fairy flame

Chapter 169 Five-Color Sword Benefit

"Seven stars unite! Slash!" Wang Xuan roared, and the seven black flying knives instantly merged together. After the black light entangled and flickered, they turned into a huge black knife several feet long, as if the original half-foot-long black knife It's the same as expanding a hundred times!

A terrifying deep black light shone on the huge black knife, and under Wang Xuan's control, it aimed at Luo Yu's fire pillar and slashed fiercely!

"Puff!" There were two muffled sounds, and where the huge black knife passed, the fiery red beam of light was split open in one blow, and the fire pillar attack released by the intermediate talisman was broken by Wang Xuan with a single blow!

Seeing that the pillar of fire disappeared, Wang Xuan shot out suddenly. He glanced at Xiao Wan and Luo Yu who hadn't fled away. After a fierce light flashed in his eyes, he pointed lightly at the huge black knife above his head, and the black knife trembled. Underneath, it turned into seven black knives again, and then, Wang Xuan swung these seven black flying knives violently!

I saw the seven black knives split into two, four black knives emitted four deep black lights, and shot towards Xiao Wan like lightning, while the other three black knives chased after Luo Yu with the same deep black light flashing!

At this moment, Luo Yu happened to have arrived at the place where the mechanism was hidden just now. If there is any way out here, this is the only place!

But before Luo Yu could twist the bulge on the stone wall, he saw three black throwing knives and wanted to chase after him. There is a big change in momentum from just now!

With a clear sound of "嗖!", the Bi Ling Han Halberd flew out of his hand in an instant. Luo Yu's spiritual power in his body was almost exhausted at this moment. Come together!

"Ding ding!" There were two strange crisp sounds from the collision, and Bai Si's attack, which Luo Yu was most proud of, shook violently twice, and then broke apart inch by inch. After the black knife broke through Bai Si's block, , without stopping to shoot at Luo Yu quickly, at such a short distance, even if Luo Yu wanted to take out any treasure from the storage bag to resist, it would be too late!

At the juncture of life and death, Luo Yu resisted the panic in his heart, and suddenly his face sank. Luo Yu's face flashed a flash of determination, and he quickly flung out the golden thunder sword that had appeared slightly cracked in his right hand. Even black throwing knives can't block it, at this moment it is possible to forcibly join the attack of three black throwing knives, in Wang Xuan's view, this move is nothing more than a mantis' arm playing a cart!

But looking at the expression on Luo Yu's face, he didn't look like that kind of stupid person, could it be that he was dizzy at the moment!

However, the confident expression on Wang Xuan's face didn't last long, and he froze for a moment. He saw Luo Yu pointing out with incomparable dignity, and a spur of spiritual power flew out, but it was not directed towards the Golden Thunder Sword. As soon as the spiritual power turned, it was submerged into the five-color sword benefits under the hilt of the Golden Thunder Sword!

"Peng!" A burst of melodious chirping came to mind!

The long beard of the five-color sword Hui unfolded at once, quickly separated from the hilt, and turned into five-color light threads, and the light flows on the light threads, which is amazing!

As soon as these five-color light threads appeared, they quickly converged on Luo Yu's chest. Then, the five-color light threads were lined up side by side one by one. Under the flashing light, a dazzling five-color light mirror was instantly formed. As the five-color light mirror spun, three black knives just hit it!

"Dangdang!" There was a strange sound when the two objects collided, and the deep black light on Wang Xuan's flying knife was directly bounced off by the five-color light mirror, just like ordinary strong light shining on the mirror, it was reflected back!

However, although the five-color light mirror bounced away the mana on the three black black knives, the huge impact brought by the three black knives knocked the five-color light mirror away with a 'snap', and even the people behind the five-color light mirror Luo Yu was also knocked into the air, hit the wall with a muffled sound, and Luo Yu spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground!

At the same time, the five-color sword benefit fell on Luo Yu's body without the support of mana.

"What is this?" Wang Xuan cried out in surprise when he saw the black light on his black throwing knife being bounced off, and at the same time that Wang Xuan was surprised, an even more miserable cry came from the passage. out!

It was Xiao Wan's scream before he died. One of the four black flying knives chasing Xiao Wan was stuck in the woman's throat, and the other three were entangled with the blue ribbon magic weapon. Together, and because there was no control of the master of the magic weapon, the blue ribbon magic weapon was chopped into several sections and fell to the ground after repeated blows from the black flying knife, after whining several times!

Under the violent impact of the black flying knife, Luo Yu's internal organs were shaken quite a bit, but at this moment when he heard Xiao Wan's screams before death, he jumped up with great pain. At this moment, the black flying knife was struck The five-color light mirror just stabilized after bouncing away, and this moment of delay, Luo Yu seized the opportunity to press on the protrusion on the stone wall, and twisted hard with one hand!

"Ka Ka!" There was a rumbling sound on the stone wall, and then a dark stone crack was exposed!

"You can't run away!" Seeing Luo Yu suddenly opened the stone wall, Wang Xuan was startled and hurriedly moved the three black throwing knives not far from Luo Yu. A black light flashed, and the three black throwing knives were like shooting stars. However, it shot right in front of Luo Yu in an instant, and just when Wang Xuan and Luo Yu felt that everything was about to end, a golden curtain of light suddenly appeared on the entire stone wall, enclosing Luo Yu inside. It came so suddenly that Wang Xuan's black throwing knife was just blocked by the yellow light curtain!

"Bang bang!" There were three muffled sounds, and the astonishingly powerful black flying knife slashed on the light curtain without even making any waves. There were only two low and muffled sounds!

And Luo Yu took advantage of this opportunity to jump into the split stone crack with a flash. The moment Luo Yu entered, the crack rumbled and then slowly closed, but the yellow light curtain was It didn't disappear, but a dazzling brilliance still shone to envelop the stone wall, and at the moment when the stone wall was completely closed, Luo Yu heard Emperor Xuan's angry roar...


After a long time, in a dark cave, a figure in a gray robe was slowly walking forward. This person seemed to be extremely careful, looking around every few steps!

It was Luo Yu who survived the catastrophe and escaped into the crack!

"What the hell kind of place is this?" Luo Yu muttered in amazement, and couldn't help shaking the wet mud on the soles of his feet while speaking.

I saw that the crack was full of dirty mud everywhere, and the ground under my feet was even more muddy. If I walked slower, my feet would be silted up. Moreover, after Luo Yu came in, he suddenly felt a more violent wind than before. He has a strong spiritual sense, and he might lose his mind by this mysterious cold wind!

At this moment, he is walking in the direction of the wind. Since there is wind, there must be an exit!

(Second update) Today is not the third update, but the fourth update, the third update at 09:30, and the fourth update at 10:30, Youdao is fighting!

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