fairy flame

Chapter 161 Weird Stone Gate

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, Senior Brother Luo is willing to give up the spirit stone and we will share it equally. Fellow Daoist, what else do you have to think about? Senior Brother Luo can just take this ghost banner magic weapon away, and share it according to what Fellow Daoist said just now!" See Luo Yu wanted to repent, Shen Meng hurriedly said to Xiao Wan with an angry face, it seems that this person knows that he is now in the same boat as Luo Yu, and it doesn't matter to him whether the matter of Xuanbing Hanjing is true or not, Because this person knew in his heart that it would be easy for Luo Yu to kill him, so he inevitably spoke on Luo Yu's side.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Wan couldn't say anything more. Two of the three agreed, and it was useless even if he objected. Besides, it was really worthless to blame Luo Yu for that mysterious intuition, so this woman He gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Since Fellow Daoist Xiao agrees, then I'll meet up with Senior Wang after the division is over!" Shen Meng glanced greedily at the storage bag, and immediately rushed over to flip out the storage bags of the two of them. Then he just poured out all the contents of the storage bag!

On the other hand, Luo Yu went forward to put away the ghost banners that the two fell to the ground. As for the two ghost corpses, because they were not controlled by their masters, they were also captured by magic weapons when the black-robed man fell. After howling a few times, it turned into two black lights and returned to the ghost streamer.

Luo Yu slowly touched the surface of the ghost banner with his hand, and a familiar cold breath spread to the palm of his hand. If anyone pays attention at this moment, they will definitely find a look of surprise flashing across Luo Yu's face, but Luo Yu is quickly caught. Yu hid himself, and as for the two of Xiao Wan, because Luo Yu's back was facing them, they didn't even notice the strangeness on Luo Yu's face!

After a while, although Shen Meng was timid, he did the calculations clearly. In the storage bag of the black-robed man, there were a total of [-] spirit stones, six low-level talismans, and seven or eight One low-level magic weapon and three middle-level magic weapons!

This surprised Luo Yu and others. I am afraid that these two people also killed many immortal cultivators in Yuanjiang Kingdom to collect so many treasures!However, because of the skills, the black-robed men couldn't use the magic weapons they snatched, so it was a waste of money for Luo Yu and the others at this moment!

Except for the Lingshi which was divided equally between Xiao Wan and Shen Meng, the other things were shared equally by the three of them. Each of the three got a middle-level magic weapon, three low-level magic weapons of swords, and two talismans. I feel that I have gained a lot. Although it is extremely dangerous to deal with these black-robed people, the harvest after killing them is also huge.

After distributing the spoils, Luo Yu and the others continued to walk forward, but knowing that there was a black-robed man in the Foundation Establishment stage ahead, Luo Yu and the others inevitably felt a little nervous!

Along the way, Xiao Wan asked about the young man surnamed Qiu. Luo Yu just said a few words casually, and Shen Meng added the rest. Luo Yu and Shen Meng had discussed it long ago, so Shen Meng didn't pause in answering the question at this moment. , When it came to the key points, he even danced and danced. It was hard for the other party to believe it or not by seeing this expression!

At this moment, Luo Yu was walking in the front, not because he had good intentions to lead the battle, but if there was really a foundation-building stage cultivator in black robes, then it didn't matter if he walked in the front or back. What kind of!

Moreover, the speed of Luo Yu's black iron shuttle was much faster than that of Shen Meng and the two of them. When he really wanted to run, Luo Yu absolutely believed that he could escape with one!

This kind of worry is also because Luo Yu doesn't know how powerful Emperor Xuan is among the foundation-building stage cultivators, but how powerful those black-robed foundation-building stage cultivators are. Luo Yu saw it clearly at Chumu Mountain. The sky was full of blood clouds, and only a black-robed foundation-building stage immortal cultivator crushed the Chumu Six Immortals to death. Most of the ordinary foundation-establishing stage immortal cultivators were no match for them!

When the three of Luo Yu walked about half a stick of incense, there was a burst of angry roaring in front of them, followed by a shrill scream, and then they suddenly returned to calm. These strange phenomena made the three of them even more anxious nervous!

After the three of Luo Yu crossed the last section of the cave passage, they suddenly appeared in a huge cave like a square. The three of them were greatly surprised that such a huge stone cave was hidden in this cave!

I saw that the stone walls around the cave were all made up of black and unknown strange rocks, and the entire cave was tens of feet in size. However, Luo Yu and the others were not paying attention to the weird stone walls, but looked at the opposite side. Shimen, because there is an image of a ferocious ghost carved on the stone gate.

This evil spirit has a strange and terrifying appearance, with a long bull nose, blood-red slender eyes, and two half-foot-long huge copper-colored curved horns on its head. The face of this evil ghost seems to be constantly changing, giving people a sense of mystery that is both real and illusory.

"You guys are all right, where's Kid Qiu? Why didn't you see him?" Just as Luo Yu and the others were attracted by the mysterious ghost pattern on Shimen Mountain, a gloomy voice came from above everyone's heads like a ghost. .

Luo Yu was startled, and hurriedly looked up, only to see Wang Xuan stepping on a giant sword with red light, stopping majestically in front of a stone wall, and opposite Wang Xuan was the corpse of a black-robed man who had been crushed. Crucified on the stone wall, the blood on the corpse is slowly flowing down the stone wall, it looks terrifying!

"Back to seniors, after the three of us entered the fork on the left, when we went about a hundred feet away, we suddenly found a muddy pool. When the three of us were about to check it out, a third-level monster suddenly appeared in the pool. Beast 'Jade Demon Centipede', this monstrous beast is so powerful that we are no match for it at all, and Senior Brother Qiu couldn't escape because he was walking in the front..." Luo Yu immediately prepared his heart when he heard the question. The answer said it all.

"What! The third-level monster 'Jade Demon Centipede'!" Wang Xuan exclaimed first, but then calmed down for some reason, nodded and said: "This cave is mysterious and unusual, it is not impossible that a third-level monster will appear possible!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Xuan ignored everyone and flew to the Shimen alone, with his back to Luo Yu and the others, his eyes silently staring at Shimen without saying a word, but if you observe carefully, you will find that Wang Xuan stared at Shimen for a few times. It seems that the body is trembling uncontrollably!

(First update) Xianyan shouted for collection, please give it a thumbs up, thank you so much!

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