovered. Although these two items belonged to magic tools, after Luo Yu studied the Hundred Souls, he found that simply driving the ghosts inside did not necessarily require the practice of magic skills.

Therefore, it would be the best to be able to use the ghost corpse of impermanence for one's own use. After all, no one would despise oneself for having many means of attack.

Luo Yu raised his hand and shot out two strands of spiritual power, and rushed into the ghost banner, "Woooo!" Two gloomy voices came from the ghost banner, and two black air flashed out from the ghost banner. It shot out, circled around Luo Yu for a while, and then dissipated the black air, revealing the two impermanent ghost corpses wrapped in the black air. The two ghost corpses had green faces and fangs. The living Luo Yu.

"Huh!" Luo Yu snorted coldly, and immediately recited the control spell in the Hundred Souls Manual in his heart, and transmitted it to the ears of the two ghost corpses through his spiritual sense. With a look of pain, the fierce light in his eyes has also subsided a lot.

Of these two ghost corpses, one of them has the strength of the eleventh level of the Qi training period, and the other has only the tenth level of the Qi training period. One arm of the ghost corpse was still blurry. It seemed that after Luo Yu cut it off with the Jade Spirit Halberd last time, it hadn't fully recovered yet.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu's face suddenly wrinkled. He didn't pay much attention to this ghost corpse whose cultivation base was only tenth level of Qi training. He took out the jade slip that recorded the "Hundred Souls Classic", and his spiritual sense sank into it to look at it, as if he was looking for something.

After a while, Luo Yu withdrew his spiritual sense, and said with a strange look on his face: "As expected, these impermanent ghost corpses are still formed by the condensed spirit of ghosts and mysterious yin, and they are quite different from real corpse refiners. The difference is, if it’s really refining corpses, then I might not be able to do it myself.”

Just now Luo Yu carefully read the records about impermanent ghost corpses in the Hundred Souls Classic, and it really verified his conjecture that these ghost corpses are gathered by Yin Qi, and ghost corpses can only grow continuously by absorbing Yin Qi. , That's why Luo Yu had a whimsical idea. He planned to use the innate true fire of a monk in the foundation building period to refine Wang Fu's ghost corpse and the yin energy in his ghost banner, and then let the ghost corpse on the eleventh floor of the Qi training period suck it. Those yin qi, according to Luo Yu's estimation, if this method is feasible, then sucking all the yin qi of a ghost corpse on the tenth floor of the qi training period will definitely allow another ghost corpse to break through from the eleventh floor of the qi training period to the qi training period Twelve floors!

Because this ghost corpse is simply formed by gathering Yin energy, as long as there is enough Yin soul energy, the ghost corpse can break through in an instant. Unlike immortal cultivators, every breakthrough is accumulated over time. What Luo Yu was thinking about was refining the yin energy in Wang Fu's ghost banner and ghost corpse. I'm afraid it would take a lot of time to completely refine it with the innate real fire he has mastered so far.

After Luo Yu took care of everything, he opened all the restrictions on the outside of the cave. When the entrance of the cave was covered by the light of the three basic formations, Luo Yu returned to the elixir room with peace of mind and began to sacrifice ghost banners.

Throwing it with one hand, the Soul Refining Banner quietly floated above Luo Yu's head. After raising his eyes to glance at the ghost banner, Luo Yu softly shouted: "Fire Condensation Technique!", and three fist-sized fireballs appeared in front of him immediately. , with a slight movement of both hands, the three fireballs intertwined together and turned into a washbasin-sized sea of ​​fire. These three fireballs were the innate real fire released by Luo Yu, because now his cultivation base has reached the ninth stage of Qi training layer, so three real fires can be released at one time.

Aim at the ghost banner above the head with a light move, and the latter quickly flies to the top of the sea of ​​fire, and rotates continuously in the sea of ​​fire according to Luo Yu's control.

"Hiss!" As soon as the ghost banner entered the sea of ​​flames, it released a black mask by itself, and the sea of ​​fire burned on the black mask with a hissing sound.

This is the yin qi collected in the magic weapon. As long as the black mask is refined, the yin qi inside can be collected, and then transferred to another ghost corpse. The process of refining the black mask in the middle may be a bit long, after all, this method is to destroy a ghost banner magic weapon.

As Luo Yu's innate true fire continued to burn, the roaring and roaring voices of countless ghosts and ghosts suddenly came from the ghost streamer, the voices were extremely shrill!

But Luo Yu was unmoved, just staring at the ghost banner, and constantly manipulated the sea of ​​fire to attack, as if he had expected those sharp howls.


Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, Luo Yu had been in seclusion for more than half a year, and Luo Yu had gained a lot in the past six months. As early as a month ago, Luo Yu had already broken through to the tenth floor of the Qi training period, because there was With the assistance of Zhongpin Xisui Pill and a large number of Jingyuan Pills, Luo Yu's breakthrough this time was within his expectations.

And for the past six months, Luo Yu has been secretly investigating everything about Jian Chen except for retreating. After all, Luo Qingqing is her sister who has cared for him since childhood. Luo Yu has become a cultivator, and sooner or later he will cut off contact with the world. , then there will be only Luo Qingqing as a relative.

However, Luo Yu failed to find anything in the past six months!

I don't know if Jian Chen learned from Luo Qingqing that Luo Yu once doubted him, so this person is cautious in everything he does, without showing the slightest cheating!

After half a year of investigation, Luo Yu's suspicion of this person has dropped a lot. At that time, he suspected this person with only one voice, maybe it was really reckless.

As for the siblings Luo Qingqing and Luo Yu who broke up unhappy that time, Luo Qingqing came to Luo Yu again within a few days. After all, the two still cared about each other very much, and after a few chats, they reconciled as before. Of course, both of them deliberately avoided the sensitive topic of Jian Chen, and Luo Yu also felt a little guilty, but under the guidance of Luo Qingqing's lively and cheerful personality, his doubts about Jian Chen gradually faded away.

In the past six months, after Luo Yu reached the tenth level of the Qi training period, because his mana increased a lot, the speed of refining the ghost streamer was greatly improved. It only took about two months to transfer all the Yin Qi inside to another place. Afterwards, the ghost corpse completely transformed because it absorbed enough Yin Qi. The transformation process was faster than Luo Yu expected, and it only took a few hours. The corpse appeared in front of Luo Yu's eyes.

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