fairy flame

Chapter 153 Red Flame Fruit

Wang Xuan gave the order coldly, Luo Yu and the other three male cultivators naturally couldn't say anything, they couldn't be so brazen as to exchange with a woman from Xiao Wan, and the three of them also learned a little about Wang Xuan's temper along the way. Although I was asking if you have any questions, if you really say something, you must be prepared to scold me!

After the three of Luo Yu nodded in agreement, they walked towards the narrow entrance on the left. The young man surnamed Qiu was in the front, Luo Yu was in the middle, and the fat and timid man was in the back. Three small steps and one big step are extremely cautious!

"This smell..." Luo Yu said suddenly when he had only walked tens of feet away.

"Why, what did Fellow Daoist Luo find?" Fatty Shen was the most timid. Seeing that Luo Yu stopped suddenly, he asked with a surprised expression. He even put one hand on his storage bag, and his eyes Turn around non-stop, and if something happens, take out the magic weapon in the storage bag instantly.

"Did Fellow Daoist Luo discover anything?" The young man surnamed Qiu who was leading the way also stopped and asked. Luo Yu was thoughtful, which can be seen from the boulder behind Luo Yu's discovery of the waterfall, so the young man surnamed Qiu also looked at Luo Yu. feather.

"There seems to be a faint smell of blood in this cave. Didn't the two fellow Taoists notice it?" Luo Yu frowned and looked forward. It seems that there is still a rotten smell, which is the reason why Luo Yu is frightened. He has dealt with that impermanent ghost body every day for the past six months, and he is very familiar with the corrosive atmosphere on the ghost body. He walked in not long ago. Then I smelled the same corrosive smell!

Can't help but let him be shocked!

"That's right, I also feel a bloody smell after hearing what fellow Daoist said!" The young man surnamed Qiu in front of him felt it carefully, and said with an ugly face, it's definitely not a good smell to suddenly appear in this cave Omen!

"Since the problem has already been discovered, I think it's better to go back and talk to Senior Wang when the time comes. I always feel that this place is a bit eerie!" Fatty Shen heard the smell of blood from both of them, and he was already scared. I'm going to die, I don't feel anything except fear, and I want to go back quickly.

"If there is any smell of blood, it may be that some kind of beast ran into it, and finally couldn't get out and starved to death. The strange smell from the rotting corpse of the beast is also very possible! If it is true and Senior Wang will meet up, and when the time comes, Senior Wang will come to check and find out that there is a strange smell of rotting corpses of wild beasts, then we will be scolded again, the purpose of our coming is to kill those black-robed men , if you are frightened by a bit of blood, I don't think you need to continue with the following tasks!" Hearing that Fatty Shen wanted to turn around, the young man surnamed Qiu immediately scolded him in a cold voice.

But although Fatty Shen was afraid of Emperor Xuan, he really didn't have much fear of the young man surnamed Qiu, so he still stood there as if he didn't hear it!

"Brother Luo, what do you think? Could it be that he is also afraid and wants to go back?" Seeing that Fatty Shen was still hesitating, the young man surnamed Qiu not only scolded him for being useless in his heart, but then asked Luo Yu sarcastically.

"Whether I'm scared or not doesn't seem to have anything to do with Fellow Daoist Qiu! Since Fellow Daoist Qiu thinks that this bloody smell is nothing unusual, just go forward. Is it possible that you have to drag me along to show that Fellow Daoist Qiu is not afraid at all!" Yu said coldly, without directly answering whether he wanted to move forward.

"Hmph! Fellow Daoist Luo's tongue-in-cheek is nothing, but when the black-robed man appears, don't say it's just the three of us together." The young man surnamed Qiu gave Luo Yu a vicious look, and then threw his sleeves away. Walk forward with a wave.

"Friend Luo, we..."

"If Fellow Daoist Shen wants to go back, forgive Luo for not accompanying him!" Luo Yu interrupted this person directly, and then left quickly without looking back.

But Shen Meng saw the two people quickly disappeared from sight, stood there hesitating for a moment, then followed up again with gritted teeth, probably not because of this person's sudden courage, but because he didn't dare to go back alone!

Although Luo Yu chose to go forward, he was always cautious. He had already taken out the high-level magic weapon, the black iron shuttle, from his storage bag and hid it in his sleeve robe. , Luo Yu can escape in an instant, and the cave passages here are winding, and it may be very difficult for an immortal cultivator at the foundation establishment stage to chase him.

The other two should have made some preparations, after all, life is still the most important thing.

The three of them stopped and walked. Although there was no fork in the passage ahead, it was getting darker and harder to see. The line of sight could only see a few feet ahead, and it was very blurred further on.

And as the three of them continued to advance, Luo Yu felt that the faint smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and gradually became a little pungent. It seems that this place is definitely not the smell of rotting beast corpses that the young man surnamed Qiu said. Could it be possible? Coincidentally, a group of beasts died inside, there must be something weird!

And according to Luo Yu's records from the "Hundred Souls Classic", it seems that none of the secret techniques practiced by the black-robed man can produce such a strong bloody smell, which surprised Luo Yu. Be more careful, it is very likely that this place is not the cultivation place of the black-robed man, but has other dangers.

Just when Luo Yu felt that the smell of blood was too strong and wanted to leave, the young man surnamed Qiu suddenly stopped in front. Luo Yu thought that this person was in some danger, so he also stopped.

"This...is this Chi Yanguo!" the young man surnamed Qiu said in disbelief, as if he saw something incredible.

"Red Flame Fruit!" The moment Luo Yu heard this thing, he immediately thought of a magical spiritual thing he had seen in the "Cultivation of Immortals" and hurried forward without thinking too much rush away.

When Luo Yu came to the place where the young man surnamed Qiu was standing just now, he suddenly found that this place was already the end of the passage, and a few steps forward was a cave-like existence.

(Second update) Xianyan read it today, book tasting, monthly clicks, Zhou Hongpiao, text recommendation, and small envelope tweets. There are five places in total.

The third update exploded today, and there will be another update later, so that Xianyan can continue to be strong!

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