fairy flame

Chapter 168 Tianleizi

However, Wang Xuan did not expect that the power of Luo Yu's top-grade magic weapon was beyond his expectation. The magic weapon is just a little more powerful!

But at this moment, after those white silk threads bounced off the black throwing knife, they didn't disappear, instead they flew toward the faintly visible Chao Wangxuan!

Seeing this scene, Emperor Xuan immediately put away the contempt he had just had, but before he could make any movement, when his eyes swept over Luo Yu, his pupils suddenly shrank!

Then, without even thinking about it, his figure flew away to the side!

At this moment, when Baisi appeared, Luo Yu secretly took out the middle-level Fire Cloud Talisman, and after glancing at Emperor Xuan, he threw the middle-level talisman out without hesitation!

When the middle-level talisman is stimulated, it will emit powerful mana fluctuations. With Wang Xuan's experienced eyes, he can naturally see that Luo Yu is holding an intermediate talisman. There is no such thing as too great a threat, but Wang Xuan is not willing to fight the exploding flames that fill the sky!

As soon as Wang Xuan escaped, Luo Yu also activated all the power of the talisman. With a flash of red light, the two fire cloud talismans burst and turned into two pillars of fire, as if the magma from the ground swept Wang Xuan away. shrouded!

After the pillar of fire was formed, an extremely scorching wave of fire swept away instantly, filling the entire stone chamber!

At this moment, Luo Yu put the Golden Thunder Sword and the Biling Hanhalberd into the storage bag at the same time. With a flash of black light under his feet, he rushed to the stone room where the treasure was hidden. It was the formation light curtain. The only exit under the shroud, from the very beginning, Luo Yu never thought about breaking through the Qijue Tuling Formation to escape, that would be no different from sending him to death!

At this moment, what Luo Yu earns is the little time that Wang Xuan was trapped. After Wu Guang left, Luo Yu still did not forget to remind Xiao Wan not far away.

"No matter why you helped me just now, if you have any other means at this moment, you can escape!" Luo Yu's deep voice echoed in Xiao Wan's ears, and the woman's expression was surprised. He helped Luo just now. Yu, indeed had his own plan, unexpectedly Luo Yu saw through it!

However, this woman is also a decisive person, she stomped her feet fiercely, and she quickly flew to the edge of the formation, and Luo Yu went in the opposite direction!

The woman glanced at the black light curtain in front of her, and suddenly took out a fist-sized gray ball from her bosom. As soon as the ball appeared, Xiao Wan's face flashed a trace of reluctance, but immediately turned to His gaze was firm, and he couldn't care less about his life at this moment.

"Puff!" Seeing this momentary delay, the sea of ​​flames released by Luo Yu was suddenly pierced by a black beam of light, and after the sea of ​​flames touched the black beam of light, its power dropped a lot. Slowly emerge!

At this moment, Luo Yu just escaped to the stone gate with the head of the evil ghost engraved, and Xiao Wan just took out the gray bead.

When the two saw the black mask inside the sea of ​​flames, their hearts tightened!

Wang Xuan was about to get out of trouble soon.

In fact, if Luo Yu's white silk attack hadn't dragged Wang Xuan back at the end, the sea of ​​fire transformed by this intermediate talisman would not be able to trap a foundation-building stage immortal cultivator at all.

Concentrating on Xiao Wanyu's face, he threw one hand, and the gray ball in his hand flew out, and the ball stopped in mid-air under Xiao Wan's control, and there was a muffled thunderous sound when it turned around!

Then, the ball burst open and turned into a gray dark cloud about Zhang Xu in size, within the dark cloud there were faint flashes of bright lightning.

"Tianleizi!" Wang Xuan in the sea of ​​flames exclaimed!There was a hint of fear in the voice!

When Luo Yu heard Wang Xuan's scream, he also turned his head and glanced at the dark cloud that stopped in mid-air. At this moment, the electric arc flashed wildly inside the dark cloud, and there were bursts of thunder.

The momentum is amazing!

Luo Yu also saw this Tianleizi in Fangshi, but it was too expensive, Luo Yu was really reluctant to buy it, unexpectedly there was one in Xiao Wan's hand, Luo Yu had heard about the power of Tianleizi for a long time, It is said that even an immortal cultivator in the foundation building period will suffer a big loss if he is accidentally hit.

At this moment, there is a slight possibility for Xiao Wan to use Tianleizi to break the formation, but even if the formation is broken, it will not be easy to escape, because Wang Xuan will soon be out of trouble!

"Explosion!" A soft shout came from Xiao Wan's mouth. This Tianleizi was already her means of suppressing the bottom of the box. It was an elder of his family who was doing business in the square city of Cuixia Mountain. This time she participated in the mission to suppress demons and gave her a sky thunder for self-defense. She didn't expect to use it so soon, but it's hard to say whether she can escape even if she breaks the formation at this moment.

However, Xiao Wan still had a little bit of luck, hoping that Wang Xuan would go after Luo Yu after he came out, and then she would have a little chance of escape.

Just after Xiao Wanjiao drank, a silver-white lightning bolt as thick as an arm suddenly fell from the dark cloud that was about ten feet in the sky, mixed with shocking power of thunder and lightning, pouring down like a horse!

In an instant, it collided with the black light curtain emitted by the Qijue Tuling Formation!

"Crack!" Two soul-stirring thunderclaps came out. It is true that Tianleizi is something that is said to dare not be hard-wired during the foundation-building period. The two silver lightnings came so fast that Luo Yu only saw two After a flash of silver light, the black light curtain was torn open in a single blow, and then the aftermath of the silver lightning hit the ground, and a puff of blue smoke burst out immediately, followed by a burning smell from the lightning strike. The place drifts away.

Although Luo Yu's Golden Thunder Sword also contained a trace of lightning attack, but it was only a trace of lightning attribute spiritual power!Compared with the real Tianlei in the rumors, it is nothing at all. If something like Tianleizi hits Luo Yu, there is a [-]% certainty that Luo Yu will be wiped out!It is [-]% possible to kill Luo Yu!

Seeing that the black light curtain was broken open, Xiao Wan's face was overjoyed instantly, and the blue ribbon magic weapon flew back to his feet in an instant. To escape from here.

"I want to run! I'll let you all taste the true power of the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade!" Seeing the black light curtain being torn apart, Wang Xuan was furious, and immediately increased the input of spiritual power into the flying knife!

(First update) During the closure and tweeting period, please ask for collection

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