fairy flame

Chapter 165 The Vicious Emperor Xuan

Of course, there was another reason why Luo Yu had to wait for time. The more times this formation attacked, he was very likely to analyze the location of the formation from various changes. This was Luo Yu's real purpose!

Once the formation eye is found, no matter the formation eye is the formation flag or the formation plate, Luo Yu can analyze the subtlety of the Fire Tree Silver Flower Formation from the arrangement of the ancient formation text. Luo Yu has always been coveted by the middle-level formation, but how The last time I went to Fangshi, I couldn't find it.

At this moment, it is not difficult for Luo Yu to resist these silver lotuses, but Shen Meng and Xiao Wan are much more embarrassed than Luo Yu. The magic weapon of these two people is only Xiao Wan's magic weapon, which can be regarded as some range attack effect , under the waving of the blue ribbon, circles of blue waves blocked those silver lotuses, but the attack range of the blue ribbon was limited, many silver lotuses rushed over, Xiao Wan had no choice but to control another low-level magic weapon to Those silver lotuses were destroyed, so they barely blocked the silver lotuses, and they didn't have the slightest ability to counterattack!

Moreover, controlling two instruments at the same time consumes an astonishing amount of spiritual power, which cannot last for a long time!

As for Shen Meng, he is the most ineffective of the three. The process of resisting Yinlian is almost full of dangers. His Wugou magic weapon is the kind of magic weapon with small and precise targets. So many Yinlians rushed over at once. While he had to control Wu Gou, he continuously took out low-level talismans to resist for a while, but from time to time, a silver lotus passed by, and Shen Meng's face paled in fright!

Sure enough, a moment passed!

"Senior Wang! I can't stop you! Help me!" A silver lotus almost flew past Shen Meng's nose, and Shen Meng was so frightened that he really couldn't bear the fear that the danger was around him!Then he shouted to Wang Xuan for help.

Moreover, after resisting desperately with the talisman for a while, Shen Meng guessed that the low-level talisman in the storage bag was almost used up, but the silver lotus attack in front did not show any sign of weakening. Willing to die.

When Wang Xuan heard the yelling, he turned his head and glanced. If this goes on, the three kids in the Qi training period might not be able to hold on for long, so he was anxious!

Even if all the attacks from this formation were directed at him, Wang Xuan himself was not worried. With his cultivation in the foundation establishment period, he could definitely escape safely, but the problem was that he alone could not break through the formation here either. The information obtained from the soul search in the head of the black-robed man, the treasure hidden in it is enough to cause a sensation in the world of cultivating immortals!

Wang Xuan would never be willing to just miss it like this!

If such a heaven-defying opportunity is missed, it will be gone, so the juniors of these three Qi training periods must not die now, otherwise, I will also dream of obtaining the treasure inside!

Wang Xuan thought it over clearly, so he gritted his teeth and quickly patted the storage bag on his waist, and suddenly three jet-black rays of light flew out from the storage bag.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Heimang, the speed is too fast!

"Puff!" With two muffled sounds, the gray wall in front of Wang Xuan suddenly shattered. What kind of magical artifacts were these three black glows? They broke through a formation wall in one fell swoop!

The three people watching this scene, including Luo Yu, were extremely surprised!

Seeing that the gray wall was broken, Wang Xuan's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly put the three black lights back into his arms. He didn't know what kind of treasure these black lights were, but Wang Xuan didn't want to show them to Luo Yu and the others. Release this weird black light, it is estimated that the formation has been broken long ago!

Afterwards, Wang Xuan flew to Shen Meng's side with a flick of his body, and the 'Broken Red Sword' brilliance exploded, transforming into a huge sword several feet long, and ruthlessly knocked out all the silver lotuses around Shen Meng. Then, the giant red sword The sword didn't stop and hit the wall that Shen Meng was in charge of directly!

The same scene as just now appeared, the closer the red giant sword was to the wall, the greater the resistance it received, and the two began to stalemate again!

"Hurry up! Let's break the formation together!" Seeing Shen Meng standing aside in a daze, Wang Xuan angrily roared to remind him.

And Shen Meng at the side heard the scolding sound, and suddenly woke up, and quickly released the two Wu hook magic weapons, attacking together with the red giant sword!

The two attack together, the power is naturally much greater than alone, after a while, Yinlian naturally cannot withstand the attack of the two together!

Shen Meng's wall was also shattered after a roar, and just when the second wall was shattered, Luo Yu suddenly looked at an inconspicuous place in the cave, and his face flashed thoughtfully. color!

But this awakened expression was immediately hidden by Luo Yu again!

Afterwards, Shen Meng and Wang Xuan joined forces to help Xiao Wan again. This time the three of them worked together to crack the wall much faster. In just a few breaths, they broke through the wall. For some reason, just now The three black lights released by Wang Fu did not reappear. With the powerful power of those three black lights, it should be easier to decipher them.

Just as Luo Yu was thinking, Wang Xuan and the others turned to attack Luo Yu's wall again. Using the same method, the gray wall soon disappeared under the strong attack of the four of them!

After all the walls on all sides disappeared, the big formation was really cracked, and the whole picture of the stone room appeared in front of everyone. In addition to the seats, futons, and Buddha statues just now, there are three small doors not far in front. The small door was about one person tall, and it was gray in color. A gust of wind blew away the dust on the three small doors, and there were some scratches on the door!

I saw a few big characters written on the three small doors!




The three big characters are all carved in the ancient script of the world of cultivating immortals, but judging by the dust on the door, this place has been abandoned for a long time!

At this moment, Luo Yu did not stare at the three stone gates like everyone else, but instead walked to a corner of the stone room, holding one hand on a protrusion on the wall, and after turning his fingers twice, a look of surprise flashed across his face Come!

"Secret mechanism!" Luo Yu was startled and muttered silently in his heart.

Just now, just when the second formation wall was shattered, Luo Yu used Jiugong Luoshu's powerful deduction ability to calculate the location of the formation eye, and immediately walked here calmly, but saw that there should be a formation on the stone wall. Where the eye was located was a protrusion of a stone wall.

Having seen the hidden compartments of the secular world, he became a little suspicious, and then Luo Yu stretched out his hand to caress slowly on the protrusion of the stone wall for a while, and found nothing suspicious, but when Luo Yu moved his hand away, But he found that the protrusion of the stone wall could be slightly loosened, and Luo Yu immediately confirmed his thoughts. There might be some kind of tunnel hidden behind the stone wall, so he didn't know what was hidden inside.

Maybe it's a treasure, maybe it's a monster.

But at the moment everyone was in the stone room, Luo Yu naturally didn't want to twist the mechanism, so as not to be suspicious by others.

"Haha! I finally found it! It's here!" Wang Xuan stared at the three stone gates for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing, as if he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

"Senior Wang, this is the place where the treasures are buried! Then what are we waiting for! Looking at the layout of this place, I am afraid that those who have practiced here are at least at the level of the ancestors of the alchemy stage!" Shen Meng who was next to him saw When I saw the three big characters of Dan Qi Jue, I instantly thought that it might be a place to store pills, magic tools, and exercises. Generally, low-level immortal cultivators only have such a little wealth. How could their caves be arranged so complicatedly, so here At the very least, it is also the cave of alchemy cultivators, and it may even be higher!

Thinking of these, Shen Meng immediately thought of the situation where countless pills and magic weapons were thrown at him, and even how beautiful he would be in the future.

"Haha! Treasure hunting! Ridiculous! When did Wang say that he wanted to go treasure hunting with you! It was just for you to help me break through the formation!" Wang Xuan suddenly laughed loudly as if he had heard something extremely ridiculous. , the sound suddenly became weird.

"Senior, you..." Hearing this, Shen Meng finally realized that Emperor Xuan never thought of sharing the treasure with them equally!His complexion suddenly became ugly.

Hearing this, Luo Yu and Xiao Wan's expressions also changed drastically!

At this moment, Wang Xuan turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and wanted to swallow the treasure alone, the last thing Luo Yu wanted to see happened!

Moreover, Wang Xuan was still an immortal cultivator in the foundation establishment stage, Luo Yu and the others had no room to bargain with him, even if this person wanted to kill the three of them, it would not be difficult.

"Senior Wang, the three of us don't need the treasure, but I also hope that senior can let me wait for a way out!" It was Luo Yu who spoke, and at this moment he put one hand on the storage bag, and walked in unconsciously. The Shimen side moved.

Compared with life, treasures and life, Luo Yu can still tell the difference, what's the use of having so many treasures without life!

"Fellow Daoist Luo is joking! We came from the same sect as Senior Wang, how could senior do such a thing to harm our fellow sect!" Xiao Wan was the quickest to react, and when he thought of what Luo Yu said, his face immediately changed color !Said with a stiff expression, and his figure also leaned a little to the side, pulling away the distance from Wang Xuan.

That being said, it is normal for the cultivating world to kill fellow sects just to rob treasures!

"Martial Nephew Luo, in fact, you should have noticed it a long time ago!" Wang Xuan was standing there silently, but for some reason he suddenly turned around and said such strange words to Luo Yu!

(Three thousand words!) Why did this tweet go so fast!Youdao can only doubt that Zongheng has introduced a new policy!Poor "Xianyan" was the first to suffer!

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