fairy flame

Chapter 162 Fire Tree Silver Flower Restriction

"You three come here!" After a while, Wang Xuan who was standing in front of the door suddenly said such a sentence, but his eyes were still fixed on Shimen, as if he was fascinated!

Luo Yu looked at Wang Xuan's strange appearance, but felt a little uneasy!

From the very beginning when he came here, Luo Yu felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't describe the feeling, especially because Wang Xuan suddenly seemed to be a different person, his behavior was very different from before!

Luo Yu felt that Wang Xuan's aura seemed to be slightly irritable. It stands to reason that the immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment period should have reached a very subtle level of control over the spiritual power in their bodies, and this kind of situation is impossible!

At first, Luo Yu wondered if Wang Xuan was disguised by a black-robed foundation-building stage cultivator, but after thinking about it, it was unlikely. It would be easy for a foundation-building stage cultivator to kill them, so there is no need to waste time on them, let alone Luo Yu He didn't feel the cold aura that the man in the black robe should have!

The three of Luo Yu nodded respectfully and walked forward, and Luo Yu took the opportunity to sneak a glance at the black-robed man's corpse. Just now, he was directly below the corpse and couldn't see clearly, but now he looked at it sideways and immediately found something strange At this point, seven big holes were torn open on the chest of the black robe, and his face still showed an expression of disbelief, as if he had seen something terrible. Looking at such a scene, Luo Yu felt even more eerie and eerie!

"You must be a little strange about the death of the man in black! In fact, it's just because I used the 'soul search technique' on him just now, so this man looks terrified!" Wang Xuan glanced at Luo Yu, suddenly Open your mouth and say it!

"Soul search technique! It is said that after using this technique, the soul of the caster will dissipate, disappear forever in the world and cannot enter reincarnation!" Shen Meng's expression changed suddenly when he heard the words "soul search technique", while Luo Yu He and Xiao Wan had also heard of this secret method, and their expressions were not so good!

Although the soul search technique is a secret technique commonly mastered by immortal cultivators in the foundation building period, it is too harmful to nature, and very few people use this vicious secret technique!

"These men in black robes have killed countless immortal cultivators from our Yuanjiang Kingdom. Using the soul search technique on them is already taking advantage of them. If the old man insisted on making them experience the pain of soul refining!" Wang Xuan said disdainfully, and then Turning around again, Shimen opened his mouth.

"The old man learned a secret through the soul search technique just now. There should be some treasure hidden behind this stone gate, and the man in black came here to get the treasure! But there is a powerful formation hidden here , if you want to enter, you must break the formation. Of course, for us, we only need to break a hole to get in, but this formation is quite magical. That will take a lot of time, so I want the three of you to break the formation with me later." Wang Xuan turned his head and said expressionlessly, then, with a wave of his sleeve robe, a gust of spiritual wind blew towards Shimen , just when the spirit wind was about to touch Shimen, a red light curtain suddenly appeared a foot away in front of Shimen, easily blocking the spirit wind. Mixed with a touch of silver light, mysterious and abnormal!

After the red light curtain blocked the spiritual wind, the spiritual brilliance disappeared in a flash!

"Fiery tree and silver flower formation!" After Luo Yu saw the magical ability of the red light curtain, he immediately remembered a powerful middle-level formation that he had seen in "Living Formation" that was similar in power to the Baimu Yuhuo formation. Fa, suddenly exclaimed!

"What! Fellow Daoist Luo has seen this big formation?" Wang Xuan was the first to react. He felt a headache for breaking the formation. Without them, the immortal cultivators of the two hostile forces would naturally not be polite, and fought without saying a word!

As a result, Wang Xuan easily won the victory with this powerful treasure. This treasure was specially refined by him to deal with black-robed monks. It has a strong restraint effect on ghosts and ghosts. Only then could Wang Xuan easily kill the foundation-establishment period man. Immortal cultivator, but after using the soul search technique, he discovered a shocking secret behind the stone gate!

But when Wang Xuan wanted to go in, he discovered that there was a restrictive formation in front of the stone gate, which was difficult to break even with his cultivation, so when he heard Luo Yu say the name of the formation this time, a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in his heart!

"The younger generation just heard about it. The gold and silver formation's restriction is not the attribute of the five elements. It is also because of this reason that it is recorded in many ancient books on cultivating immortals. The younger generation also accidentally saw it in the library. Presumably, the senior should have an impression in his heart, but he is not sure!" Luo Yu said modestly, he had only heard about it this time, and Wang Xuan, as a cultivator in the foundation period, must have much more knowledge and knowledge about the world of cultivating immortals than Luo Yu , I must have doubts in my heart.

"The prohibition of gold and silver is somewhat unique. Since you have seen it, have you found a way to break it in the classics!" Wang Xuan suddenly asked with a happy face, if Luo Yu could help him find the formation Eye, wouldn't that save a lot of time!

"Breaking the formation! Senior was joking, I'm only at the Qi training stage, and this fire tree and silver flower formation is a genuine intermediate formation, how can I break it?" Luo Yu was startled, and suddenly said in surprise , there was no false expression on his face.

In fact, Luo Yu really can't break this formation, but he knows that the eye of this formation must be buried between the fire formation and the silver formation in the southwest, and he must try this formation himself to figure out where it is. Still the same sentence, the range of the attack, the magnitude of the power and the direction of the attack, as long as Luo Yu pursues these three directions, Jiugong Luoshu can assist in the calculation, and he can slowly find out the eye of the formation!

"That's true, then the three of you will find the best time to attack one of the forbidden points of this formation after I attack later, and all three of you must attack one point at the same time! As for when is the best time, when the time comes I will tell you myself!" Wang Xuan stared at Luo Yu's expression for a while, and after he really couldn't find any signs of concealment, he told everyone with a disappointed face.

(Second update) Xianyan has over a thousand red votes today, and after the thousand votes, everyone continues to vote. Youdao is really grateful to everyone!There will be another chapter later, and today is also the third watch!

Just now I saw that Taxiantu, which has been competing fiercely with Xianyan on the red ticket list, was launched on the shelves. I was somewhat moved. Now Xianyan is basically stable in other aspects, but the collection is a little less, but Youdao will continue to work hard!

Strive to break through [-] collections this month!

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