fairy flame

Chapter 164

After Luo Yu walked to the side of the three of them, Wang Xuan nodded, took a deep look at the head of the evil spirit carved on the stone gate, and then pushed the stone gate open with a 'snap'!

"It's so cold!"

"It's so dark!"

After the four of them entered, the exclamations of Shen Meng and Xiao Wan sounded in their ears!

Luo Yu was the last one to go in, but after stepping into the stone gate with both feet, a strangely cold wind suddenly blew in front of him, ten times stronger than the cold wind blowing outside the stone gate just now, as if entering the stone gate all at once. Like an ice cellar!

After Luo Yu took in a few mouthfuls of cold wind, he even felt that his spiritual sense was not functioning properly, and he opened the spiritual power shield in his body in surprise, and under the circulation of mana, a layer of red spiritual power shield came from Luo Yu. The body surface rose up, and not long after Luo Yu's red spiritual power shield appeared, several gusts of cold wind blew on the shield!Luo Yu also felt that the consumption of spiritual power was much faster than outside, and it seemed that it was also because the cold wind was too thick!

"This place should be the place where the mysterious yin energy is the strongest. You all open up your spiritual power shields!" After finishing speaking, a thin red shield appeared on Wang Xuan's body. Scratching on his protective shield can't make any waves. This is the strength of the immortal cultivators of the foundation establishment period, because the spiritual power in the immortal cultivators of the foundation establishment period is too pure!

Immortal cultivators in the foundation building stage and those in the Qi training stage cast the same spell, but the power is very different, and the purity of the spiritual power in the body is the key to the difference!

After everyone put up their protective shields, they began to look at the place in front of them. They saw that this was a stone room slightly smaller than the cave just now. It looked like a place for cultivators to retreat and practice. Very neat, simple wooden tables and chairs, futons for meditation and practice, and even a strange-looking golden lotus altar!

This altar immediately attracted everyone's attention!

The golden brilliance of the whole body of the Dharma altar is shining, and a white jade Buddha statue is enshrined on it. The whole body of the Buddha statue is as white as jade, and the fingers are put together in meditation!

There is also an incense burner in front of the Buddha statue, with several long-extinguished fragrances inserted in it, and a faint scent of sandalwood can still be smelled from above!

Luo Yu's gaze was immediately attracted by the Buddha statue on the altar. This Buddha statue is exquisitely carved and lifelike, but it should not be a treasure, because there is no trace of mana fluctuations on the Buddha statue!

But what surprised him the most was that there was no Buddhist or Taoist sect in Yuanjiang, but someone enshrined a big Buddha here, isn't it strange!

Of course, there is no such thing in Yuanjiang Country, which does not mean that there are no other cultivating worlds. It is said that in ancient times, all schools of thought came together, and in the battle of orthodoxy, Buddha, Demon, Taoism, Confucianism, Ghosts, Demons, and the Six Schools were the most powerful!These forces spread across a wide range, and are clearly recorded in ancient books.

And this is the boundary of Yuanjiang Kingdom, but there is a Buddha statue enshrined here. Could it be that some immortal cultivator who practiced Buddhism and Taoism once lived here, but why is there a ferocious ghost head carved on the stone gate, so huge? The contrast gives people a weird and gloomy feeling!

Luo Yu thought for a long time but couldn't figure out a clue!

"Don't move! This is the center of the formation! Be careful!" Shen Meng had sharp eyes, and wanted to check whether the white jade Buddha statue was a treasure, but as soon as his feet stepped out, Wang Xuan yelled Stop drinking.

Luo Yu sneered, this is a genuine intermediate formation, the intermediate formation has both offense and defense!

The red light curtain just now was defending the formation, and now it is naturally the killing formation.

And if this fiery tree and silver flower formation is so easy to break, it is too unworthy of the name of the intermediate formation!

Sure enough, not long after the four of Luo Yu came in, the originally dark wall suddenly twisted and shook violently like an illusion, and then I saw blossoming silver lotuses shooting at the four of Luo Yu from all directions in the void. It was only the size of a fist at the time, but it kept spinning and getting bigger as it flew!

It becomes the size of a wheel at once!

Seeing this scene, the faces of the four of them suddenly turned ugly. Needless to say, the power of this silver lotus is so wonderful, and what is even more terrifying is that there are so many silver lotuses.

Luo Yu looked in surprise, only to see that after a while, the silver lotus turned into a one-foot-long silver hazy lotus like light and shadow. Come on, even a foundation-building cultivator like Wang Xuan has to treat it with caution!

"The three of you are each responsible for one direction, attack these four walls, as long as you break the walls, you can break through this formation!" Wang Xuan shouted in a deep voice, he was the first to strike.

The 'Broken Red Sword' swished out and turned into a huge red sword in mid-air. Under the whirling and swirling light of the sword, all the silver lotuses that were affected disappeared like bubbles, but the silver lotus that appeared just now As if it was just an appetizer, Wang Xuan drove the red sword forward not far away, and there was another silver light on the wall, and more silver lotuses flew out from inside. Surrounded by the wild surge of silver lotuses, the speed at which the Broken Red Sword advanced All of a sudden, it slowed down, and even Emperor Xuan's spiritual power control began to struggle.

Among the other three, Luo Yu was the most relaxed. It can also be said that he was lucky, and happened to have a magic weapon in his hand that could deal with this silver lotus - Ziyang pocket!

Even Luo Yu himself didn't think that this purple net magic weapon was just suitable for dealing with these silver lotuses. Under Luo Yu's control, the purple net turned into a size of two feet, which was just enough to block the silver lotus shot from Luo Yu's direction.

I saw dozens of silver lotus flowers falling into the big purple net one after another every time they rushed a few zhang away in front of Luo Yu, and then densely packed purple flames emerged from the purple net. The innate true fire released by the immortal cultivators in the Qi stage is not much stronger, but it is not the opponent of these silver lotus, but surrounded by several groups of purple flames, it can barely block the rushing silver lotus!

However, Luo Yu was relatively easy to deal with these Yinlians, but his face showed an extremely strenuous look. If Wang Xuan saw that Luo Yu hadn't tried his best, he might not be able to speak at that time.

And just now Luo Yu saw that after Wang Xuan's Broken Red Sword advanced to a certain distance, the number of silver lotuses increased a lot at once, and he understood the wonder of this formation. The more powerful you attack, the stronger its resistance will be. .

(First update) The fairy flame is still exploding today, but Youdao still shouts and collects it!Collection is too important for a book!

sweat!Youdao didn't think so before!

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