fairy flame

Chapter 147 Demon Suppression Mission

After this corpse appeared, it seemed that Luo Yu was not too willing to be taken into the ghost streamer, but after Luo Yu performed the "Spiritual Corpse Art" several times, the ghost corpse immediately became obedient again.

Although Luo Yu finally used the 'Spiritual Corpse Art' to control the ghost corpse, but judging from the situation, the ghost corpse seemed to become more irritable after reaching the peak of Qi training. I suspect that my [-]th-level cultivation base is too reluctant to control a [-]th-level ghost corpse during the qi training period. After all, it is very dangerous to use something that surpasses your own cultivation level for a cultivator who is not in the realm. Be obsessed!If it's really that the cultivation base is not enough, then this problem must disappear after I reach the eleventh level of the Qi training period.

Later, in order to better control this impermanent ghost corpse, Luo Yu spent a little time every day hiding in the elixir room to control the ghost corpse's actions. After all, the more familiar he was with the ghost corpse, the greater the power it would exert. After half a year of running-in, now Luo Yu can basically drive the ghost corpse more flexibly.

There is another thing that made Luo Yu very depressed. The last mission Luo Yu was because of the bloodbath of the black-robed man who washed Chu Mushan. Luo Yu finally escaped back. Although it was reasonable, the mission was not completed. After Li You said hello, Luo Yu didn't take this matter to heart at all, but he didn't know that the elder on duty of Hengling Hall not long ago sent a message to him through a sound transmission talisman.

It is said that the negligence of this mission will not be held accountable, but Luo Yu must participate in a demon-suppressing mission half a year later. When Luo Yu first saw the sound transmission talisman, he was even a little bit disbelieving in his heart, but after he handed the talisman After checking Li You, Li You told him helplessly that there was no problem with the sound transmission talisman. After thinking about it for a moment, Li You asked Luo Yu in a deep voice if he had been getting closer to Feng Xiaohou recently.

Luo Yu understood these words as soon as he heard it, could it be because of Feng Xiaohou, this Young Master Feng did come to him twice after practicing for more than half a year, each time he took Luo Yu out of the square market Drinking tea and chatting inside, Luo Yu originally thought that Feng Xiaohou wanted to win him over and join their Feng family, but Feng Xiaohou didn't say a word about those things, except for some anecdotes about the world of cultivating immortals. It was chatting with Luo Yu, Luo Yu didn't think much about it at the time, he just felt that although this person's visit to him was for a purpose, he was indeed a straightforward person, the kind of person who said nothing.

However, Luo Yu still told Li You the truth. When Luo Yu replied that he had only met Feng Xiaohou a few times, and it was not a close friendship, Li You waved his hand to interrupt Luo Yu.

He told him with a worried face that it is best not to get involved in the dispute between the Cuixia faction and the Fengliu family before reaching the foundation building stage, as the water is very deep here.

The elders of the Hengling Palace on the Liu family's side probably arranged this incident on purpose, but now that the mission has been completed, Li You has no choice but to ask Luo Yu to hold his nose and suffer from being dumb!

However, according to Li You, Hezhou Shahunzong is currently negotiating with Yuanjiang State, and the task of suppressing demons will basically not be dangerous. After all, no one wants any friction at such a critical moment. Luo Yu nodded and said After remembering it, Li You still did not forget to remind Luo Yu to step up his cultivation, even if he could improve his cultivation by one level, he would be much safer going outside.

Counting the days of Luo Yu's practice, the half-year period is coming soon. On this day, the formation restriction that Luo Yu arranged outside was suddenly removed in a flash, and the door of the closed practice room was suddenly opened. A dazzling golden light shot out from inside. After the golden light appeared, it circled outside the cave for a while, and then went towards the east of the Cuixia Mountains in a flash.

This person is naturally Luo Yu who has reached the tenth level of the Qi training period. At this moment, his body is full of mana, and his breath is obviously much stronger than before. This is the mystery of the ancient kung fu. They are all increasing, but correspondingly, after the breakthrough, the strength will also increase a lot. There are even rumors that people who practice ancient martial arts will gradually change their personality in terms of personality and temperament as they practice more deeply, but they don't Know that this statement is true or false.

There are two major markets in the Cuixia Mountains, the East and the West. The West Square City is usually traded by immortal cultivators below the ninth floor during the Qi training period, while the East Square City specializes in providing items needed by high-level Qi training monks. In Dongfang City, there are still many shadows of cultivators in the foundation period. This Dongfang City is very famous among all the cities in Yuanjiang Country's immortal world!

Luo Yu went out to participate in the mission of suppressing demons this time, and it is not sure when he will come back. To be on the safe side, it is better to make extra preparations. Of course, Luo Yu's current strength should be considered extremely strong among the immortal cultivators in the Qi training period After all, apart from the top-grade magic weapon in his hand, there are not many immortal cultivators in the Qi training period who can deal with the impermanent ghost corpse at the peak of Qi training.

Now all he needs are some special items, such as intermediate talismans, intermediate formations, etc. However, Luo Yu did not bring many spirit stones with him when he came out this time. The last auction had already consumed all the spirit stones on his body Not a lot, and half a year of training Luo Yu naturally needs to refine a large amount of Essence Pill as an aid, and also needs to consume spirit stones, so now Luo Yu is also a little tight!

Jin Guang flew about half a stick of incense and stopped on a street outside Dongfang City. After carefully looking around, Luo Yu walked directly into the street.

After entering, Luo Yu walked secretly observing the cultivation of the people passing by, and at the same time looked at the tall shop attics around. This place is indeed a gathering place for high-level immortal cultivators. Fangshi is a notch higher.

Although Dongfang City is said to be located next to the Cuixia Mountains, a large part of the buyers and sellers in Fangshi are monks from other places. The name of the Xia School, the shop owners here and the cultivators from all over the city are still very afraid of the disciples of the Cuixia School.

Although Luo Yu was dressed in the costume of a disciple of the Cuixia School, he did not show his true colors to others. Now he looks like a dull black-faced young man with an ordinary appearance!

The painting skin technique is exquisite and unparalleled, and it is definitely a life-saving stunt at critical moments!It can be said that Luo Yu spent the most time on the painting skin technique, and he has long been familiar with the formula for casting this spell. Only people who have surpassed his level can see through his disguise technique. Luo Yu's current cultivation base is In the late stage of Qi training, to see through his disguise, one must be a cultivator of the late foundation establishment stage!

Moreover, the immortal cultivators in the later stage of foundation establishment can use their spiritual consciousness to observe, otherwise it will be difficult to discover!

Of course, with Luo Yu's late stage of Qi training, if he just came to buy something in the way, it stands to reason that there would be no danger, but Luo Yu was suspicious by nature, and any danger would kill him in the cradle, so he was able to kill himself. Putting on a disguise, Luo Yu felt more secure in his heart, this was already a habit of his doing things.

"Wanzhen Pavilion!" Luo Yu murmured with a hint of strangeness on his face. At the moment, he was standing in front of a two-story quaint attic. It's similar, but what makes Luo Yu dumbfounded is how can it be connected with the word "Wanzhen" just by looking at the decorative appearance of this shop, it's just a sensationalism!

On such a bustling street, this store is not only narrow in size, it is difficult to spot when parked alone in the corner, and just looking at the inconspicuous decoration, compared with the tall and gorgeous store next to it, no one is willing to patronize At least during the time Luo Yu stopped outside the door, he didn't see anyone going in, and no buyers came out.

When Luo Yu shook his head and was about to walk over, there was a sudden sound of arguing in the store.

"Qiu Daoyou, what do you mean! Wang bought your formation, so what's the use of this cracking method? Could it be that you want to deceive me that you don't understand the formation?" A heavy voice came from the store.

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