fairy flame

Chapter 167 Desperation and Desperation

Soul backlash is said to be more dangerous than a cultivator's heart demon explosion, because when breaking through the bottleneck of cultivation, the heart demon explosion will most lead to insanity, and the immortal cultivator will retreat if he does not advance in cultivation, but once the soul backlash occurs, there is no possibility of surviving!

You must know that whether you are a cultivator or a mortal, the three souls and seven souls of a person can be regarded as a kind of innate spiritual beings. Compared with everything in the world, people are born with wisdom!

And innate spiritual beings like humans can only grow continuously if they have spiritual roots. Among them, the way of cultivating immortals is nothing more than the method for the soul to communicate with the heaven and the earth, and finally reach the level of alliance with the heaven and the earth!

Therefore, the three souls and seven souls are extremely spiritual things in the human body. Even if the physical body is wiped out, as long as the soul is not dead, it can be seized and transferred to the ghost way. Although switching to the ghost way will lose the chance of reincarnation, as long as the opportunity comes , is it not the same as the saying that a great supernatural being who has practiced the ghost way ascended.

And like the "Soul Sacrifice Array", which forcibly separates the three souls and seven souls of the human body, and refines one's own seven souls into a part of the formation, it is easy to cause the seven souls to absorb too many immortals due to too much killing After the soul and flesh are not controlled by the master, they will eventually be backlashed. The backlash of the natal soul does not mean that you can resist it with a high cultivation level. , Losing interest all at once, and facing the danger of soul backlash in order to increase the power of the magic weapon, Luo Yu felt that it was too worthless!

"I didn't expect you to recognize this seven-star Yinhuoblade magic weapon! But this will make it even more impossible for you to leave!" Wang Xuan just finished speaking, then took out a small black flag from his arms, and lightly waved it. With a wave, a jet-black brilliance shot into the air and disappeared quickly, and then Wang Xuan shot another burst of spiritual power onto the small black flag, and suddenly the small flag made a strange sound of 'woo-woo', and the seven paths were exactly the same as before. The black brilliance shot out from the small flag, and shot to the seven corners of the huge stone chamber!

Before Luo Yu and Xiao Wan could figure out the intention of Wang Xuan's move, there was a loud "rumbling" sound from under their feet, and seven black beams of light as thick as buckets rose from the places where the seven black lights were shot. rise!

A black beam of light penetrated the entire stone chamber at once, and after the black beam of light appeared, a large black light curtain immediately shot out to connect the seven beams of light closely together, forming a semicircle. The other side of this semicircle is the thick stone wall , the three of Luo Yu seemed to be surrounded by a black light curtain, and it was impossible to escape even with their wings!

And the only exit is the stone gate under the stone wall, but at this moment Wang Xuan was already prepared to stand there, with him guarding the stone gate, it would be extremely difficult for Luo Yu and the two of them to break through. The closed small stone cave is a dead end if you rush through it!

"For the sake of the same sect, Wang won't make any moves. If you two can break through the formation, you can leave on your own, how about it?" Wang Xuan said with a sarcasm, it seemed that he was very interested in this formation. confidence!

Just after Wang Xuan finished speaking, under the gloomy and ugly expressions of Luo Yu and Xiao Wan, the seven black beams of light seemed to come alive, and they started to move in a certain order. Although the beams of light moved very slowly, they were clearly It can be seen that these beams of light are slowly closing in, and I am afraid that these seven black beams of light will merge together in the end!

Seeing this situation, Wang Xuan had no intention of letting Luo Yu and the two of them leave at all!Even if Luo Yu and Luo Yu stood there and did not attack, once the black beams of light merged together, the power of the Qijue Tuling Formation would be fully displayed, and Luo Yu would have no chance of escaping!

"Senior! Wan'er can make a blood oath and will never tell this matter. I just ask senior to let me live. If senior is not willing, Wan'er can also swear to serve senior as a slave for life!" At this moment of life and death , after Xiao Wan noticed the powerful fluctuations of spiritual power scattered in the black beam of light, he immediately cut off the idea of ​​running away, and begged bitterly!

The formations elaborately laid out by the cultivators of the Foundation Establishment period are not at all capable of dealing with them now, and judging from this situation, this Emperor Xuan must have arranged the Qijue Tuling Formation here long ago, and had no intention of letting them die at all. of.

"Serving as a slave? It's a pity that Wang doesn't believe in that, I only believe that dead people won't tell their secrets!" Wang Xuan smiled triumphantly, with a trace of disdain on his face, his face became even more crazy!

"It's useless to talk more! Luo is willing to fight!" Luo Yu, who hadn't said anything, suddenly said in a low voice, and then the golden thunder sword and sword light together turned into a ball of golden sun and rushed towards Emperor Xuan!

Luo Yu's sudden attack startled Wang Xuan a little, he didn't expect him to be able to calm down at this time, but Luo Yu didn't attack the formation, but attacked himself, it was just a dying struggle!

Could it be that he still has some means to kill the Foundation Establishment Stage!Wang Xuan didn't pay attention to the Golden Thunder Sword's attack at all!

Contemptuously glanced at the golden sword light coming from the scene, Wang Xuan raised his hand and pointed lightly, a black flying knife swishing around him turned into a black phantom in a flash. Then it collided with Luo Yu's Golden Thunder Sword!

"Crack!" The golden light and black lights intersected slightly, and there was a strange metal collision sound.

This black glow was really too fast, every time Luo Yu's Golden Thunder Sword made an attack, he had to endure two or three consecutive slashes from the black knife!Moreover, the lightning power of the Golden Thunder Sword has no effect on the black brilliance on the surface of Shangqijue Yinhuoblade!

"Crack!" The continuous crashing sound continued!

"The Golden Thunder Sword is about to shatter!" As the controller of the magic weapon, Luo Yu naturally knows the Golden Thunder Sword better than anyone else. This sword is still the magic weapon that has been with him for the longest time. Luo Yu's Jade Spirit Halberd was much worse than the comparison, but Luo Yu had always been more optimistic about the thunder attribute attack of this sword. Unexpectedly, as soon as it collided with the black flying knife at this moment, there would be a shattering sound. crackling sound.

And this voice also reached the other party's ears, and a hint of sarcasm flashed across Wang Xuan's face, as if he wanted to have a good time with Luo Yu. The other six black throwing knives were not used, just controlling A flying knife kept hitting Luo Yu's Golden Thunder Sword, and as the number of collisions increased, a crack visible to the naked eye appeared on the Golden Thunder Sword, and the crack was still expanding!

"Pfft!" Just as the golden thunder sword and the black flying knife clashed brilliantly, a blue ribbon magic weapon suddenly inserted a foot horizontally to separate the two, and then the ribbon continued to rotate around the black flying knife, as if A small blue ball trapped the black throwing knife inside!

"Looking for death!" Wang Xuan yelled coldly, he was having a good time, and saw that the golden sword magic weapon was about to shatter, but unexpectedly, someone ruined his plan!

Immediately, '嗖嗖嗖' three tiny chirps sounded, and Wang Xuan released three black throwing knives again, like three black meteors flying out at once!

"Fellow Daoist Luo! I have already helped you personally! Don't you know that fellow Daoist hasn't come up with the means to press the bottom of the box!" Seeing three black throwing knives rushing towards him, Xiao Wan suddenly changed his expression and shouted anxiously at Luo Yu.

At this moment, Luo Yu didn't have time to think about why Xiao Wan came back to help him. Seeing the three black flying knives shot at him, he also quickly took out the Bilinghanhalberd magic weapon. Come, the green euphorbia flew out of Luo Yu's hand with a flash of blue light!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Three ear-piercing metal collision sounds came from the place where the halberd collided with the three black flying knives, and after the collision, Luo Yu's azure halberd was still shining with blue light, without any damage There are no signs of it!

"Hey! The ultimate magic weapon!" Wang Xuan's eyes that didn't care much at first shrank suddenly!When he saw the intact green halberd and felt the cold wind coming from the eucalyptus, he suddenly exclaimed!

But immediately, an unconcealable greed appeared on this person's face.

The ultimate magic weapon!It was something that even the immortal cultivators of the foundation establishment stage would desperately fight for. Unexpectedly, there would be a top-grade magic weapon in the hands of this little cultivator of Qi training stage!

But Luo Yu was still calm when he heard the words Wang Xuan reported the top-grade magic weapon. It was not surprising that he could recognize the top-grade magic weapon with the knowledge of an immortal cultivator in the foundation-building period of Wang Xuan.

"Looks like it's just a gamble!" Luo Yu gritted his teeth, and immediately poured all his mana onto the Jade Cold Halberd, and this top-quality magic weapon is no thanks to Luo Yu's so much effort, and the halberd suddenly appeared. There were seven or eight white filaments, the halberd shook lightly, the white filaments that had just emerged suddenly bounced away, and flew towards Wang Xuan faintly, the speed of the white filaments seemed unhappy, but the strange thing was that after a few flickers, they were separated from each other. Wang Xuan is not far away.

This white silk attack can be regarded as Luo Yu's strongest attack method!

I saw that although the white silks were extremely slender and did not have any dazzling aura flashing, but after Emperor Xuan's three black throwing knives touched these white silks, they bounced off with a "pop!".

"How is this possible!" Wang Xuan looked surprised. The power of this black saber magic weapon is no better than that of him who is the master of the magic weapon. Even a high-level magic weapon will be destroyed in front of these black knives. The power should be It is similar to the top-grade magic weapon, and the spiritual power in his body is much purer than that of Luo Yu in the Qi training period, so Wang Xuan only released three black flying knives magic tools, thinking that with these three black flying knives It should be able to block Luo Yu's top-grade magic weapon!

([-]-word chapter) The plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, Youdao was too tired today, so he combined the original two chapters together!

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