fairy flame

Chapter 154 Cunning Sneak Attack

The space in this cave is huge, and it is also the place where the smell of blood is the strongest. It is completely out of proportion to the narrow passage just now!

In the center of the burrow is a muddy water pool of Zhang Xu. The water pool is covered with mud, and it is hard to see what is below, but facing the direction where Luo Yu is standing, on the other side of the water pool, there is a fiery red The small grass is only about a foot high, and on the grass are two crystal clear fruits the size of a fist. This fruit emits a faint red light, and the surface is covered with bumpy patterns. The shape is like a curled up hedgehog!

"Red Flame Fruit!" Shen Meng, who followed behind, also noticed the grass and the fiery red fruit on it, and this person even knew this 'Red Flame Fruit'!It surprised Luo Yu a little.

However, anyone who knows a little bit about ancient things should know that this "red flame fruit" is known as one of the five elements of the spiritual fruit in the world of cultivating immortals. The reader's comprehension of the Five Elements attributes during cultivation is a rumored thing, even in the ancient world of cultivating immortals, it is extremely rare and rare, but in today's world of cultivating immortals, there is no trace of the Five Elements Spirit Fruit at all. .

Unexpectedly, there is a plant growing in this dark cave!But at this moment, although the treasure is right in front of his eyes, Luo Yu's eyes keep rolling on Shen Meng and the young man surnamed Qiu. There are only two red flame fruits here, and there are three people on Luo Yu's side. How should they be divided? I'm afraid it's a big problem.

What's more, the red flame fruit and other spiritual objects are placed in front of you. Although each immortal cultivator can only take the red flame fruit once, it will have no effect if you take it more, but even if this thing is put up for auction, it can definitely make a practitioner Immortal cultivators in the Qi stage can practice to the foundation stage without any worries!

Who can resist such a temptation!

I'm afraid that the three of them wanted to take it all for themselves, and had no intention of sharing it equally with others. They even used all kinds of indecent and insidious means to get this thing. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the world of cultivating immortals!

For a while, because of Chi Yanguo in the cave, the three of them were all thinking, but none of them dared to act rashly.

After a while, the young man surnamed Qiu had the highest cultivation level. He coughed dryly and said with a smile: "I'll pick off this 'red flame fruit' first, and find this rare treasure. Qiu thinks it's better to report it to Senior Wang." Well, of course, this is just someone Qiu's idea, if the two fellow Taoists have a better way, they can also bring it up, otherwise the three of us standing like this is not a solution!"

"It's true that the three of us can't share this red flame fruit equally. You might get some rewards if you hand it over to Senior Wang. I agree with Fellow Daoist Qiu's method, so as not to hurt everyone's harmony!" After hearing this, Shen Meng nodded after thinking for a while.

This person is not stupid at all, he knows that he is the weakest of the three in a fight, and if there is a real fight, he is the least likely to get the spirit fruit, so he feels that it is better to give it to Wang Xuan than to get nothing good!

And now two of the three have agreed, now it's up to Luo Yu to express his opinion, if Luo Yu says no, I'm afraid these two people will plot against Luo Yu!

"Luo has no objection." Luo Yu said with no expression on his face, but he was very vigilant in his heart. The nerves of the three of them are tense at the moment, and it is uncertain which one will be hot-headed and do anything for the treasure. , and it is the most dangerous for him to be caught in the middle now, but if he takes out some defensive magic weapon from the storage bag at this moment, and the two of them may join forces to deal with him, then Luo Yu will be in danger!

A one-on-two battle between monks of the same level is not much easier than a challenge of a higher level, and if you are not careful, you will be in danger of life and death.

"Since the two fellow Taoists agree, then Qiu will go and fetch these two dragon fruits." The young man surnamed Qiu said solemnly, and Luo Yu and the two agreed after hearing it after a little thought. After all, the young man surnamed Qiu should not If he is so stupid as to swallow it all by himself, then he will have to face the pincer attack of two immortal cultivators!

Afterwards, the young man surnamed Qiu drove the magic weapon to cross the muddy pool at once.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu didn't relax at all, the more critical the time, the easier it is for the other party to plot against him!

"Fellow Daoist Luo! Watch out!" Just as Luo Yu was staring at the young man surnamed Qiu, the man suddenly turned his head around, staring at Luo Yu's back in surprise and shouting loudly.

Hearing this, Luo Yu immediately suspected that it was Shen Meng who wanted to sneak attack him, but he had already guarded against the two of them, so he immediately jumped away with the Shining Step, when Luo Yu quickly jumped to another place At that time, he saw Shen Meng looking at him with a surprised and blank expression, without any movement at all.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu's pupils shrank immediately, and his heart fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant. Before he had time to think about it, he gritted his teeth and used all his strength to grab the black iron shuttle in his sleeve robe and move it across his back like lightning. Almost at the same moment, a ray of yellow light rushed towards Luo Yu's back, hitting the black iron shuttle as fast as thunder.

"Bah bah!" Two loud crashing sounds came from behind Luo Yu. Before he could figure out what it was, Luo Yu felt a sharp pain in his back, and his whole body was blown away. He spat out two mouthfuls of blood in the air before he hit a stone wall and fell down, but unexpectedly he didn't fall to the ground. Instead, he kicked his legs twice in the air and stood staggeringly beside the wall.

"Hey! How is this possible!" The young man surnamed Qiu who stood behind Luo Yu just now exclaimed as if he had seen a ghost. He deliberately deceived Luo Yu just now, trying to make Luo Yu think that Shen Meng wanted to sneak attack him and take advantage of Luo Yu's distraction. In an instant, he wanted to kill Luo Yu with one blow. In his opinion, except for Luo Yu who was a little confused in this cave, Shen Meng was not enough to threaten him!

But he didn't expect Luo Yu to be much more cautious than he imagined, and even took out a magic weapon in an instant to block his attack, but what made him most unbelievable was that Luo Yu was under such a powerful collision force. Under the circumstances, he returned to normal after just vomiting a mouthful of blood. Even if the physique of the immortal cultivator is stronger than that of ordinary people, he will definitely not be able to withstand the violent impact of the magic weapon!

"Senior Brother Qiu! What are you doing!" Shen Meng yelled in horror, but his hands took out the magic weapon of Wu Gou that had been hidden in his arms for a long time. Under the stimulation of spiritual power, Wu Gou Immediately, he transformed into fiery red shields to protect himself firmly inside, then took out two talismans and just held them in his hands, staring at the young man surnamed Qiu, it seems that he also understood the young man surnamed Qiu just now. The insidious means!

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