fairy flame

Chapter 148

"Fellow Daoist Wang, the Qijue Tu Ling Formation Equipment and Formation Book were purchased together by our store at the beginning. It is clearly marked on it. The Formation Book and Formation Flag are sold together. You can’t just buy array flags! Just keep the array here, and Daoyou Wang told us how to sell it!” There was an old voice from the store, and it seemed that he was a little angry.

"Qijue Tu Ling Formation!" Luo Yu just took a step out and then retracted like lightning after hearing the quarrel inside. If he guessed correctly, the same intermediate formation as recorded in "Huo Formation" It is called the "Seven Jue Tu Ling Formation", although it is not as powerful as Luo Yu's Baimu Yuhuo Formation, but its power is also very unusual. "Theory of Living Formation" only briefly introduces this formation, as if this "Seven Jue" The Tu Ling Formation is divided into one large evil formation!

Luo Yu was curious when he heard the sound, and immediately walked into the store, if it was really a middle-level formation, he would definitely buy it.

The inside of the shop is similarly decorated with the outside, the gray walls and wooden chairs are inconspicuous. After Luo Yu entered, he immediately looked at the place where the quarrel was, and saw an old man with a hooked back chattering with a middle-aged man. When Luo Yu came in Afterwards, there was another person in the originally empty store, and the two immediately turned their gazes over.

"Cultivators of the foundation-building stage!" Luo Yu almost cried out in shock. The aura radiating from these two people fluctuated far away from the cultivators of the qi-training stage. Luo Yu knew it immediately when he felt it.

The two people who were arguing were both Immortal Cultivators in the Foundation Establishment Stage!Luo Yu's heart tensed up!

At this moment, both of them focused their eyes on Luo Yu. Luo Yu had used the painting skin technique to disguise himself, and they didn't know if the other party could see through.

But after a while, the old man with the hooked back in the middle of the two looked calm, waved his hand lightly, and a young man dressed as a servant walked out of a small room and walked towards Luo Yu.

And when the middle-aged man found out that Luo Yu had only cultivated in the Qi training period, his expression suddenly became dismissive, and he continued to discuss with the old man.

"What kind of formation does this guest officer want to buy? The time-honored store is famous for its excellent formation, which will definitely satisfy you!" The young servant said with a smile, but he was very eloquent.

"Let me introduce you, this is my first time here!" Luo Yu calmly asked after restraining the surprised expression on his face.

"Hehe, this store specializes in selling some formation books and various formation equipment. If the guest officer wants to see it, I will go and get it for you." The young servant said respectfully.

"Formation classics!" Luo Yu said in surprise, there are actually formation classics for sale here, you must know that formation classics are more useful to Luo Yu than formation tools!

After waving his hands and asking the boy to bring out the treasured classics, Luo Yu found a chair in a remote corner of the store and sat down. At this moment, the two immortal cultivators at the foundation stage were still arguing with red faces.

The two of them didn't hide much, as if they were not afraid of being heard by Luo Yu!

"Could it be that fellow Daoist Wang has broken the rules of our shop? This formation map costs [-] spirit stones at a price. Together with the [-] spirit stones of the intermediate formation, there are a total of [-] spirit stones!" After talking too much, he said in a cold voice.

These two are both immortal cultivators in the foundation stage, and the intermediate formation is said to be a large formation that can trap and kill even a monk in the foundation stage, no wonder the two quarreled so fiercely.

As for the map of formations they mentioned, Luo Yu knows a little bit, because formations are extensive and profound, and the more advanced formations are more difficult to arrange, it is not like the basic formations where a few flags are thrown on the ground. It is enough to insert, the formation method reaches a high depth, and the layout must be arranged reasonably according to the environment, weather and the arrangement order of the ancient formation text on the formation flag, so that the maximum power can be exerted.

Therefore, most of the middle-level formations are sold together with specific formations, and like Luo Yu's Baimu Yuhuo Great Formation, the shopkeeper did not know where he got it from, and he himself knew nothing about formations. , Where did the array come from and sold it to Luo Yu.

However, Luo Yu's Baimu Yuhuo Formation is still a set of incomplete formations, arranged in the ancient formation pattern deduced by Luo Yu, and it can barely exert half of its power. If it is to increase the power again , then it is not enough for you to have advanced formations, you must refine a formation flag again, and this refining formation flag must have a formation diagram explanation before it can be refined.

"One thousand and one hundred spirit stones! Is it possible that fellow daoists are joking, at most nine hundred spirit stones will be bought together to buy the two things together, so that Wang will spend a hundred spirit stones in vain to buy a useless thing, besides, if Wang really Even if the other party knows where the eye of the formation is laid out, do fellow Taoists think that someone can avoid Wang in the formation to break the eye of the formation?" The middle-aged man said with a grim expression, seeming to have some sarcastic meaning.

"Actually, it would be great if I could offer one hundred more spirit stones. Is it possible that Mr. Wang is going to ask Master Xu Zhenren to talk to you in person!" the middle-aged man said with a smirk.

"Wang Daoyou is threatening me!" The hooked old man burst out with a powerful aura in vain, staring at the middle-aged man with wide eyes and said.

"Fellow Daoist doesn't want to compete with Mr. Wang here, maybe he wants to see how my nickname 'King Yama' came about!" Facing the aura of the old man hooking his back, the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and said, His face suddenly darkened.

"Okay! Okay! Today Qiu has confessed. You can take the eight hundred spirit stones of the array equipment. This array map will not be sold anymore." The old man said angrily, and then he took out eight small black flags with a wave of his hand, and snapped. Throw it on the table with a bang.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Qiu's family has a great career, so why bother with this bit of spirit stone, Mr. Wang, thank you in advance." The middle-aged man laughed loudly, and then took out his waist storage bag and handed it over. The two checked each other. After confirming that it was correct, the middle-aged man said a few more polite words before slowly leaving the shop.

After buying the formation, the old man put away the atlas on the table, said inwardly that he was unlucky, and then went to the back hall!

"I don't know if there are intermediate formations for sale in senior's store. The formation books and equipments in your store really gave this junior a lot of insight. This junior is very impressed!" Seeing that the hooked old man was about to leave, Luo Yu immediately Putting down a book of formations in his hand, he walked forward and saluted respectfully.

"Do you want to buy an intermediate formation?" The old man with a back hook first showed a hint of strangeness on his face, looked at Luo Yu and then smiled lightly: "You are late, the last set of intermediate formations in our store has been bought, said You have cultivated in the Qi training period, but you say it is an intermediate formation, presumably you have a lot of research on the formation?"

"I just had nothing to do, so I learned a little more about cultivating immortals. I don't dare to take the word 'research'." Hearing the other party say that there is no intermediate formation, Luo Yu's face did not show the slightest disappointment. The other party has nothing to sell but is still smiling, there must be more to come!

Sure enough, the old man with hooked back asked about his array cultivation, there must be something strange about it!

"Fellow Daoist is too modest. In fact, although there is no intermediate formation in this shop, there is still another treasure. This item will definitely be of great help to fellow Daoist's formation practice. I don't know if you have heard of it." Sacrificial Soul Formation said, 'No?" The old man asked with a smile, the expression on his face suddenly became strange, but Luo Yu seemed to think of those profiteers in the secular world, the expression when he was lying was the same as that of the old man at this time. Same.

"Soul Sacrifice Formation! The younger generation has never heard of such a saying. Can senior explain a little bit?" Luo Yu asked curiously, but he didn't care about it in his heart. What is the Soul Sacrifice Formation? , I have never heard of it at all, this old man with a hooked back may not be looking at his low cultivation level and trying to fool himself, but in front of the immortal cultivators in the foundation building period, Luo Yu is not easy to behave too obviously.

(First update) Thank you for your support. Youdao has now changed to [-] words per day, and it takes more time to code words. I hope everyone will spend some Lingshi (red tickets) for Youdao’s hard work!

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